By Jens and Steffen Rasmussen, SDKSkyt, Slagelse
Now we have reached 25 meters, there we can see if we have done the POMW shooting technique correctly.
We got the experience that when you had been to POMW I, you just think you could shoot, and then you just wanted to run your own race. But we couldn't anyway.
You just have to practice 20 minutes every day until the next time we go to POMW.
There we could see how much it has helped to do dry training. There we just want to do everything you had to remember when you were standing and shooting.
Jens listened at times, he got an okay shot. So you just have to listen, because it's true what Kimu Sensei says, you just have to correct it a little, and then it just works.
So dry training is really important, and it is much more fun to shoot if you have trained every day. You must also remember to run the POMW shooting technique.