AYAME – Rules and Explanations – article 2 of 3

AYAME – Rules, explanations and training recommendations

This article is the second article in a planned series of three articles

  1. Ayame – Rules and explanations of what the Ayame label is, requirements, content and who has passed so far
  2. Ayame – Rules, explanations and training recommendations, requirements, recommendations and explanations about what KataFIT is, how you should train structured and how, as well as what KataFIT is, can and cannot.
  3. Ayame Empowerment – the first important step to finding yourself. Thought, word and action must be one, and not only thought and word but no action. The Ayame competence mark is primarily physical, mental and the long cool move on the attitude emphasis that anyone can do if they want to. It is very concrete and everyone - even outside Shindenkan - can understand the concept of physical stop test requirements. It is very difficult to find yourself on a journey if you basically do not have the willpower, discipline and attitude to pass the Ayame competency mark, which is basically physical grounding. Physical exercise is something everyone can understand. It therefore gives credibility and serves as a starting point for YOUR further journey. But there is more that supports this journey towards yourself – being good to yourself through getting to know yourself and thus recognizing and loving yourself with increased self-esteem and self-confidence. Here, diet, sleep, meditation and other things are also of crucial importance, but are actually often even easier to do in terms of time than Ayame training - so why is it so difficult?

The official recommendation for training courses and dietary recommendations

All Shindenkaners are in reasonably good basic shape due to the KataFIT and Yakami Shinsei-ryu training.

Each season always begins with a build-up of the basic shape again. This is despite the fact that there is always a recommendation to keep oneself reasonably fit during the summer holidays, depending on temperament and ambition.

KataFIT training ensures good overall body strength, fitness and synchronization between body, mind and spirit.

Why does the KataFIT training not only provide good whole-body strength, but also good fitness?

KataFIT is a holistic health and health training on several levels, which uses the latest research, so the training is as effective, injury-preventing and training, stress-reducing and quality-of-life-promoting, in the shortest possible time. KataFIT is trained without aids and can therefore be performed anywhere and at any time. KataFIT forms a bridge between eastern and western research, but according to the KISS principle, just like with the POMW project; Keep IT Simple & Safe.

KataFIT has produced spectacular results that have been noticed internationally, but also quietly nationally.
Practical – what is KataFIT? What can you directly compare it to? Most people are happy with the whole-body oriented "Plank exercise" and 1-2 minutes in it. All of the above grads easily take over 6+ minutes. Which is very good. But when you then add that the Plank is dynamic and requires coordination and movement, at the same time as you have constant whole-body cross muscle tension, then the KataFIT version is usually described as the more difficult dynamic plank form.
Okay, most people say it's very impressive, but there are many others who can also do it with training. Yes, that is absolutely correct. But before this "element", the KataFIT practitioner has already performed two other full-body "elements", such as the "element" before this "Element", where you stand in a normal technically correct plank and take slow arm stretches, each lasting approx. 8-12 seconds, all with correct and optimal breathing, as the body processes energy, otherwise it cannot produce enough energy for you to complete the elements.
KataFIT – which is a Kata – i.e. figure exercises that are performed non-stop, as a karate Kata must be performed - there is basically no difference. A KataFIT 5S, which is standard in all Shindenkan schools, lasts approx. 22.5 minutes. A KataFIT 12S last approx. 38.5 minutes. KataFIT 15S 46.5 minutes.
Since KataFIT is both full-body strength training and cardio training, all KataFIT practitioners will achieve a significant improvement in both parts. The above graduates have a conservative fitness index measured according to traditional recognized tests of over 60+-65+, - although some of the above have had their fitness index measured in the 70s. All without exception reached their maximum heart rate during the KataFIT 10S and 12S. The maximum heart rate is the absolute highest pulse value that your heart can achieve. If your maximum heart rate is 200, this means that your heart has the capacity to beat 200 times a minute when it is under maximum pressure.
All participants usually do not reach their maximum heart rate during the more traditional stop test 2; Fitness quotient measurement, which is usually Cooper's running test, swim test, cycling test, rowing test and other recognized VO2 fitness quotient tests.
Now many may think that "I will never be able to do this!" and it's only for "the big strong muscle boys". But here the answer is that you can do much more than you and others tell you!
The above are completely ordinary Danes who also felt the same as you might be thinking, until they found out that they could do much more than they thought! In addition, it is far from certain that just because you LOOK strong, that you actually are, since true strength comes from within, and it has been shown that most people in traditional really good shape have not been able to complete a KataFIT 5S , without proper technical and long-term training and instruction.
Traditional really good strength trainers, after a while in frustration, have abandoned KataFIT over the 8S and gone back to the gym's more traditional training methodologies. The main reason is that KataFIT uses both aerobic and anaerobic training methods, and the higher the KataFIT number, the more you need oxygen and correctly synchronized breathing between movement and breathing, otherwise the body's energy production just doesn't work optimally and therefore even the world's strongest man or woman at a standstill if this is not in place. It is very logical and simple.
Therefore, Pilates and yoga practitioners and partly functional training practitioners do better than traditional strength and sports practitioners when they embark on KataFIT, as they have already been trained consciously or unconsciously in the context and balance between aerobic and anaerobic training body , mind, spirit – and then everything else 🙂
KataFIT can be trained by everyone without exception, shape, injuries, without injuries and goals. The KataFIT train takes you on a journey, and even KataFIT 1S, which everyone in Shindenkan starts with, will with 95% certainty contribute positively to your quality of life and your life. You are just welcome.
KataFIT, belongs to the 5-year Shindenkan SHIELD KISS project (2014-2019) (www.shieldkiss.com), which replaced the POMW project (2011-2014) (www.pomwproject.com), so that anyone who has the time and inclination can follow along until the project ends in 2019.
POMW and SHIELD KISS, including KataFIT WWW have really put Shindenkan on the map internationally and put Shindenkan in the progressive world league. The results and conclusions of the POMW have now been progressively to discretely evaluated by many different countries and are partially to fully implemented. Which we are very proud of! It is free knowledge and conclusions that have been collected and made available free of charge to those who are open and need it.
SHIELDKISS WWW is clearly the biggest and the Shindenkan project that has had the biggest influence and impact in so many areas. It has exceeded our wildest dreams, but is the coordination and mediation of knowledge with results for the future that we ourselves do not yet fully understand. But we understand the spirit of the project! Helped by the naivety of the first years and traditional project communication, to total focus on the higher purposes without thinking about "honor, fame and rewards" - only solving the task. It is very selfless and beautiful.
Shindenkan's lack of finances means that other revolutionary international prestige projects such as POMW and SHIELD KISS, which are financially costly, no longer take place - unless the funding IS secured in advance. Both projects have been partly privately financed and the main funding ceased in 2016/2017.
Shindenkan has participated 100% in the international health project ShieldKISS, which has become very large internationally. The project takes place in 8 countries. The experiences of the first years with total openness around the project and all the sub-projects put pressure on the resources, so that these were not used optimally and according to the project's purpose. Philosophical and ego-driven dialogues without any end goal are fruitless and time-consuming. Therefore, the project is now like an iceberg, the most important 90 % of the work gives work peace, and the last 10 % gives dialogue after; "Everything to gain, nothing to lose - Try it if you feel like it", as well as discreet predictive indications in many different medical fields, which fortunately a few years later turn out to be published in scientific journals. It is optimal in such a project if the overall picture is coordinated, so that each individual piece creates maximum value for the overall coherent picture. Especially if this piece is in several layers and uses all knowledge and experience coherently. It creates results with seven-mile steps, but according to the motto "To be more than to seem - for the good of everyone now and in the future, is the greatest honor and achievement".


Shindenkan's KataFIT training cycle, maintenance and expected fitness figures cf. Scandinavian population

There are different levels and thus also requirements for constant technique, attitude, stamina and training frequency and manner:

The different stepsKataFITExpected health figure in relation to the Nordic population
LevelTeam GroupTerritory 
beginsTG11-5 p100 % security; Building fitness, full body strength, health
ExerciserTG2 to TG35-8 p95 % security; Bone count medium to high, 2-3 times/week
Elite exerciserTG3 to TG48-12 p95 % security; High bone count, 2-3 times/week
EliteTG3 to TG512-15 p95 % security; Bone count high to very high, 2 times/week
KataFIT supports Yakami Shinsei-ryu training and versatility. Regular cardio training is a must for the stop test. But be smart, not stupid. Follow a structure according to your age, basic shape and life history.

When you progress according to the Yakami Shinsei-ryu curriculum manual, you are supported and secured as best as possible in all areas, so that you reach your goals – that is, reach your goals if you want to listen and learn. Therefore, the structure is also divided according to TG groups:

What does the yearly training cycle look like in Shindenkan nationally and locally

Although there is an official call to maintain basic shape after each season during the summer holidays, we know that not everyone does this. Not even at a minimum level, which means that they have to train themselves year after year "the hard way", after a 1-2 month break over the summer. It's a shame, as not much is actually needed.

The different stepsKataFITPeriod
LevelTeam GroupTerritoryFrom start to week 42From week 42 – 6From week 6 – 24
beginsTG11-5 p1-5 p5S5S
ExerciserTG2 to TG35-8 p5 p6-7S8-9S
Elite exerciserTG3 to TG48-12 p5-8S9-11S12-13S
EliteTG3 to TG512-15 p8S-10S11-13S12-15S

How is it best to maintain your form during the summer holidays?

Summer maintenance training for the Black Belt team looks like this and is based on the above schemes and concept:

  1. Take 1 week break for KataFIT, cardio – all normal training etc. Enjoy life and have fun! – Swimming, walks in nature, watching the grass grow, meditation, stretching and other fun and trouble
  2. Maintenance divided into 3 levels, so you still look fit 🙂
    1. The lightweight; 2 x KataFIT 8SE per week, without time, use extra exercises and time for "where it works". In addition, enjoy life to the fullest! And don't hold back! – that is, unless it's idiotic 🙂
    2. The remedy: 1 KataFIT 8 SE + 1 KataFIT 10SE per week, without time, use extra exercises and time until "where it works". In addition, enjoy life to the fullest! And don't hold back! – that is, unless it's idiotic 🙂
    3. The ambitious; 1 KataFIT 12 SE + 1 KataFIT 10SE per week, without time, use extra exercises and time for "where it works". In addition, enjoy life to the fullest! And don't hold back! – that is, unless it's idiotic 🙂
  3. Those who are on PREVENTIVE; statin and heart magnyl should take a break from this throughout the month of August.
  4. Those who are on PREVENTIVE; Gerimax, Fish oil, Q10 and others should take a break from this for the whole month of July.

Is Yakami Shinsei-ryu supplemented with KataFIT training enough?

The short version is that it is enough for more than 90 %. But not for the last 10 %.

Depending on your degree and whether you are progressing, you train locally or nationally between 2-4 times a week, which usually gives most people optimal training and maintenance of your body, mind and spirit. It's the 90 %.

The last 10 % are usually in the younger age group, undergoing rehabilitation or have maintained other sports habits.

The younger ones need to try out other forms of exercise that their friends and peers also do. It can be from football, handball, badminton to crossfit, traditional strength training and bodybuilding.

Others need traditional physiotherapist rehabilitation after injuries and operations, although we know very well that it is often KataFIT that creates the most effective and fastest results and is used, among other things, at Rigshospitalet.

Others have maintained other sports habits or need additional sports habits. It is most often crossfit, cardio and strength training in a gym or out in nature.

For Shindenkan's graduation course, supplementary cardio training is often necessary; running, cycling, rowing, swimming etc. for a period of 6-12 months.

Everything can be done and the most important thing is to be happy, motivated, healthy and fit. If you train crookedly or get injured, KataFIT usually straightens you out so that you regain balance. The Yakami Shinsei-ryu training provides the great physical, psychological and spiritual variety.


But IS Yakami Shinsei-ryu supplemented with KataFIT really enough for more than 90 %?

KataFIT is a holistic full-body workout that involves and supports "Body, mind, spirit" and thus your health.

KataFIT demands coordination and correct technique and the use of breathing and physical machines for energy production.

Most people can take a KataFIT 5-8 S without consequence and thus correct technique and use of breathing and "machine".

But there will always be a consequence around the KataFIT 8S. Without continuous energy production, no "gasoline".

Your engine cannot function without "petrol" and therefore stalls.

A KataFIT 5 S has a constant duration of approx. 22½ minutes and a KataFIT 8S almost 29 minutes. It is difficult to hold your breath for such a long time or not technically be good at yourself and produce an optimal energy production for the purpose.

This means that technically you MUST learn how the connection is between optimal breathing and physical training. If you don't learn it, you simply cannot complete a KataFIT average from 8S.

The continuous duration of the KataFIT training from 8 S to 15 S is from just under 29 minutes to approx. 46½ minutes. It is quite a good to hard "work-out" for most, - especially when there are no breaks, as KataFIT is performed as a - Kata.

In addition, the results will quickly become very clear with your body - it will change significantly as KataFIT increases. Most people compare it to the "Crossfit body - Functional training body".

KataFIT's structure is in 4 overlapping focus steps. You always start gently with a gentle introductory workout that "warms up body, mind and spirit" - for the next replacement step.

With each step, your heart rate increases as your body has to work harder and harder. But always controllable, safe and secure - if you have trained and chosen the correct KataFIT that suits your physical form and attitude.

KataFIT stage 1 is typically a pulse zone below 60 %, which is replaced by stage 2 which is typically a pulse zone below 70-80 %. Step 3 is typically pulse zone 70-80 % and step 4 is Tabata style HIIT training, where the pulse zone is typically in the range 80-95 %, depending on the KataFIT level.

The KataFIT structure, where you slowly "warm up" and gradually build up through KataFIT levels, means that KataFIT is gentle, safe and good training for all age groups - and it can be trained anytime and anywhere.

The KataFIT structure, where you slowly "warm up" for each step in order to "explode energetically" in the last step, ensures that you are also in good condition. Step 4 has a duration from 8 S of approx. 3½ minutes and to almost 7 minutes for 15 S, which runs in "a heart rate with Tabata fluctuation - max. to medium to max. etc.". Here, your technique is tested with coordination of breath and "machine" and not least your psyche.

KataFIT is trained in Shindenkan as a supplement to the Yakami Shinsei-ryu training. But of course it can also be trained separately or together with other physical training.

You should at least train KataFIT according to your TG group and purpose, 2 times a week. The most significant results are achieved with 3 times weekly training.

Training frequencyWeekly trainingWeekly training
Result2 times2 times3 times3 times
Visible result5S + 5S5S + 8S8S + 5S + 8S8S + 8S + 8S
Very visible result8S + 10S10S + 12S10S + 12S + 10S12S + 10S + 12S
Marked visible result12S + 15S15S + 15S12S + 15S + 12S15S + 12S + 15S
There is a difference in human development of visible muscles. Some simply have to get up from a chair, then they have telephone poles as thighs, but most have to make an extra constant effort. Others look very strong and others do not look strong - but what you see does not correspond to what you expect. Common sense for life; such as attitude, training and diet, are always part of the end result.

What can KataFIT do? And what can't KataFIT do?

KataFIT is completely unique in that you combine strength training with cardio training - step by step, and KataFIT can be trained by all age groups, anytime and anywhere.

The health benefits of strength training and cardio training are many, such as;

The primary benefits of strength trainingThe primary benefits of cardiovascular exercise
  • First – Physical, mental and spiritual balance, surplus and overview, but also things like;
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Provides a more favorable distribution between HDL/LDL cholesterol
  • Increases bone density, thereby preventing osteoporosis
  • Increases muscular strength so that you become more functional in everyday life
  • Increases muscle mass, so that the age-related breakdown of muscle mass is counteracted
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers the resting heart rate, primarily due to the beneficial adaptations that cardiovascular exercise causes in the heart
  • Improved lung capacity
  • Greater muscular endurance
  • Improved blood circulation, due to increased capillary formation
The important thing is that KataFIT takes your age into account - your whole life and gives you optimal functional overall training physically, mentally and spiritually, which for most people becomes increasingly important after the age of 35-40, when you especially lose muscle mass, but also have biological physical processes that don't work as well as they did when you were 25.


The changes mentioned below are currently being researched, where the western world in particular is getting an increasing predominance of older people.

Age-related changeWhat does that mean in general?
Less muscle massLess strength, lower need for energy intake
Decreased aerobic capacityLower fitness, lower need for energy intake
Less glycogen storesLower endurance, lower need for energy intake
Poorer combustion of energy intake
Lower resting metabolism, Decreased bone densityBreak & vomit, increased need for optimal diet and sunlight
Decreased stomach acidWorse digestion. Increased need for optimal diet and lifestyle
Decreased bioavailability of calciumIncreased need for optimal diet, sunlight and lifestyle
Decreased ability to absorb retinol in the liverIncreased need for optimal diet, sunlight and lifestyle
Reduced efficiency in the body's use of vitamin B6Increased need for optimal diet, sunlight and lifestyle
Increased oxidative stressIncreased need for optimal diet, sunlight and lifestyle
Increased amounts of homocysteineIncreased need for optimal diet, sunlight and lifestyle
Reduced thirst sensationIncreased need for optimal diet, sunlight and lifestyle
Impaired liver functionIncreased need for optimal diet, sunlight and lifestyle


The way most Yakami Shinsei-ryu trainees will feel it, the older they get, is that you need longer recovery and if you are wise, more sensible food and drink. Remember you are what you eat.


Can KataFIT cause injuries? or heal injuries?

It is almost impossible for KataFIT to cause damage up to KataFIT 5S.

It is also typically very difficult for most people up to KataFIT 8S.

It takes a lot to create damage up to 8S-12S.

But it is absolutely not impossible from 12S to 15S. It is likely, as this is super elite training with not only high technical demands – constantly, but also where you really have to be good at yourself – constantly.

KataFIT cannot basically cure, but can remedy and support the solution of the following;

  • Old light to severe damage
  • Age-related wear and tear
  • Traumas – psychological, – from childhood to the present, experiences, long-term stress, depressions and diagnoses

All people have good and bad days, - this also applies to Shindenkaners.

When you train for a graduation, where physical tests are included, the purpose is both to ensure that you are able to complete the graduation process in a reassuring physical and psychologically supportive way, but most of all – a test of your attitude, willpower and stamina over time.

The training for a physical stop test usually takes 6-12 months, depending on the basic form you have as a starting point. In its basic, safe form, the training takes as a starting point some very individual prerequisites to avoid forced injuries, overtraining, undertraining, but also some physical prerequisites.

Some get injured during a graduation training. In 4 out of 5 cases it is due to forced poorly planned and undisciplined training, controlled by a not so good and healthy ego, etc.

Remember that all training means breaking down the body so that it can be built stronger, more flexible and faster.

The muscles are the fastest to train. Already after a few months, there will be a clear result - depending on the effort.

But muscles have to "hang on to something". Muscles do this through tendons and ligaments, which are the body's support structures. Training tendons takes at least 3-4 months and ligaments 4-12 months – depending on your starting point and continuous effort.

Muscles, tendons and ligaments are attached to your skeleton - bone structure. The bone structure becomes stronger and denser over the course of a few months.

If you don't plan your training well enough, rush it, live a totally stressed and unhealthy life or think you can still do as you did when you were 20 years younger, you are most often hit by injuries or pain.

Even small muscle fiber ruptures set you back by months and in just 4-6 weeks you lose up to 50 % of your muscle strength.

Tendons and ligaments are also typically affected when you do not adhere to a healthy and sensible training plan. This often means injuries. Overuse injuries to tendons and ligaments usually mean that in just 4 weeks you lose up to 30-40 % of your strength in these, and remember that it takes at least 2-3 times as long to rebuild than with muscles.

Smoking, unbalanced alcohol consumption, unhealthy food, stress and too little sleep over a long period of time is a sure winner of injury at one point or another.

Untreated emotional trauma, typically from a complicated and insecure childhood and youth upbringing or major shock throughout life, will "sit in different places" on the body. When you are pressured, you will most often physically respond to the emotional trigger point that has provoked this untreated emotional pain, which makes itself known physically. It can be stomach pain (Fear of not being good enough, pent-up anger, insecurity, etc.), lower back pain (fear of losing control, management, performance, failure, losing, etc.), back and shoulders (feeling unloved, let down, self-protection, guilt, lack of support, insecurity, lack of action, overwhelmed, paralysis of action, etc.)

All this has NOTHING to do with KataFIT and will not deprive you of responsibility for your own life, - although many would like it that way 🙂 and get annoyed that KataFIT cannot do this for them.

KataFIT cannot heal physical, psychological, mental or spiritual injuries or imbalances. But KataFIT can support you in this process - IF you take responsibility for your own life.


What would a reasonable general training plan look like?

The first physical stop test (KataFIT) is only valid for 4.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu and the second physical stop test (Kondital & KataFIT 5S) is only valid for 2.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu. The earliest you can achieve the Ayame mark is from 1st kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu, 1st dan Shindenkan Karate-do.

For the 5th kyu there is a completion test of stop test 1; KataFIT, which is a preparatory test that is for you, so that you know as best as possible physically and mentally what is required to pass stop test 1 when it is applicable and under test pressure.

For the 3rd kyu there is a completion test of stop test 2; Kondital & KataFIT 5S, which is a preparatory test for you, so that you know as best as possible physically and mentally what is required to pass stop test 2 when it is applicable and under test pressure.

If you pass these practice tests within a margin of 10 %, you retain the right to two attempts for the next applicable grade. This ensures serious training for the preparatory stop test - which is therefore for YOU and your success.

If you do not achieve this margin, you lose the right to your two attempts, and will therefore have one attempt for the next applicable degree. If you pass this, you have again earned the right to two attempts, as you have proven your attitude and constant willpower, discipline and prioritization.

Statistically, those who have prepared constantly and followed the training plan lose at least 90 %, just 0-10 % of the results they perform locally, during a national stop test.

Those who have not prepared such, either cannot complete due to injuries, withdraw due to unforeseen work pressure, or they lose between 10-30 % of the results they perform locally, during a national stop test.

The starting point is ALWAYS yourself;

  • Remember - this is something you do for YOU and if done well, it will increase your self-esteem, confidence, your body and your attitude to life. It can be positively life-changing and life-affirming.
  • WANT - DON'T WANT - you can't have a great experience and be 100 % proud of yourself, - with half the effort.
  • Be 100 % honest about your basic form - be honest and objective when you are tested locally and nationally.
  • All people have rainy days and periods of skipping actions, excuses, demotivation, etc. But remember - you are doing this for YOUR sake and you are doing this for YOU, that you CAN, IF YOU WANT to and you are doing this to prove that you can and do your best to prove that you can complete something that most people say they can, but when it comes down to it, in reality can't because they surrender to the first line of this section.
  • Find your motivation – By completing, you will not only be a role model for yourself, but also your children, spouse, family, friends, club mates, work colleagues and society.
  • Plan, plan, plan. Enter all private events into a calendar and compare this with the Shindenkan calendar. Aim to stick to your training plan 90 % but go for the 100 %. Remember this is an average consideration over the year. But you should definitely not go below the 70 % with a valid valid reason for more than a total of one-two months, as this will have too negative an effect on your training plan. The minimum level should be at least 80 %, preferably 90 %, but go for the 100 %.
  • The training for Stop test 1 and stop test 2 takes place with at least 50-70 % self-training. That is the point! since the most important test part of the stop test is that YOU have to prove your attitude, stamina, discipline and willpower - constantly over time - 6-12 months.
  • But that does not prevent you from finding a training partner, group or other support in complying with your training plan. If you have a family or girlfriend, it is very important that you receive acceptance, respect and support from them.
  • At a minimum, you will always have a support structure in your local Shindenkan school through the weekly training and nationally through OBC, NKT and Honbu training targeted just for you.
  • Locally, 3-4 months before the graduation window opens, the support structure will practice test you on a weekly basis, so that you can actively seek sparring, help and support to get fully into place. Nationally, you will be tested at least once a month with figures given to the Honbu chief instructor for evaluation and assessment.
  • 3-5 weeks before the stop test, you should strive to be able to complete the stated requirements. It gives you time to fine-tune the last technical and time-related details, without having to think about whether you can complete the stop test with profit and joy. This means that stop test 1 and 2 become routine and you can enjoy them to the fullest and give your attention to the multi-track stop tests that follow the very simple stop test 1 and stop test 2. If you follow this plan, it will provide peace of mind, overview and safety and mean that your graduation process can be a really good experience.

What benchmarks can I plan my training plan according to?

Fortunately, there are both local and national support structures:

  • In August, you opt out or choose to enter the gross group for graduation through the national Honbu curriculum training.
  • From August to December, there is a general retraining of all TG groups at local and national level
  • In December, a preliminary net selection of graduates in spe takes place - based on the gross list of registered students. This means that the preliminary nominees have 2-4 weeks over Christmas and New Year to accept or reject the challenge in a graduation setting and the more concentrated efforts in the coming six months that lie behind.
  • Between the winter holidays and the Easter holidays, some stop test tests will be started after the Ayame brand and the multi-track stop tests. The test results are sent to Honbu's chief instructor with a short assessment by the responsible Honbu instructor. After at least 2-3 test results, Honbu performs a further reduction of the net list. This happens both with unsubscribes and opt-outs through a dialogue with the first netlist set.
  • Typically around Easter, a fixed support structure is initiated on a weekly basis - locally and nationally. It consists of KataFIT as a fixed weekly component and at least 2-3 trial tests on stop test 2; Kondital & KataFIT 5S.
  • Shortly before the graduation process window opens in early to mid-May, the last and final net selection for graduation takes place, which usually contains less than half of the first net list.
  • The graduation setting process in Shindenkan can at first glance be seen as circumstantial. But it is made to protect and make a graduation experience a constructive event that the graduate can positively build on in his life, not abuse the voluntary and unpaid graduation resources, and not use graduation fees that could have been better used elsewhere.
  • Upon payment of the graduation fee, the net list becomes the final graduation list for the season. It is locked and binding, but with no guarantee of passing, although we have tried to ensure this through this long setting process.
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