X-mas convention 2017 – 50 years of celebration and learning

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

Christmas is fast approaching and the prospect of a fantastic X-mas convention 2017 was just around the corner.

The season is rainy and it may not have been particularly in the Christmas spirit, but it is good that 170 registered Shindenkaners and an equal number of supporting spectators can create an atmosphere that can be heard all the way up to the North Pole, so that Santa Claus and his elves can also have a party .

In this 50-year anniversary year, the chimney was laid for a X-mas convention, which to that extent created smiles and happy days. At all events in Shindenkan, there is life and happy days as well as a lot of challenges and learning, which all the participants welcome and take home. X-mas convention 2017 was no exception, because right from the start there were happy faces and an atmosphere that you can only be proud of.

X-mas and the summer conventions are both conventions where everyone is informed about new measures and general information from GF17. Kimu Sensei also this time presented topics that were extremely exciting to be informed about. At the same time, films and visual effects were included in the presentation, so that Jokokidz, Jokoteens and adults got pictures in the bargain.

If anyone has seen the SHIELD KISS website, they have probably been blown away by the very beautiful intro film. This film was also introduced at the X-mas convention 2017 with associated applause, and you could sense a small tear in the eyes of many of the big boys 🙂

POMW 2018 was also introduced and again with an accompanying film composition from Hollywood and the SDK shooting association's shootings at Hanebjerg Shooting Center in Hillerød. There is nothing like the sound of metal disks being hit at very short intervals 🙂

After the presentations, all participants were divided into TG groups, and then a huge GO was given for the start of the training during the X-mas convention 2017. With almost 170 participants on the floor spread over 3 areas, there was going to be a party and it was sure to be one of a kind . There were many new participants who were probably a little nervous about what was going to happen during the event and whether they could follow along. They did fantastically and they had an experience that they will never forget. That such a serious martial arts organization as Shindenkan can also create such a good and educational atmosphere, where there is room for everyone, was something that many newcomers will never forget. There is also no doubt that it will be a motivating factor when registering for the next competitions in the series.

After lesson no. 2 there was a short break, where all participants and spectators have the opportunity to taste a wide spectrum of Danish pastry art from different parts of Zealand. The famous South Jutland coffee table has a competitor called "Shindenkan's friends feature" during the rallies. During this break, several of the participants, their family and friends, have made a huge effort to bake cakes that everyone can then taste. There is absolutely no doubt that this feature is popular, and a huge thank you must go to everyone who bakes cakes, and to everyone who pitches in and helps Shindenkan's Friends to create this feature.

After the break, it was time for lesson 3, which for 2 groups dealt with kumite in connection with what was learned from lessons 1 and 2. In the third group, it was planned to show why Yakami-Shinsei Ryu is multi-tracked. NKT-National Competence Training with Kotachi 2 (short sword) -Ken 3 (Long Sword) and Iai-jutsu (Quick draw with sword) were included in the program.

45 minutes with 25 participants who showed how to handle a short, a long and a blank sword is something that can make the spectators turn their heads. Of course, it also gives the participants from the other groups the opportunity to see what is in store in the long term, and it gives Shindenkan the opportunity to show that multi-track is not something we only talk about, it is also something we can and want.

After lesson 3, there was a joint picture, which gradually requires more and more space, as everyone and we mean EVERYONE would very much like to be in the picture. It is fantastic to see the crowd of participants in the middle of the picture with their white suits and at the same time to see that they are surrounded by family, friends and acquaintances - it shows a wholeness and a cohesion which is very beautiful in this sweet Christmas time.

When you look at the participants and their families, you also see a very beautiful picture of Danish society. The participants come from different cultures and it is completely in the spirit of Shindenkan that we can bring together so many different cultures for one thing – namely Yakami Shinsei Ryu karate Do.

In Shindenkan there is room for everyone – elite as an exerciser, regardless of gender, religion and whether you are a child or an adult. X-mas 2017 showed with all clarity that there really is room for everyone and that everyone can find a community regardless of their background and faith in life. It is beautiful and it is something that we at Shindenkan are very proud of.

When the official group photo had been taken, it was time for the graduation which most had been waiting for with excitement. There were over 110 participants who had to go to graduation and in addition there were 31 participants who also had to go to competency graduation in Ken 1 and 10 participants who had to go to competency graduation in Kotachi 1.

A graduation is a fantastic spectacle and it is incredibly life-affirming to see how children, young people, adult boys, girls, women and men just give it full throttle and only focus on one thing – namely to show how good they are . When you stand on the podium and see this inferno of energy, it gives you chills to see so many super skilled practitioners of Yakami Shinsei ryu karate do, and at the same time it gives you great faith in the future.

Many have thought about how to judge so many athletes on the floor at once, and can you even tell the difference. Yes – you can and it is very clear when some stand out. This time there were 4 Jokokidz who stood out as they made an extra effort and showed that they could do much more than they and others told them to. They were also somewhat surprised when they were lifted onto the stage and hailed by all the participants and spectators. There were 3 girls and one boy who stood out positively - then you can talk about "Girl Power" in Shindenkan 🙂

A huge congratulations must go to everyone who attended the graduation and a huge thank you to everyone who helped make this 50th anniversary event a huge party. A huge thank you must also go to Kimu Sensei for your constant faith in all of us, and thank you for creating the opportunities for learning that we can all take part in if we want.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a huge wish for a good New Year and a positive and beautiful 2018.

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