By Jan Hjortstrand, SDKSkyt, Slagelse


The stage is set for the second part of POMW at Hanebjerg  Shooting center, and I was somewhat excited about the further course of the coming days. 

INFirst of all, we had to shoot caliber 22, which, to be honest, I didn't really think was anything special after all the years in the military - sound and recoil are limited.

Annoyingly enough, however, I already have to revise my opinion after the first shot on the 25-meter range. Despite the dry training, I find that it is not exactly super easy to collect all the shots as desired. Immediately, my math teacher brain seeks to explain the situation – trigonometry, minimal change in gun angle + the distance = the need for control/proper shooting technique.

With good guidance, I manage to collect the shots satisfactorily, and I am very satisfied - that is, until my ego pushes for a slightly higher shot cadence. I have to slow down a bit and focus more on my exhaust.

Slowly and steadily, the various sub-elements of the shooting improve again, as I follow the shootings/experiences of the others with interest.

As Kimu Sensei has repeatedly pointed out, everyone can learn from their own mistakes, but it takes his husband from the lessons of others! 

When we switch to 9 mm, I could finally use my experience from the many years in green and black, understood in the sense that I don't let myself be affected by the recoil, flying hot casings and the bangs from the guns. I can close myself in my own world and ignore the others.

Shooting with 9 mm really demands the handling of the pistol, as I, like quite a few others, had to adjust the grip of the pistol minimally to ensure the same shot performance every time.

Personally, my challenge was getting the hang of press and squeeze with the yolk and not the hook of my index finger.

Since after a long day we have to finish today's shooting, I am actually well on my way. I am now even more aware of my process and I am aware of what I need to train extra on before POMW III. 

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