Weight Control - Keep It Simple and Safe

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

A great many people fight a daily battle with overweight and inferiority as a result. In the long term, this creates lifestyle diseases that in the worst case can be fatal. It is therefore absolutely not health and safety promoting during Corona and future Pand epidemics. A man of my own age is a man who typically thinks that something like this affects everyone else, and you are not overweight, because it is natural for age.

I myself am a bit in the same direction, except for the overweight, so not that it is natural, but that I should be overweight. I have thought like this for many years, while I could feel that the weight was increasing steadily, and my inferiority was going the same way when I dared to look at it. I have always been thin, and in my childhood I was very thin. But the fact that I should now be overweight was a mystery to me - how did it happen?

I eat healthy and I exercise more than many others my age, so how did I become overweight with a BMI just under 30. It was unreal, but the numbers don't lie. My weight, fat% and BMI were up to a level where I started to get into the group that had to do something NOW.

Here we are in November 2019 and we should exercise a little extra and it should all work out. When we got to Christmas, things had gone the right way, but after Christmas and a little into the new year, I could tell that something was wrong. Kimu Sensei could do that too, so he introduced an App that as a tool could help with weight control, quite simply by eating a little less and making you aware of portion sizes by weighing the food. That is it was all about maths, which I was good at at school, so this was understandable.

So in February 2020 a process began with Kjeld Renshi and I making an agreement with Kimu Sensei about weight loss and control through math and KISS SHIELD KISS common sense. In fact, it wasn't really about weight loss, but about BMI, fat percentages and taking care of ourselves so that we can be role models, live longer and not be susceptible to lifestyle diseases - and it had absolutely nothing to do with our age 🙂

In fact, it gradually became the case that the whole of SOPORG had to be involved - we cannot get others to join if we do not lead the way ourselves.

I have now been doing the weight control process for 5 weeks, and I have to say that it has given a result that I could not have imagined in my wildest imagination. My stomach has growled and rumbled at times, but the feeling of hunger has NOT been there.

It has been as if my body and mind have accepted that now I take care of myself and now something good is happening. The best part of it all is actually that this is absolutely NOT a diet, but a change of attitude that means that with the help of a simple tool you can take care of yourself, even in times when everything is chaotic and when you have an easy time the unhealthy habits. In short, it was all about sticking to the long cool streak - no different than training Yakami Shinsei-Ryu.

Actually, it's not that complicated, because it's about controlling what you can control – namely yourself and your habits, regardless of what you do. The fact that 10 kg of weight has been lost in the 5 weeks is an added bonus – both wife and wardrobe rejoice 🙂

Weight is a key parameter when BMI and fat% have to be regulated, and therefore Kimu Sensei had found a very simple tool for us to try. He had tried it on himself first, and we had seen that something had happened, but we didn't quite know what was causing it - we found that out now. Kimu Sensei had lost 5 kg in 3 weeks and it was very clear, at the same time his fat percentage had dropped to approx. 18% which was right at the lower limit.

The goal for Kjeld Renshi and I was approx. 8 kg each before the upcoming RRCamp in March. That is 5 weeks time and it started NOW. We were the heavy boys, but now we had to see if we couldn't get back to normal weight, BMI and fat% 🙂

Actually, the target was approx. 6 kg. each, but as we have always learned from Kimu Sensei, you can do much more than you think and you only get better if you find your limit and push it a little at a time - so the target was set at 10 kg. The app was installed on both work and private phones - so there was an opportunity to test both apps that were in circulation.

I eat reasonably healthy and in portions that are easily digestible - yes, I thought so myself, but when I first weighed food I got a shock. There were over 700 grams on the plate and it was a normal portion for a nice dinner - I was shaken and all of a sudden I could understand that my BMI number and weight were where they were. And I also knew very well that I could easily eat more.

I also acknowledge 100% that I am a "comfort eater" who eats with the eyes and not the body. Food does not have to be meat with gravy and potatoes, but preferably delicious, green and preferably something new. But it's just fine if the quantities of it cause me to overeat. So now it was just about getting started and getting control of myself.

It went through a lot with weighing food morning, noon and night and the whole process was followed with lots of exercise to boost it all. But now it doesn't all have to be rosy, because approx. every week at the weekends something happened that I couldn't quite relate to. My weight increased, even though I was eating the grams I was supposed to and willingly under.

On the first weekend I of course thought my bathroom scale was broken, because it couldn't be me doing something wrong, this despite the fact that the bathroom scale was brand new – the old one wouldn't move from the same number since Christmas so it had to be replaced . On weekend #2 with the same result, I began to wonder why my weight increased on the weekends and decreased again during the weekdays. I was in regular contact with Kimu Sensei and he had told me several times that if there is a blockage in the intestines, the weight increases - but why only at weekends?

It occurred to me that I ate the right amounts of food on the weekends, but the composition was different than on weekdays. I teach 4 times a week and I had made a structure for food and food type so that I could stick to the process on those days. So gradually it dawned on me that what I ate at the weekend was not the same type and perhaps not green enough to get the stomach and intestines going - Ok, that made sense and a bit more calm, because now I had the explanation. But then something completely unexpected happened which once again created unrest in the flow - Corona came on the scene and the whole of Denmark shut down - incl. the fitness centers.

It was a bit of a line in the bill, because I had started well with the Cardio training on the treadmill, with the bike and KataFIT and I could see that I was well below my curve. But a door closes and new opportunities arise. I could just train outdoors, both Cardio and KataFIT, but my weight wouldn't drop and I was actually on the verge of a bit of a panic because I didn't quite know why.

I ate more vegetables than I had in a long time, but I didn't even think about how much influence my psyche had on my body. Or I did, but what was knowledge worth if I didn't use it.

After several conversations and support from Kimu Sensei, it was clear that the whole Corona situation also affected me, and that was enough to put an end to my flow in the body. But luckily, Kimu Sensei knows how to press the right buttons, and with his help, and after a bit of internal fighting, I cracked the code so the flow and the process could go the right way again - right up until I got a running injury in my hip.

But again when a door closes, a new one opens, and even if I couldn't get into Fitness World, and even if I couldn't run, I could walk and I could walk far, very far - the couch wasn't going to be my support During this period. So it turned into long walks every day, where I got Deja Vu for my time in the military, and the pace changed after that as well - but it was good, because I got lots of light and fresh air, which is super good for the soul 🙂

The walks also made my thoughts about the course of the last 5 weeks start to take shape. The whole time it was about what I did and what I didn't do. In other words, it was my actions that shaped my future. It was ME who put food on my plate, it was ME who ate it. The app was just the tool that told about the results of my setting.

In POMW it's the same, here it's the disc that tells about the actions in the process, and in Yakami Shinsei-Ryu it's the Kata that tells about the actions through Kihon and Kumite - so it's all connected, right?? Yes, life must be, because here it is the same 🙂

If thought, word and action are one, then it creates effective results that benefit oneself and others. And if you can hold on to yourself and the long hard way, great things can happen in your life. It's really amazing that it doesn't take more than just reducing your food intake with 10% for changes to happen. It's not the big lifestyle change, but just KISS common sense, and that's how everything is in Shindenkan. Complicated things are made simple and understandable, and with lasting results.

We are in a time when many people get bored and start, or perhaps intensify, bad habits with food and drink. The bill for this will come when Denmark opens up again, because there will be a bill. But with a few tools such as controlling what you can control, you can get a bill that is very small - if anything at all, and think it's all KISS - Keep It Simple and Safe.

I am deeply grateful to have been given this opportunity by Kimu Sensei and I have no doubt at all that when it comes to maintenance of body, mind and spirit, the toolbox is filled again with the right tools and there is no recalculation. But the big question is probably the most - What is the result of it all?

As can be seen in the screenshots below, my curve has been below the line most of the time - there have been some peaks above the line, which is due to some inconsistencies in the body, but this has been resolved so that the curve is correct again. My weight has gone approx. 10% down and my BMI has dropped below the critical point. It all happened just by eating 10% less - could it be simpler and safer.


When you are in a difficult time, when everything is a bit boring, you may tend to create a lifestyle that is not healthy in the long run, either through unhealthy food or consuming large amounts of alcohol. Self-pity takes over, and you "reward" yourself with a lifestyle that is not very good.

In Denmark, 50% of the population are obese and in the USA more than 50% are severely obese. Being overweight causes lifestyle diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other chronic diseases, which place us in the special risk group for, not only Pand epidemics like Corona, but also all other disease and quality of life processes.

The "Everything to win nothing to lose" campaign ran throughout the month of March, and all the participants reached the finish line in a good way. The 25 registered participants in March lost a total of over 115 kg in one month, just by eating 10% less. When the Corona crisis really set in, more people jumped in and in April, among others over Easter, another 50 kg was cut. of the participants' weight until 1 May 2020. That is. that overall there was a weight reduction of over 165 kg in just 2 months, and simply by looking after yourself through KISS SHIELD KISS common sense, - without the major lifestyle change.

When you can stick to a process like this, the results come naturally, and with that comes self-esteem and well-being. It is also very clear to look at everyone who has been part of the campaign that the energy and radiance have risen several levels. For many, "Everything to win nothing to lose" has come as the calling, and lifestyle changes have clearly been created for many of the participants, and many continue the process in both May and June.

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