Everything was in the name of the Emperor, of course!
Which was quite thought provoking when I now tell the historical truth
Japan had two imperial houses for a short period from 1288-1339; The southern one with Emperor Go-daigo and the northern one "supported" by the Ashikaga shogunate, - which is the imperial house that exists today.
Go-daigo secured the imperial house's power from 1333-1336 through intrigues, successful power struggles and ambitious Daimyo lieutenants, who were able to fight his cause and briefly overthrew the Kamakura shogunate, after which a new shogun won the place; Ashikaga.
Moreover, a process in which the Yamana-Itotani sheriff family had a decisive role.
From 1868, Genro, Satsuma, Choshu, etc. shouted about "Restore the emperor's divine power as with Go-Daigo - the southern emperor!".
A battle cry that justified the overthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the installation of the 15-year-old Emperor Meiji.
The problem was simply that Emperor Meiji was actually the Northern Emperor.
So maybe it was a clear signal to Emperor Meiji to do the right thing, or the end justifies the means.
But it also meant that in the period 1946-47 during the US-led military court of inquiry, 19 men came forward, all of whom could produce a Koseki - family register which led 19-21 generations directly back to the "Southern Emperor".
Some gained sympathy - but the Allies and Japan kept Emperor Hirohito.
As previously mentioned, it is also thought-provoking with regard to Genro's background and the glorification of the Meiji period in relation to historical facts. But it also belongs to the fact that the emperor is divine in Japan.
All the Genro had no national or local county executive top management experience, but were exclusively selected by the Daimyo county princes, as representatives at the beginning because they had studied in the west - and because the emperor liked them.
What a top job selection criterion!
"Become Deputy Prime Minister! Or future prime minister! You do not need any managerial, educational or professional top management experience. You just have to have studied abroad and then the emperor has to like you!”
Their function in the local county principality had been at the lowest, or at best, middle management level.
And now their function was to lead Japan from a medieval society to a modern one - at least that is what they have taken credit for and been given credit for by Emperor Meiji.
It is indeed with great modifications, but in Japan you do not contradict the emperor, especially not when it can cost you "Power, honor, finances or your head".
Remember that the Japanese school books were only modified closer to the historical truth in recent times and only partially and gradually!
But the truth is that after a few years, statesmen came along with far greater national and local top management experience, who increasingly came to lead more and more autonomously.
We know them well today as the true heroes, leaders and backbone of the impressive transformation that Japan went through. But it is sensible to rewrite an official version of history from 1867-1945.
SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
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