JokoRoots: Jokokan Amager – Back to the roots, with a smile on his face.

By Søren Nielsen, Communications Committee

As promised in the article "I-camp 2004" and in the introduction to the column "Jokokan Denmark - who are we", I will now tell you about my own school.

Jokokan Amager was started in March 2003. I have always had a desire to have the opportunity to have my own school. At the same time, it has also always been a requirement of myself that there should be something in the hinterland that could support and develop me and my school. Even though I didn't think I was ready for it when I was asked at the time if I wanted to start the school, I am very happy that Jokokan's Federal Board convinced me that I was ready. It is typical for Jokokan to convince students that they can do much more than they themselves think.

Jokokan's grandmaster in Japan, Soke Sensei Tonegawa, has previously been the grandmaster of another karate school, which is also located in Amager. Therefore, I also had the idea that there must still be potential for a school that was somehow connected to him. Furthermore, I saw it as an honor to be allowed to represent his system and organization at Amager. It's almost like going back to the roots. On a rainy July Wednesday and at the risk of sounding schizophrenic, I decided to do an interview with myself so that you out there can get an insight into Jokokan Amager and who I am and what I want with Jokokan Amager .

Why did you start training at Jokokan?
When I started, I had spent a year looking for the "right" system for me. I knew about Jokokan from Gimle Medborgerhus, where I trained in another club. I also knew Jokokan's grandmaster Soke Sensei Tonegawa from a third club, in which I trained from 1986 until 1996. Therefore, it was no coincidence that I started in Jokokan, it was the right system for me.

What makes you still train in Jokokan?
Jokokan simply has what I'm looking for. Openness, development and lots of challenges. Yakami-ryu is a system that I can highly recommend to everyone. Although I had been training elsewhere for many years, it is only when I start in Jokokan that I really understand and feel what it means to develop through your training.

What do you see as the core of Jokokan Amager?
It is hard to say. We are still new as a school, but if I have to point to something, it has to be the humorous, relaxed and serious spirit that prevails in the school. It's good to see that everyone has a smile on their face, both before and after training. And especially when I tell a bad joke.

Do you do anything special to create community in your school?
We try to create an atmosphere that makes the students feel welcome from the start and that they are part of a community. It is very important that there are no students who feel left out.

What do you as a school do to get new students?
Drive the common per campaign in Jokokan and makes sure to create some good ambassadors for the school. Furthermore, we are very aware of where there are potential students and where we have the opportunity to be seen.

What do you as a school do to get new students to stay?
Inspire and motivate them. Makes them feel safe and welcome. It is of course important that the training is exciting, that is why they come. In addition, it is important to listen if the students have something on their mind. Even if it is somewhat negative.

Do you think Jokokan Denmark is different from other organisations?
Yes, I'm pretty sure of that. The attitude and thoughts that exist in Jokokan, I have not heard or seen anywhere else. It is an organization where the members are listened to and where there is an opportunity to make a difference. I really believe that there are many business leaders who could learn something from the Jokokan organization.

What do you do as a school to create a social gathering?
Talk together. It is important to make everyone feel safe and that they have a good experience. We haven't done the big social gathering yet, but I know that some of the students have something in the pipeline, and I'm looking forward to that.

What do you do yourself as an instructor?
Makes sure to create a relaxed and safe atmosphere. It must be a good experience to be at training. I'm probably what you could call a fun uncle. I always manage to talk to everyone who has come to training, and if there are some students who want to tell something, I listen. It is important to show that as a head instructor you can have fun teaching.

What is your goal/dream with Jokokan Amager?
To have a solid and developing school. A school where the students and instructors can drive home with a smile on their faces after training. A smile that is a sign that they have had a fun and educational training session. It is also a goal to be known in the local community as a serious school where development and good training are paramount.

What is your own goal/dream as an instructor and student in Jokokan?
To become incredibly skilled. And with that, create an atmosphere that makes the students just have to go to training, even if there is a national football match on the television. After all, you can always rent a big screen that can entice students to practice. I have also always had as a goal to be able to train when I reach old age.

Do you think that Jokokan Amager can do something for the local community?
Yes, if we become visible and make people understand that there is an alternative that has tools to make their everyday lives easier, then I am sure that we have done something really good for the local community. It is important to show that karate does not necessarily have to be rigid and boring, but that training karate can be fun and educational at the same time.

Management: Søren Nielsen, born 1967,

Stainless small smith and European Welding Specialist.
Has been in the stainless forging industry for 20 years.

Budo Cv.
From 1983 to 1986 he trained various styles, including Shotokan and WT. In 1986 he started at Amager Karate School, training Gensei-ryu Karate. From 1996 to 1999 he trained Gensei-ryu Karate in Gimle Medborgerhus. In 2000 he started in Jokokan.

December 1992 1st dan Gensei-ryu Karate.
February 2003 1st dan Yakami-ryu Gensei Karate-do.
June 2004 2nd dan Yakami-ryu Gensei Karate-do.

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