First brown belt graduation

By Oliver Baggersted, Member until 2015

Without discouraging people from this course, I would like to start by saying that this course has probably been one of the most borderline and demanding things I have tried, both physically and mentally.

This graduation has really meant a lot to me, not only because it is my first graduation to brown belt, but also because I started in 1st year and therefore have already been under pressure in terms of tests and exams.
One thing I would advise others to do is to prepare mentally as much as you do physically. Because it came as a huge shock to me when I was at stop tests 2, 3 and 4, how much pressure you really got.

For the 1st part, which was the physical test, I was extremely nervous to begin with, at least for the part on the treadmill. And perhaps with good reason. There were no problems with the circle, but when I had to run, things went completely wrong. I can only advise people to make sure they have a good breakfast and mentally prepare for the physical test, because on the treadmill you are pushed more than you first think.

Lennart and I were accompanied to our stop test and talked back and forth about our expectations. Lennart has been a great help in calming my nerves, as he had already been through this process twice before.

When we had to do the following stop tests, I felt pretty good. It only became "scary" when we were asked to enter the large hall (We were in Måløvhallen and had started out in the small hall), and Kimu Sensei entered and we began the first stop test. The most demanding thing about that test must have been both the fact that you are not sure how long it actually lasts, or what combinations of techniques you are asked to perform.

The 3rd stop test was probably the test that we all had the most trouble preparing for, since we had only been told that we had to read the syllabus manual very thoroughly and many, many times. But it went surprisingly smoothly after the first few minutes, and was the calmest and least stressful of the tests.

Personally, the last part of the stop tests that day was one of my favourites. It really scared me when I was forced to stand and punch and kick through someone who didn't necessarily have the strength to fight back. An eerie border to come close to and yet it fascinates me to think back on it because at the time we were as pressed as we were.

Finally, the last part of our graduation. The stamina test, which really got a lot behind me, so I didn't do very well. But it required an incredible amount of willpower, and my problem was that I hadn't noticed how tired my body was or how bad my attitude was.

The last test, the pad test, where I have really never tried to push myself that much before and I wouldn't have been able to do it without the support I got. There were four voices in particular who helped me through, Karsten Nielsen, Bjørn Thon, Lennart Gabrielsen and Elisabet Shishó. I could hear them calling my name several times and this gave me strength to continue. I made eye contact with Elisabet Shishó and Karsten several times, which was probably the primary reason why I was able to continue.

Many have supported me, also other students from Jokokan Amager, but especially Lennart, Juri, Karsten, Elisabet Shishó and Søren Renshi, have been incredibly good support throughout this process.

But now that it's over, I couldn't be more satisfied or proud of myself for having completed. It has been very stressful and demanding, but I am very pleased with myself and can't wait for the new season to begin.

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