OBC 6 – Don't be mediocre, be great

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

After a successful OBC 5 it was now time for OBC 6 with TF3-JJ3 and ShindenFight as content and just spiced up with ShakuaSei. The spice is probably right at the bottom, because Kimu Sensei had arranged for ShakuaSei to be linked directly to TF3-JJ3 and ShindenFight. But as always, it is up to the participants to get as much out of the course as possible and if the link could be seen and used, then a world would really open up that would show the difference between martial arts and martial arts.

ShakuaSei is the essence of Chinese martial arts through Hsingi, Baqua and Tai Chi. One might wonder why ShakuaSei is included in OBC 6 - is it just to show a link or is there more to it? It quickly became clear that there is more to it and it became very clear that OBC 5 and OBC 6 are coherent elite training in Shindenkan because this is where the essence is trained for those who want to. Everyone who has participated in ShakuaSei knows that they worked with Ki – internal energy. This continued at OBC 5 through Ki and health-creating exercises where throughout the course the focus was on one thing – namely being in the centre. With center is meant both physically as well as mentally and spiritually. If you are not in the center then you are not in balance and balance is essential for a fantastic life.

In kumite, you fight for the center physically as well as mentally, and both parts require balance. If you are out of balance mentally, you are already behind in kumite, if the opponent knows what advantages he or she can get out of it.

But why is it that you get out of balance mentally and thus perhaps also physically? Is there a connection to OBC 5 and 6? Yes, because it is about Ki, the inner energy. If it doesn't flow as it should, an imbalance occurs and an imbalance causes you to get out of center - physically, mentally and spiritually. Ki is essential for living and if it does not flow as it should due to blockages, it creates an imbalance. A blockage could be, for example, a lack of breathing training, but then it's good that we at Shindenkan have KataFIT so we can train correct breathing 🙂

Kimu Sensei has always said that all martial arts/martial arts lie in KataFIT, but to see that you must first understand KataFIT. This was confirmed clearly on this OBC 6 course. When you read in our fantastic curriculum handbook, you will come across the 8 forces and 12 principles which are the core of all martial arts. These powers and principles lie directly in KataFIT and that is why all martial arts and martial arts are in the same place. But it requires you to see it and not just look at it. In other words, this would also mean that a correct understanding and correctly performed KataFIT would be a good prerequisite.

Already during the first technique in ShakuaSei, it became clear that this was going to be a fantastic day where you really got an insight into the fact that it is the same principles that create a connection between the different skills in Yakami Shinsei-ryu. The starting position in ShakuaSei is a Qigong technique that creates grounding in centering. But if it is not performed with Tai-Seigyo (body control) and "Full range of motion" then it does not create anything. The same applies when we talk about Yakami Shinsei-ryu and the path to Yakami Taijutsu. You can only get all the way through correctly performed Tai-Seigyo and "full range of motion" is precisely about this. OBC 5 and 6 this season are the next building blocks on the road to Yakami Taijutsu.

This is amazingly coherent. When the Ki has the correct flow and you thus have the best prerequisites for being in the center physically, mentally and spiritually, you get a better understanding and execution of your techniques - it goes from the inside out. At the same time, it will also be able to give a better feeling and sensation for other people's Ki flow - it goes from the outside in. It may well be that we are not yet at martial art level, but OBC 5 and OBC 6 this season have clearly shown that with Kimu Sensei as the leading star, we get the original and genuine goods. This is probably also due to the fact that, as a martial art grandmaster, he himself is the real thing and can therefore pass it on to those who want to 🙂

After 2.5 hours of ShakuaSei, the training principles were taken over in Task Fighting 3. Here it became clear that the same centering can get any opponent on the ice already from the first attack. It created balance breaks that really had an effect and it created an understanding of the importance of correct ki flow and centering - you cannot get others out of balance if you are not in balance yourself.

From Task Fighting 3 it went on to Ju-jutsu 3 and the principles of Ju and Go. Here again it became clear that everything is connected in the same core principles and the premise is again the same as under ShakuaSei and Task Fighting 3, in other words there is no difference in the core of the skills. Ju-jutsu 3 is about being able to feel and sense your opponent and their energy - Ki. In other words, it also means that muscles and the use of strength are not the way forward in Ju-jutsu - here it is correct technique that makes the big difference in understanding.

Working with your inner self requires energy and the right attitude. It doesn't matter whether it is Ki or your inner personality that you are working with 🙂 The amount of energy depends on the attitude, in other words this means that if you listen and do your best, you don't use as much energy as if you just constantly do what you think is right - ie. you invent your own and one's ego must make sure to show the way - that is, the way into the fence and not towards the genuine and unique martial art.

OBC 5 and OBC 6 also show that we at Shindenkan have a completely unique opportunity to learn the real and essential martial arts and martial arts from a real grandmaster Kimu Sensei who really wants to share his knowledge with those who want to.

A huge thank you must go to Kimu Sensei for an absolutely fantastic training weekend in OBC 6. And also a huge thank you to all the participants who once again showed that in Shindenkan there is a will and desire to train the real and unique. We don't want to settle for mediocre, we want to be great.

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