3-2.kyu: My! journey to the brown belt

By Henrik Jørgensen, Member until 2015

Actually, I wasn't supposed to practice karate at all, but in the winter of 2004, my son Tobias came home and told me that he had wanted to try this kind of fighting technique, and since he wasn't old enough to go to training alone , I of course attended some of the training sessions.

However, there was no plan for me to train with him, but Rune shishu had a different opinion about that, so after a few training hours where he asked several times if it wasn't soon time for me to get started myself, I had to Just trying to see if I could join.

So after a few times of training, I realized that it was actually just something for me, so I signed up in the summer of 2005.

Then it went step by step, I attended and passed my graduations from 10 kyu and then to 6 kyu which I passed on the summer tenant 2007.

When the start of the 2007/2008 season started, I was offered to become an assistant instructor on team 3 in the local school, I accepted, and in the 2 years on team 3 I have had the basic and basic principles literally hammered home.

After the winter camp in 2008, I was appointed to 3 kyu together with Søren Hansen from Ballerup department. We then started an extra joint training together with Jan, Jonas and Margit every other Friday, to get in better technical and physical shape. The good thing about training together with others in this way (Team Group) is that we all have something to offer, however it requires that each of you has practiced the syllabus from home.

In addition, I started running training 1-2 times a week on trips of 3 to 5 km. as well as 2 times 1 hour self-training at home, so there weren't many days when I didn't train from the middle of January until the spring tenant on 22/3 2009.

There were 4 of us from the local school who were selected, so there would be a lot of focus on each one.

The physical test went as it should, but for the syllabus test I was too unsure and was told by Kimu Sensei that there was a small chance of passing if I completed the actual graduation on Sunday without mistakes and with the right attitude.

On Sunday I got the full screw, I started with 100 % focus and knew the best I could, but as the day progressed I got a bit tired and for the kata test part I made some big mistakes which meant that I didn't pass a whole degree, but enough for a Ho degree, it meant that I had to start over, as all tests must be passed in a context.

Then it was just about getting back on the horse and doing better this time.

However, I should have just completed a confirmation for my eldest son on 16 May

Then I started running 5 km. 2 times a week, a few long swims at Ishøj beach and technical training 2 to 3 times a week at home. in addition, there was also time for a couple of joint training sessions with Søren, Margit, Jonas and Jan, which were all worth it, as we added a large amount of curriculum to each other as well as good camaraderie.

Before the actual syllabus test, Jens Kyoshi held a small sample of the syllabus for those of us who were set, I could feel that I was much more confident this time, however I was told that I should probably save a little on the gunpowder as there was otherwise a risk because I would burn it off too quickly and possibly stall in the middle of a kate or shiho.

I then practiced doing the techniques at a slower pace and more correctly and that helped quite a bit.

For the physical test which was held at Sørens Hansen's work in Søborg, I was a little bit uneasy and had had stomach problems for a few days, but as Jens Kyoshi said, it was probably just a little nervousness.

There were 5 of us who had to do the test and there were only 2 treadmills, so Søren offered himself as a partner to Lennart, who had to go up to 2. Kyu, I performed the 3 circles in approx. 6 minutes then we got 6 min. break, it went well to get the heart rate down before we had to run, I ran over 3000 m in the 12 min. and was well satisfied with my results for the test.

The following week I sat for the syllabus test again, this time with a lot more confidence, there were 8 of us. that had to go up. Jens Kyoshi came out and picked us up and he told us that Kimu Sensei was not in a particularly good mood today, so we had to really tighten up, as said as done (Ed. Part of the self-confidence and stress test staging). Last time there were 6 Chief Instructors sitting and shaking their heads at us, but this time we were alone with Kimu Sensei. He stood with the new syllabus in hand and asked if we had read it, I only got hold of it on Wednesday, we had all seen it, but not enough to be heard in it this time.

He explained that we shouldn't bother with a smile, that he was somewhat specific in his speech, and then the test started.

Kata, ido-unsoku, unsoku and shiho in a long stream which we didn't finish most of the way before we had to start something new, and yet unsoku no. 2 we then got done with Naname-uke, Geden-barai, Age-uke and some high ki-ai.

After that, a number of questions were asked in the syllabus, which we had to answer individually.

Then we were told to put on gloves and mouthguards, because then there was task-fighting, Kjeld and Brian Renshi-dai demonstrating what had to be done and then it was our turn. We had to run Task-fighthing at recommended 50 %, if we got over the 50 %, Kimu Sensei would interfere in the fight, sigh.

We all made it through with no major injuries and bumps and I passed the test….. YES!!!

The day after the actual graduation, Ukemi was on the program with and without a partner, then we had to refine the Kata Ten-I and perform it in reverse, - it was an out-of-the-box discovery.

Then came the actual test of the Kata. We started with Ten-I, the one we know very well now and then Chi-i, Pinan 1 to 5, Jin-i and finally for my added Naihanchi

well, we also performed Unsoku no. 2, but without Ki-ai.

It all had to end with the big pillow knocking test, I had almost looked forward to this task, because the last energy had to be delivered there, and I had also tried it 3 months ago, so I knew what I was getting into this time. .

But even if you know what it's about, it's f... a tough game.

It was a very satisfying experience to complete the graduation because I did not have the same pressure as last time, I had also become somewhat better at adapting my energy consumption.

Becoming 3 Kyu is something of a milestone for me, since just 5 years ago I didn't even think about training karate, even though I started late, I have the courage to continue my journey with the challenges that may come hear along.

If you want something, you have to try if you can, otherwise you can probably learn it.

Otherwise, I would like to finally say a big thank you for the help and support from everyone who has taught and trained with me leading up to graduation.

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