Spring meeting 2013

By Martin E. Hansen, Member until 2018

Shake it….

We have gradually reached a maximum number of participants at our events in Shindenkan Denmark, which is around 200 participants plus the audience of course, so we are usually between 400-500 during an event. This was thus also the case at this year's spring meeting with 203 registrants, of which approx. 132 were set for graduation. Of course, we can make room for a few more, so we are still looking to beat the record - maybe we will be 250 at the summer meeting, who knows 🙂 Spring meeting was now so much said, as the thermometer still showed minus degrees and with the prospect of snow and even lower temperatures. But in Shindenkan, we carry the warmth in our hearts and nothing can dampen the good mood, not even a biting spring cold.

Quite unusually, this year's spring meeting did not start until 1:30 p.m., which was due to a new concept in Shindenkan. Kimu Sensei is constantly developing the curriculum, but also the teaching method and the framework, and this year had chosen to introduce BB LUS (Brown Belt Leader Development Seminar), just as is the case with SBTLUS before Christmas and the summer conventions. It was Jens Hanshi-dai who had the pleasure of filling out the framework and teaching according to the common thread and plan laid out by Kimu Sensei. BBLUS started on Friday afternoon until late evening and then continued on Saturday until approx. at 12.00, after which the participants continued at the spring meeting. Those who think that they could now relax at the spring meeting must think again, as it is only here that they get Kimu Sensei's attention and have to show everything they have learned during BBLUS implemented in the training at the spring meeting. Going forward, it is also intended that as part of the brown belt graduation, you must participate at BTLUS, just as is the case for black belts at SBTLUS. This both to ensure a high standard, but also so that Kimu Sensei has a chance to see the graduates perform for a longer period of time. You can read much more about how BBLUS went in the knowledge forum when the participants' articles come up. But judging by the participants' facial expressions and sweaty mouths, it had been absolutely fantastic and very educational.

True to tradition, Kimu Sensei opened this year's spring training camp with a welcome and a brief presentation of the coaching teams, who were very reluctantly introduced from the podium. A very important detail, as all the participants knew which teaching team they should apply to when the lessons start. The teaching is arranged according to TG groups - following the same common thread as the syllabus. It is only thanks to Kimu Sensei's planning and training of the instructors that such a large event runs like a herring in oil, and all the instructors are passionate about giving the participants a really good experience. At the same time, there are also all the preparations, both with regard to the teaching, but also the practical things that event manager Søren Renshi ensures are in place and there is staffing for all the tasks – setting up the podium, driving and laying out mats, check-off staff, etc.

As it should be, the instructors had prepared something fun for the warm-up, which follows the trend of the time, so Martin Renshi introduced a new concept ShindenShake a dance style that most of all cannot be determined as it is totally styleless. The only thing that is agreed upon is that the dance starts after an indication from a main dancer, who keeps the hips moving until the moment when everyone goes crazy. In fact, the Harlem Shake dance has stolen the concept from Shindenkan 🙂 First lesson which was set for a little half an hour and gave an introduction to fall technique after the old school, for some just a recap of ju jutsu course 1, for others an insight into just a of the multi-tracked pillars of Yakami Shinsei-ryu. The message of this basic Ju-jutsu, which is also the most important, is to take care of yourself in several respects, as proper fall technique can save you from hitting yourself if you fall or get thrown in combat, but also to be aware around you and must oversee the safety of others and your own when doing fall technique. As with everything else in the curriculum handbook, ju-jutsu is built up step by step when the student is ready for it and ends for the time being with ju-jutsu 3 which, among other things, is an introduction to floor fighting in its most brutal form 🙂

After a break, it was time for the next lesson, which lasted almost 2 hours, only interrupted by a short break. Here, emphasis was placed on the essence of karate – kata. But kata is not just empty movements and gymnastics, although it certainly looks like this. There are, of course, karate systems where it just becomes a point-giving figure exercise and thus the visual expression that is emphasized. The old masters who made the katas in their time must be turning in their graves, as the katas are of course made for a reason 🙂 The reason is simple – combat. When fighting after kata is trained, it is called bunkai (Translated from Japanese it means analysis or dissection) i.e. you "peel" the kata apart and examine it bit by bit, what is it used for? It obviously takes time and the almost 2 hours was not too much at all to get through just one kata for each TG group. The tools to understand the struggle ie. bunkai is trained through kihon and kumite, therefore it is often referred to as the 3 k's kihon, kumite and kata in that order and not to be confused with an extreme right-wing movement from the North American southern states KKK.

Many of the participants were very tender and especially the jokokidz, when at approached 4.30pm and the end of the day's lessons, but the start of the highlight for many – graduation. But no end without a good warm-up, which was again done for the loose ShindenShake – this time performed by Søren Renshi. Thus, in a good mood, the official joint photo could be taken. It's gradually starting to become difficult to get everyone in, so that they can still be recognized in the picture, even though the wide angle is at the bottom, so it's nice, and it must create just a little envy in Japan 🙂

There were a lot of people on the floor for graduation and they did super well in all the groups. A pair of purple belt jokokidz distinguished themselves by performing Jin-i during the traditional kata elimination race. It gave a bonus when at the subsequent ceremony they received an extra mark for their remarkable performance - well done 🙂 At the end of the graduation, the two experienced rats - Søren Renshi and Martin Renshi were called up to the podium to receive a message that they now began a training course towards the next densho degree, which for both of them is Joden Hiden. Kimu Sensei had had them in the spotlight since the summer of 2012 and assessed their personal results and training i.a. their RRCamps and SBTLUS process and results, Instructor Development, and POMW process and cementing results. They both received the challenge with great joy and shook hands saying that they will certainly do their best to fulfill it within the time, which can be anything from 1-12 months depending on when they hit the "tone".

We thank everyone for contributing to an atmospheric spring meeting and congratulations on the new stripes and belts. We are looking forward to it actually being spring, and then there is not long until the summer meeting, where we will all meet again, hopefully with more sun and higher temperatures. At the same time, a big thank you must go to all the volunteers who have the time and desire to help with everything from mat driving to clean-up.

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