By Jokokan Ballerup

On Wednesday 17 March, Shindenkan held Grandparents' Day in the Barefoot hall at Måløvhallen.

Invitations had been handed out, and Shindenkan's jokokidz and -teenz had practiced diligently for a display for Grandparents' Day, as well as part of the teaching, but also at home there had been diligent practice. The framework and content for the show was set by Jokoteenz Elisabet, Anders and Simon, all 3 very skilled performers with the degrees 1st dan, 3rd kyu and 4th kyu.

Shindenkan's Jokokidz and –teenz lined up in a packed barefoot hall of grandparents and parents alike. The atmosphere was expectant, and no one left disappointed. The athletes demonstrated the practiced techniques in the best possible way - walking basis, kata and kumite.

Walking base was demonstrated by punches and kicks. Kata were presented according to the level of the practitioners, from the first kata practiced – Ten-I – to some of the most difficult. Kata is a detailed choreographed pattern of certain movements, which includes punches, kicks and blocks, among other things. Concentration was painted on the faces of the group of Jokokidz and –teenz.

The display ended with kumite, presented as a multi-directional combat exercise with multiple opponents, and demonstrated from the concept of values and what can happen when you meet others with a different set of values, symbolized by combat.

Proud grandparents clapped tactfully and proud jokokidz and -teenz beamed. There was no doubt that there had been diligent practice, and it was expressed in the best way.

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