Jokokan Shiatsu massage training

By Jokokan Honbu

Starting in February 2004, Jokokan Honbu-dojo introduces, as something new, the Jokokan Shiatsu training to Jokokan Denmark's members, including family friends and supporters. The training is organized in 3 modules, one month apart, and there is an internship between each module to give the participants optimal benefit and learning.

At Jokokan, we have this philosophy: If we can "hurt" we must also be able to "heal" - we must know both sides.

The Shiatsu training gives the participants precisely the general understanding of the body's anatomy and energy pathways, which is essential for Yakami-ryu Karate-do, while also giving the participants the tools, knowledge and understanding to be able to help themselves and others.

The Shiatsu training is the basic training which provides knowledge about massage, anatomy and meridians. The Shiatsu training is subsequently supplemented with Ki courses 1, 2 and 3, which teach the participants to generate and activate ki (energy) and then by Ki & Meditation courses 1 and 2, which expand the participants' knowledge and understanding of the larger connections in human development. and opportunities for self-realization, where parts of Yakami-ryu's toolbox with 1,000 years of experience are used in an unpretentious and direct way.

The Shiatsu education is made up of 3 modules with theory and teaching, as well as 2 mandatory internship periods that follow respectively modules 1, 2 and 3. The modules are dependent on each other and build the participants' knowledge step by step. Each module consists of 3.5 hours of teaching including extensive course material followed by 6 x 1 hours of documented practice.

A total of 10 hours of instruction in Yakami-ryu Shiatsu and at least 18 hours of documented practice. Participants who have passed the complete Yakami-ryu Shiatsu module can later register for the Yakami-ryu Ki module and the Yakami-ryu Ki & Meditation module, which make up the complete Yakami-ryu Health education with a total of 30 hours of teaching and at least 60 hours of documented practice.

A Yakami-ryu health education is also planned, which includes an overall Yakami-ryu diet module and an overall Yakami-ryu physical training module, which illuminates the similarities and differences between the latest Western scientific research and the ancient Eastern philosophy of diet & exercise .

The Yakami-ryu health education will have the same number of teaching hours and documented practice as the Yakami-ryu Health education. Together they make up the Yakami-ryu "Health & Health" education with a total of at least 60 hours of teaching and 120 hours of documented practice. This education is for everyone.

Yakami-ryu Shiatsu module overview.

  • Module 1 – General relaxation, techniques and skill
  • Compulsory internship 1: Each participant must perform 6 documented treatments of 1 hour.
  • Module 2 – Arms, legs and special points
  • Compulsory internship 2: Each participant must perform 6 documented treatments of 1 hour.
  • Module 3 – Meridian teachings, the body's 14 energy pathways.
  • Compulsory internship 3: Each participant must perform 6 documented treatments of 1 hour.
  • Test – 1 hour written test and overall certificate.
    When participants have completed Jokokan's Shiatsu training, they will be able to diagnose, treat and balance the body's muscles and organs using the Shiatsu method.

Who can participate?
All of Jokokan Denmark's members, supporters, family and friends who are over 12 years old can do this. At Jokokan, knowledge is for everyone - and everyone who takes the Shiatsu training will benefit themselves and others and thus also for Jokokan.

All Jokokan's instructors work voluntarily and unpaid in their spare time to pass on knowledge, experience and insight based on Yakami-ryu's 1,000-year-old toolbox and according to the beautiful motto "Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself". Therefore, the price is set at only DKK 800

Jokokan Master Practitioner SHODEN.
The Yakami-ryu Shiatsu training is part of the 3 pillars of the Jokokan Master practitioner SHODEN training. The 3 pillars are:

  • Pillar 1 – Yakami-ryu Health Education
  • Pillar 2 – Yakami-ryu Health Education
  • Pillar 3 – Yakami-ryu Karate-do incl. courses

The Jokokan Master practitioner SHODEN education contains at least 1,000 hours of teaching and several thousand hours of documented practice in order to maintain a high and credible standard. These quality and competence requirements will ensure Jokokan's current and future members a continued high standard under constant development, where knowledge is available to anyone who may wish for it.

The training begins on Friday, February 6, 2004.

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