OBC 6 – The formula for an eternal work of art

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

What is reality and what is illusion? Can there be a difference between the reality that is real and the reality that we ourselves would like to see? Yes, that is possible, because as humans we have a fantastic ability not to see reality as it is, but instead to create our own.

If we look back in history, there are very sad examples of how people have created their own reality with major consequences for the entire world and humanity. It has been very clear that the ultimate consequence, which is death, is the consequence that has been most significant when people do not want to see reality as it is and do not want to take responsibility for it at all.

Precisely taking responsibility for reality is the essence of OBC 6 and the skills that belong here – Ju-jutsu 3 and Task Fighting 3. As something new this season, OBC 6 is also being introduced to ShindenFight Basic, which is precisely Ju-jutsu and Task Fighting in one and is thus also about taking responsibility. Every journey starts with oneself and is about taking the first step – OBC 6 does that too. The first step is about recognizing reality as it is and taking responsibility for yourself, and if you can do that, you can also take responsibility for others. In Ju-jutsu 3 and Task Fighting 3, reality comes closer because here it's all about melee and attitude.

Inclination to be clear with yourself, so that you can make the right decision at the moment it needs to happen. It is often heard that people say that they live in the now. But can you do it if you are not clear about the past and the future? Can you make a correct decision NOW if you are not clear about what consequences the decision may have for others and for yourself? These are questions that the contestants are asked at Ju-jutsu 3 and at Task Fighting 3 and that were asked again at this OBC 6. And why do we now have to answer it again? It's very simple, because how many are really clear with themselves? Not many, because if they were, they would probably also know themselves – Menkyo 🙂 ;

Reality can be ugly, but there's no reason to look the other way because that doesn't make reality any prettier. It is about accepting that it is as it is and dealing with it. Through the training in Shindenkan, we learn to relate to reality and the more we do it, the more we learn about ourselves - it is a completely unique and fantastic cycle that we can take part in.

People tend to shut themselves off from reality because they don't want to deal with it. It creates illusions and when reality penetrates, and it does at some point, it can have major drastic consequences for themselves and many others. It's almost like looking at 2 pieces of art. One we thought was not pretty and looked away and the other we thought beautiful and looked more at it. But what is the basis of the two pieces of art?

Immediately, we can only see the result of the artist's work, but not what underlies it. You can't relate to something if you don't understand the background and you don't understand the background if you look away. Is it different with the real world? When we see violence on TV, we look away and would rather see something positive. But what is the basis of the violence and is it not something we should deal with and take responsibility for?

As parents, do you want to send your children out into the world if you have only dealt with the blooming fields and beautiful meadows? Some want and others want to hide their children away in protection, which means that they never see reality themselves and never get the opportunity to take responsibility for it themselves.

In Shindenkan, we all get the opportunity to learn to take responsibility and to see reality as it is. Not only the reality that we see through our eyes, but also the reality that is inside ourselves as humans – it is ourselves as humans who must take the first step and the next and the next. Yes, it starts with ourselves and it is we ourselves who must lead the way, we cannot make others take that responsibility and it is also ourselves who must take responsibility for the reality we want to see, regardless of whether we want to see all of it or only a part of it – both from the outside and from the inside.

In ShindenFight, it was the reality from the inside that came to the table, because if you don't want to look at it, then you don't see it coming from the outside either and thus can't make the right decisions. If you are undecided in battle, you hesitate, and if you hesitate, then you have lost. As we learned in OBC 5 with the label, it's about being prepared and creating your own work of art. That is be clear about reality and see it as it is, because it doesn't change just because you look away.

On this OBC 6 course there were several who found out that when you practice martial arts, you also have to learn to fight. And they also found out that it may hurt, but it's better that it hurts in the Dojo than that it hurts on the street. So training as you fight actually brought out several of the participants' inner beasts and they found out that they could do much more than they and others told them to - which was fantastically beautiful to see.

If you look at two pieces of art in the form of a martial arts grandmaster and a very experienced street fighting brother, then they both have something inside that underlies their skills. The martial arts grandmasters are settled and know themselves to the core and more, and the street brawler is unsettled and acts on emotions. But they are each their own form of art and when you know the basis they have as the people they are, then you can be clear about it and thus also know well who you want to follow and learn the skills from in order to create and be your own work of art .

Kimu Sensei is a martial arts grandmaster and a human being like any other. But who is he really and who is he not? This is something that we as participants in OBC can clarify as it is Kimu Sensei who is the instructor on all the OBC courses - Ie. we get the skills and knowledge directly from the source, which is a work of art created on the basis of inner clarification and seeing reality as it is and dealing with it. In the same way, Kimu Sensei can clarify who we are and he can thus guide us in the direction he himself has gone and we can thus create our own work of art with our own clarification. And think that the road is paved and the grass has already been trodden down, we just have to make a decision and do it.

In other words: Recognize your challenges - decide to do something about it - take the action that creates change. It must be the formula for a work of art that lasts forever.

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