16,000 hits & over 125 students

By Jokokan Federation

Traffic on Jokokan's website continues to increase. Before the summer holidays, an English version of Jokokan's website became available, which has significantly increased traffic from overseas continents and Europe. Out of approx. 16,000 hits in September selected approx. 5,400 to click through to Jokokan's website. Well over 800 spent over 1 minute on the website, and all those interested together spent more than a combined 18 hours reading about Jokokan and Yakami-ryu. For which we are grateful.

But it is not enough that interest in our homepage is increasing. At the same time, the number of members in the Jokokan Danmark association has crept up to over 100 active members without us noticing. We have actually become over 125 training students spread over 5 schools in Jokokan Denmark, which is almost a doubling in just one year.

We are very happy and proud that Jokokan has purposefully succeeded in getting the qualities, skills and messages of the martial art system Yakami-ryu out to far more people than before; and that several people have enthusiastically taken up Jokokan's offer and enrolled in a Jokokan school or joined Jokokan Denmark. Furthermore, over 13,000 Internet users from all over the world found their way onto Jokokan's website in the third quarter of 2002.

We thank you for your trust. We know that this increasing interest obliges. We will continue to make it better and better; make a difference and continuously strive towards the optimum. We will do our best and thank you for your support and trust.

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
