“On 4 day work trip for Jokokan”

Every year Jokokan's Kaicho and Shihan-dai go on a 4-day working trip for Jokokan, where the main tasks and ideas for the coming year or years are worked through and structured. This also happened this year. So after getting time off from work, family, duties and having kissed the dog goodbye, we set off on a 4-day very intensive and well-prepared work camp with each of our laptops, CD-ROMs with all kinds of materials and hard-copy documents.

We had 4 main items on the agenda:

1). Updating and rewriting the 12-year-old statutes on 3 levels; Jokokan Europe, member countries and personal membership – in a logical cascade and connection between these.

2). Updating, compilation and rewriting of the between 1-12 year old guidelines for 3 levels; Jokokan Europe, member countries and personal membership – in a logical cascade and connection between these.

3). The development of a unified concept for diplomas and certificates at 3 levels; Jokokan Europe, member countries and personal membership – in a logical cascade and connection between these, and actual design and design of the certificates.

4). Discussion, presentation and design of the internal "rules of the game" between the work and ideal areas: Jokokan (organization) and Yashin Mon Yakami no Taijutsu (martial art system), and the connection between these and their consequences.

The first night we switched off the computers at 01:00, the next night at 01:30 and last night at 01:00. We were so engrossed in work that the silence of the night was often interrupted; "…are you sleeping? because I was also just thinking about…” – which was not always appropriate when the next morning the alarm clock rang at 06:30, and a new working day for Jokokan again began at 08:00 at the chopping board on the brought laptops.

When we were asked about the feedback on a private event when we got home, we had to say with shame that we hadn't talked about it at all. In fact, we hadn't talked about private subjects at all during the whole trip!.

But we kind of didn't care about that either, since the main Jokokan purposes of the trip had been fulfilled, and 2 x 60 working hours were probably over.

We look forward to presenting the results of the work trip to you at the upcoming Jokokan General Assembly on 24 May at the Borrevejle centre, Lindenborg near Roskilde. Well met!."

With best regards
Yamana Sensei

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
