Welcome to RRCamp and back to life.

By Brian Jessen, Member until 2011

After a good long summer vacation where family came first, I had been invited to my first RRCamp by Kimu Sensei.

I didn't show what RRCamp was going to be about. The only thing I showed was that I had to show up at the Hilton in Malmö on Friday 20 August at 13.00 and would be finished on Saturday 21 August approx. at 3 p.m. Right up to RRCamp I got an email to be prepared for the unexpected and that I shouldn't expect to get very much sleep, if any at all.

I had read the articles that Jens Kyoshi had written about the times he had been away, but I could not think of those articles, as I had been told that I should be prepared for the unexpected. However, the thoughts were set in motion and I couldn't stop thinking about any of the things that Jens Kyoshi has written about. And here my RRCamp had already started, since I did exactly what I shouldn't, namely pretending a lot of things that I would be exposed to and not just being prepared for the unexpected.

The last half year has been a very difficult time for me and my event in Shindenkan has been running at a very low level.

I was therefore very nervous when I showed up at the Hilton. I had not met Kimu Sensei for several months and I showed that my physical and mental condition was not the best. I didn't just have butterflies in my stomach, I had big swans in my stomach. Leading up to camp, my mood had fluctuated a lot. At times I felt like I could pull it off without a problem and at other times I was very close to cancelling.

But now I was standing in front of Kimu Sensei with the others and RRCamp was in earnest.

The camp was a big test of where we were, both physically and mentally. All the while we were driven to give our best 100%. There was no time to relax. There was only one way, and that was forward.

As written before, I didn't think my physical and mental state was the best and I used that as an excuse for myself. I was an inhibition to myself on Friday. I tried to be something I wasn't. I lived in an illusion and did not see myself as I was.

Sometime in the night between Friday and Saturday, it suddenly dawned on me that I couldn't be anyone but myself. If my physical and mental condition wasn't the best, it wasn't the best. I had to accept that I was where I was and the only one who could change it was me. The only one to blame was me.

So on Saturday I showed that I could only give my best, my 100%. Yes, it cost me a trip to the toilet where the breakfast came up and didn't taste as good as the first time, but I had given my 100% my best. All of a sudden it was easier for me to say the things that I meant, it was easier for me to solve the tasks, since I only had to solve them where I was mentally. I shouldn't solve them by imagining how others thought it should be solved. I only had to solve them by doing what I thought it should be done. I just had to be myself, as I was on Saturday, August 21, 2010.

Saturday 21 August 2010 at 15.00 in the parking basements of the Hilton hotel in Malmö, I stood as a changed man, again with a positive view of life, of Shndenkan, of my training and especially of myself.

Life is good!!!!

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SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

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