OBC 3 – Seize the future, it is ours

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

Everyone can learn from their own mistakes, but a true leader learns from others' - a Bichmark quote that in Shindenkan's auspices is extremely important and instructive. But can you really learn from other mistakes? Yes, if you forget your ego and at the same time accept and respect others and their skills. It is easy to belittle others and their faults, but it is developing to do the opposite - two sides of human nature that one can choose freely. Both sides have consequences and the choice of these is entirely up to the individual person.

In season 2018/2019 OBC cycle, it was the turn of OBC 3, which showed where David bought the beer 🙂

OBC 6-5 and 4 had proven that OBC is and will be a massive success and 2019's first OBC which was OBC 3 certainly did not hold back. It cannot be repeated enough, but OBC is here to stay and OBC has to that extent created a super solid attitude to want to continue 1000 years of cultural history in Chinese and Japanese martial arts and martial arts. This could be seen in the activity registrations in autumn 2018 and again in January 2019. The competence learning curve is upward and the desire for the multi-track martial art Yakami Shinsei-Ryu Karate-do is moving massively in the same direction.

As at all other OBCs, it is Kimu Sensei who gives out his knowledge and guides everyone in the direction where the learning is greatest. It is completely unique and super educational to get the real and useful knowledge directly from the source, who is a fantastic martial art grandmaster who really wants the best for people in a fun and completely human way - you don't see it anywhere else.

The content of an OBC 3 course is the skills unarmed close combat and leader of your life. It is instructor course 1-3, Tai Chi, Ju-jutsu 3, Task Fighting 3 and ShindenFight. All tied together with a thick red thread and essence.

The instructor courses are controversial for many as they find themselves in some situations that they had not prepared for. In OBC 3, this is built on through some cases which are all taken from the real world and which to that extent put the participants in situations which can be handled in many ways. It is now the second time that OBC 3 has been held and what a fantastic learning that has taken place for the participants. It is wonderful to see how the individual participants did everything they could to solve the task - both individually and as a team.

It was also fantastically inspiring to feel the positive and uplifting atmosphere OBC 3 had - the participants wanted it here and they wanted to leave with more learning and greater competence in their training bag than when they came. There is no doubt that OBC 3 strongly prepared the participants to handle situations both inside and outside the dojo. That is what is absolutely fantastic about Shindenkan, that as a practitioner you get tools and help that can not only be used in the dojo, but to a large extent also in life outside, both privately and professionally, and there are quite a few of them in Shindenkan make use of it, and there are also many who are successful in both areas.

OBC 3 is also a starting shot that with rocket speed can initiate and dress all the super positive Shindenkan ambassadors for the local schools' new well-oiled Pr. Campaign that can really make a significant difference. What happens is that the positive attitude rubs off like ripples in water and spreads to all the local schools in the most useful way. In Shindenkan, we know that we are capable, now it is time for the world around us to see it with their own eyes.

After the various OBC 3 cases, the second part began with Tai Chi just to manage to gather body, mind and spirit for Ju-jutsu 3, Task Fighting 3 and ShindenFight. The three competences mentioned are also competences that put the individual participant under pressure. Do you dare to do it and how far can you go - what happens to ME if I go too far and where is my partner's limit. It's all about being clear with yourself. What do you want and what exactly can you do in the situation you are now in. It could be a confrontation with an angry student or parents, but it could also be a confrontation with an assailant - how clear are you? Yes, when you know yourself 100% then you are completely settled, but how many do that?

To that extent, it is about taking responsibility for yourself and not just when the sun is shining and everything is good. It is also largely about taking responsibility when it is dark and cold and you are under a lot of pressure - it is here that you can show yourself that Bichmark's words are not spoken on deaf ears, but are largely followed.

So, in general, you can say that with OBC there is now content in the bottle, and it is certainly the right content. There is almost nothing worse than seeing something that looks good from the outside and then finding out that the contents do not match what is written on the label. If you buy a good bottle of wine because the label looks good - no, you go for the content. This is also the case with martial arts – it is the content that lasts in the long run.

OBC is where the content is raised to the next level and where the meaning and understanding of the whole of the multi-track martial arts system Yakami Shinsei-Ryu Karate-do is shown to everyone who wants to join. It is at OBC that you train towards martial arts and it is here that the way is shown. Just remember that in Shindenkan there is room for everyone - elite as an exerciser and if you jump off the train because of a life cycle that is a little crooked, then OBC can help you get back on the train when you are on the right track again. This is unique and completely in the true spirit of martial arts and martial arts.

It is also very clear to see that everyone who participates at OBC wants the multi-track and it is extremely clear to see the joy in the training. We are all gearing up to make Strat.23 and the future a super success at Shindenkan. The way is shown to all of us and now it's just a matter of getting out there as a group with the camaraderie and community that exists in Shindenkan across the local schools.

The future is ours - we just have to grab it.

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