Article from Ballerupbladet - Exhibition in Ballerup: Øresund Arena in Måløv

Måløv will lay the floor for martial arts in Arena-Øresund. Here is a situation from the inauguration of the new hall on Sunday. - Photographer: Michael Wimmelmann

By Thomas Frederiksen, Ballerupbladet

The region: The new hall in Måløv will lay the groundwork for ground-breaking sports cooperation across the Øresund.

The new hall in Måløv, which was inaugurated on Sunday, will soon lay the floor for a big event.

It takes place on the days 15-17 June, when the hall lays the floor for Ballerup's contribution to Arena Øresund.
An ambitious project where young people on both sides of the Øresund have to play sports with each other. It takes place in Malmø as well as Gentofte, Copenhagen and Måløv. A bus will transport children between the four locations.

In Måløv, the focus is on martial arts, and it will be possible to practice judo, capoeira, Tai Chi, boxing, Taekwondo and Jokokan Karate these days.

In the new sports facility, there is a smaller barefoot hall, which is particularly suitable for martial arts.
The other Danish municipalities contribute, among other things, with beach volleyball and kayak polo at Fisketorvet in Copenhagen and tennis and sailing in Gentofte.

In Malmö, there will be, among other things, American football, street basketball and climbing.

It is the Øresund Network, MISO- Malmö Idrottsföreningar's Samorganisation and DIF, Denmark's Sports Confederation, which organize the Øresund Arena.

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