New black and brown belt graduations

By Jokokan Honbu

Jokokan Denmark has received two new 2nd dan black belts, two new 2nd kyu brown belts, 1 dash and 2 new 3rd kyu brown belts during the end of the Jokokan Honbu-dojo (Main School) Yakami-ryu Karate-do's annual training camp for experienced athletes on June 18 and 19, 2004.

Over the past month, all six Jokokaners have passed all three mandatory stop tests, which all Jokokaners must pass when they are appointed and go through graduations for brown and black belt.

The first test is the practical syllabus test, which ensures that the jokokan can complete the entire syllabus to the specific degree, which also ensures that the jokokan can teach the common syllabus for Jokokan.

The second test is the physical test, which ensures the jokokaner's physical form before the cash, physically demanding and realistic kumite test (free-kamp/street fight), which aims to ensure the jokokaner's understanding and insight into his own internal psychological reaction patterns under great pressure , where the jokokaner is already physically and mentally under pressure, as this test is always at the end of the training camp.

This realistic test also ensures the jokokaner's insight and understanding, should the jokokaner be unfortunate enough to experience having to defend himself, without illusions and dazzle about his own ability and reaction in the real world.

It is important that the jokokaner knows how to take care of himself and others.

As already mentioned, the last and third stop test consists of an individual, concentrated and targeted training camp for experienced practitioners, where the jokokaner learns new as well as old syllabus with a deeper insight and understanding. This teaching is divided into approx. 75 % physical teaching in the dojo and approx. 25 % theoretical teaching through mutual knowledge sharing. The stop test concludes with the realistic Shiai kumite test, and a pass/fail.

The result of Honbu-dojo Graduations:

Black Belt:

  • Søren Nielsen, Jokokan Amager Karate School for 2nd Dan, Omote, Yakami-ryu Gensei Karate-do.
  • Kjeld Nyrup, Jokokan Frederiksberg Karate School for 2nd dan, Omote, Yakami-ryu Gensei Karate-do.

Brown Belt:

  • Henrik Bruun, Jokokan Ballerup Karate School for 2nd Kyu, Yakami-ryu Gensei Karate-do.
  • Rune Larsen, Jokokan Ballerup Karate School for 2nd Kyu, Yakami-ryu Gensei Karate-do.
  • Johnny Herløv Rask, Jokokan Ballerup Karate School for 3rd Kyu, Yakami-ryu Gensei Karate-do.
  • John Christensen, Jokokan Frederiksberg Karate School for 3rd Kyu, Yakami-ryu Gensei Karate-do.

Jokokan Honbu-dojo Yakami-ryu Karate-do and Jokokan Danmark confederation wish you hearty congratulations on your graduation, and at the same time wish all Jokokaners, families, friends and acquaintances, as well as our readers all over the world, a very good summer and summer vacation. We thank you for your support this season.

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