The slap that helped

By Lennart Gabrielsen, Member until 2013

When we started training again in January, Søren Renshi-dai told me that Kimu Sensei had asked if I was ready to be appointed to the 3rd kyu for the spring camp on 8.3.08. It was of course up to me whether I was ready, and I thought I probably should be. Mentally I had gone and hoped that I would be appointed and I did.

I was told that graduation consisted of a physical test and a syllabus test. I found that some of the things that I had learned in the beginning had been leaked from the hard drive. But there was only training, training and training.

Leading up to the physical test, there was a lot of speculation about where the test would be held. It had not yet been decided whether the test would be held indoors or outdoors. I was contacted by Søren Renshi-dai, who asked me if I could find a place where the test could be held. The day before the test was to be held, I was told that the test would be held in Slagelse. It seemed strange that we did not know exactly where and when the test was to be held. But it was guaranteed to be quite a test. What you don't know always puts you under pressure.

Then came the day 23.2.08 – physical test.

I had trained seriously with running and bronze circle. I thought according to curriculum that I had to do the bronze circle within 12 minutes, then a 3-minute break and then run 2.4 km in 12 minutes, so I had trained for that, both on the treadmill and on the street.

When we got to the fitness center in Slagelse, I was told that I had to run 2661 meters in 12 minutes. and the bronze circle within 12 min., but the break was 6 min. I had to start, then it was Ida's turn and finally Claus.

I made the bronze circle of approx. 7-8 min. and it was fine. I was not pressured here. 6 min break, and then onto the treadmill. I had got a speed of 13.3 km/h. It should be enough for me to reach it, but the treadmill was approx. 1/2 min. to reach the 13.3 km/h so Keld Renshi-dai picked up the pace. I ran 2669 in 12 minutes, so it was approved. When I finished, Ida was running. I encouraged as best I could. Claus eventually ran and he received the same encouragement.

The next day, Søren Renshi-dai called and told me that all three of us had passed the physical test. “YES” – I was happy about that.

At the next training, Søren Renshi-dai said that we had to do the syllabus test on Friday evening, 7.3.08. At the same time, I should expect the entire syllabus from 9.-3. kyu would be reviewed that night. What I think was the worst was not knowing what was going to happen. Mentally it was difficult. But I thought - I can handle that!

At the syllabus test we did some different exercises from the syllabus. I know I made some mistakes, but I think it went OK myself.

When Kimu Sensei came back in after voting with the other instructors, he first called Ida forward - she had done well and passed. Claus had also passed. Then I was called forward. I got a proper "slap", I feel myself. It had gone really badly. I had, among other things, made many mistakes in finishing and I lacked focus and intensity. I got a "ho" and only if I pulled myself together and did a super good performance at training camp the next day would I pass and get my brown belt.

I felt frustrated and disappointed. I think it was very unfair. But on the way home, I talked the process through with Janus, and that helped the mood a little. When I got home I wanted to quit karate more than anything. I thought about it a lot and decided that I should pull myself together and achieve my goal. Also because I don't want to stop. I think I feel really good about myself, both mentally and physically and I will continue to practice karate in Shindenkan.

Saturday 8.3.08. The training camp.

Juri and I had to meet earlier to check off the arriving participants, Søren Renshi-dai came up to me and asked: Are you ready and excited, and I answered: YES!

The training started according to plan and everything went well, I tried to stay focused and be 100 % on.

At one point during the training, we had to do kata and Jens Kyoshi said to me: Lennart there is room here in front, right up in front of the podium, I tried to "overhear" it but Jens Kyoshi repeated it to me and then I thought, that's it now Lennart, I lined up at the front and tried to be focused on all the technicians.

Then we came to the actual graduation for Claus, Ida and me. We did some curriculum, katas and to finish we had to have a pillow fight with instructors. We were told that we had to get the instructors down to the ribs if we could. I stood in front of Keld Renshi-dai and thought "I just have to take him down to the ribs". The first round we only had to hit and make enpi. I gave it everything I had and nearly took him down to the ribs.

A short break, then second round. We only had to kick there. I tried again to give everything I had, but I could feel that the strength was about to give up. “Yamae!”, finally after what felt like a very long practice.

Then again a short break, third round. Combined punch and kick. It was sheer survival, and I can only thank Keld Renshi-dai for persevering. His encouragement “come on Lennart, punch, kick, come on – keep going. You can do it.”, it was mostly his words and a certain amount of stubbornness on my part that got me through. Finally, it blackened before my eyes, and when it released “Yamae!” was shouted, it was completely sold out at my place.

Then the instructors went out to vote. When they returned, Kimu Sensei called out those who had passed. And finally he reached Ida, Claus and me. We were asked to come up to the podium. First Ida was called forward, she had passed with honours. Then it was Claus, he had also passed. In the end it was me. I was also told that I had passed - luckily. I was so happy I can't describe it. It has meant a lot to me deep inside. It is a big step towards the dream of the black belt.

The next day I thought about Friday's test and had to admit that I took it far too lightly, and thought that I would probably pass it. But the "slap" I got has undoubtedly been healthy for me. Also because there is not far from self-confidence and belief that one can, to arrogance.

All my life until now, I've been lucky and good at pretty much every sport I've tried. It has been easy for me to learn the different sports. So I would like to say thank you to Kimu Sensei for waking me up from my ego and I hope to be a little more humble in the future. And then I would like to say thank you for the extra chance.

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