YSK Brown and BKK Black Belt graduations, Summer Convention 2023

It is hereby confirmed that the below mentioned members of Shindenkan have been appointed and graduated by Yamana-Itotani Sensei on Saturday, June 17, 2023 after passing all 9 of 9 stop tests in the graduation process lasting 5 weeks for TG3-TG6.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do 1st Kyu graduations

Pia Hornung
  • 1. Kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • 1. Dan, Bujutsu Kodosokukai Jikitai Karate-do (Original gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • 1. Dan, Bujutsu Kodosokukai sports Karate-do (Gensei-Ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do 2. Kyu graduations

Helene Grønfeldt
Mads Villadsen
William Grønfeldt
Michael Becker
  • 2. Kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • 1. Kyu, Bujutsu Kodosokukai Jikitai Karate-do (Originally gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • 1. Kyu, Bujutsu Kodosokukai sports Karate-do (Gensei-Ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do 3. Kyu graduations

Jesper Hjorth
  • 3. Kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • 2. Kyu, Bujutsu Kodosokukai Jikitai Karate-do (Originally gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • 2. Kyu, Bujutsu Kodosokukai sports Karate-do (Gensei-Ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do 4. Kyu graduations

Jonathan Grøntfeldt
Magnus Breinstrup
  • 4. Kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • 3. Kyu, Bujutsu Kodosokukai Jikitai Karate-do (Originally gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • 3. Kyu, Bujutsu Kodosokukai sports Karate-do (Gensei-Ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)

Special role model remarks;

  • All passed the Ayame Kuroi first time with health scores high to very high for their age group (Conditions 44 to 61).
  • All graduates passed without problems all other stop tests with very high cut from 85 % to 100 %, were very convincing and had mega good attitude, which is quite special and unusual after 5 weeks.
  • The dumping percentage was 0 %, as everyone had a great attitude, humility and realism for the task, stamina and the long cool move, and at the same time helped and supported each other during all 10 months of support structure. That nobody, absolutely nobody dumped and with graduation grades from 10 to 12 - has NEVER happened before since the year 2000.
  • Marked fat percentage decrease and muscle percentage increase over 6+ to 14 months, with very clear positive and happy body changes – ; Muscles – +3kg to 12kg or +5 % to +19 % of bodyweight before/after. Adulthood.

Age range 17 years to 62 years

  • Pia Hornung, KataFIT 12, Cycle fitness 49, Ryugitest 95 %
  • Helene Grønfeldt, KataFIT 10, Cykel Kondital 44, Ryugitest 83 %
  • Mads Villadsen, KataFIT 10, Løb Kondital 61, Ryugitest 76 %, SF matches; 2 long + 4 short, a total of 7 min.
  • William Grønfeldt, KataFIT 10, Cykel Kondital 59, Ryugitest 77 %, SF matches; 2 long + 4 short, a total of 7 min.
  • Jesper Hjorth, KataFIT 8, Cycle fitness 44, Ryugitest 73 %, SF voluntary matches; 2 cards
  • Michael Bekker, KataFIT 10, Running fitness 44, Ryugitest 60 %, SF voluntary matches; 2 cards
  • Kjeld Nyrup, KataFIT 12, Cycle fitness 48, Ryugitest 100 %, SF voluntary matches; 1 map
  • Jens Iversen, KataFIT 12, Cycle Kondital 57+

Team support - general training sessions

  • Kimu K. Bjarkmann, KataFIT 12, Thorax condital 55+

The official dump percentage since the process started in August 2022, after three humanly very hard and challenging Corona and post-corona years: Up to black; 20 % and up to brown; 0 %.

Shindenkan Honbu dojo wishes everyone hearty congratulations on graduations/appointments, which you have rightly earned through high continuous effort.

OBC KM1-4 Competency graduations

  • 15 passed. Congratulations.

Also congratulations to the 51 other Shindenkaners who passed their graduations.

Honbu Dojo Lejre´s competence and graduation course season no. 56; 2022-2023

2022-2023 is the first full season where we, like all other voluntary and unpaid associations, have had full control over activities and planning, and for us; 5-year strategic plan 2026.
Due to the Corona Pan epidemic and its consequences, it has not been possible to conduct a normal Yakami Shinsei-ryu brown and black belt graduation since the summer of 2019.
After a very successful and much-needed turn-around and democratic clean-up process from 2017-2022, which was unexpectedly reinforced by almost 3 years of interruption and closure of seasons, a 10-month graduation process was not optimal for the vast majority of students, who did not have the means to this in the previous season 2021-2022. Therefore, there were no brown belt graduations, but only a single black belt graduation at the 2-4.dan competence level, which testified to absolutely world-class mental stability, psyche and performance. And so it was too 🙂 .
But here in season 2022-2023, a tidal wave of positive development and strengthened mental energy came to us again!

It was absolutely fantastic to experience and witness. Because Yakami Shinsei-ryu brown and black belt graduations are not like most of our other single-track competitors in martial arts, or multi-track franchise systems with a fluid curriculum. It is – yes, a multi-track transparent and open process that everyone knows about and is the same for everyone.

The reason for this is the 1,000-year-old cultural heritage's requirement for multi-track system competences through stop test courses over typically 4-6 weeks. Therefore, there is also a preparation time from setting of 6-12 months. The single-track competencies (I-IV) are shown discreetly through a stop test; OBC Competence mark certifications, which take place every year, so the level of competence is kept at a nationally standardized minimum. The OBC Competence marks constantly reflect the present. This means that members cannot rest on their laurels and live on the merits of the past, but invest their time in maintaining and developing their multi-track competences at a minimum of one – minimum level or higher at national level.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu (YSK) is a multi-track Japanese cultural historical martial arts system with more than 1,000 years of history. There are therefore special requirements for a graduation course to brown and black belt competence level.

It is a completely voluntary course, where particular emphasis is of course placed on the YSK competences, but also on the human confirmation and development aspects with the building of lasting benefits for self-esteem and self-confidence, which can be used outside Shindenkan; School, high school, university, work, social life, family, you as a person, etc.

The first basic stop tests are structured according to two purposes;
  1. A stop test course over which the graduate in question has 100 % control, as long as he meets the same minimum requirements applicable to everyone. This part requires self-discipline, planning, prioritization and stamina typically over 6-12 months, depending on level of ambition and option/opt-out.
  2. A stop test course, which 100 % follows the graduation handbook applicable to everyone, and where the number of requirements for stop tests depends on the degree the graduate in spe must reach.
The first part where the graduate in question has 100 % control is; AYAME

The AYAME mark – physical tests which ensure that the graduate in terms of health can complete a graduation course, physically, psychologically, mentally in a risk-minimized and safe way for himself and others. Basically, this is physical training at different levels. But since this is a cultural historical martial arts system, this part is of course 100 % optimized for the task in Shindenkan. In addition to fitness tests, which are typically running, cycling, rowing, swimming, there are health-promoting elements completely unique to Shindenkan; KataFIT and SKK – Stretch Ki Kata. Unique elements that train and fine-tune both the exterior and interior of a person with more than 1,000 years of Eastern and Western knowledge skills behind them.

The two optional options, which the graduate must consider before the stop tests and cannot change afterwards, are;
  1. The normal chosen physical requirement pack is Ayame Kuroi – Black. It consists of two stop tests which are usually taken within a week. The first has the main focus on fitness and self-control. The second has the main focus on optimal energy balance between correct use of breath and body, mind, spirit, through functional full-body training at different levels.
    • Precisely the local as national training in; KataFIT and SKK – Stretch Ki Kata, which are gradually raised in skill level and understanding every year, are completely unique Shindenkan tools. But at the same time, copying is also made more difficult, as the multi-track Yakami Shinsei system has always been and is a very favorite object for this.

    • The gradual release of competence knowledge also means that 90+ % of the members do not need to do strength and conditioning training in a gym at all. This saves both time and money, as the gym quota can be saved.

    • The requirement for Ayame Kuroi is a health score from high to very high, depending on degree requirements and data from the Scandinavian age group. The same applies to KataFIT level and type. SKK is the same.
    • Can everyone pass Ayame Kuroi? Yes, they can if they want to and make the effort to do so. It has 55+ years of history shown, and it's both teenagers, girls, boys, men, women, Old boys & Girls, Wonder boys & girls. You get guidance, help and optimization advice along the way through a joint national support structure. But that also means you can't bluff your way through. Since everyone can see and experience each other during the entire support and cohesion process of typically 10 months; Who makes an effort? And who just talks? This means that reality is as it is; If you make an effort, everyone can see and acknowledge it. If you do the opposite, and despite help and support, continue to do this, then everyone can see it too. It is a fairly objective stop test.
    • Everyone must pass the same and must go through the same for their degree. It's the same rules for everyone. Those who often fail do not want or have not understood these rules and facts. Most often, it is muscular or intellectually well-articulated boys, men, girls and women who often act with confidence, who look cool or have been very cool, say those who most often have to report. It's a great shame as they could easily pass if they just sat down and listened. Those who do this survive, and fortunately the vast majority do!
    • After a graduate under formalized national graduation courses has passed full AYAME at least twice, the graduate is given a role model AYAME KUROI or AYAME GOLD, which is sewn onto the gi. This typically happens when graduating to 1.kyu, YSK. In this way, other graduates in spe can always distinguish between advisers who have an opinion and those who have actually made a fact-based difference and completed AYAME - twice. Even the absolute coolest Superman or Wonder Woman will fail the AYAME stop tests without optimal technical preparation. They can take the fitness part, but not the KataFIT part. Here, 99.9 % will "die from lack of oxygen" due to the energy, physiology and respiratory balance to which all humans are subject. Advice is most often free and non-binding, but the consequences of wrong or "I was cool once" advice is that the graduate in spe dumps after a preparation period which often extends over 6-12 months. AYAME GOLD is world elite fitness number, KataFIT and SKK. Bone density for women is typically in the 60-70+'s and 70+'s for men.
  2. AYAME GOLD – GOLD IRIS, are the absolute highest physical, psychological and mental demands according to the Scandinavian population for the world's elite. This applies especially to health statistics. You have to in advance select and complete Ayame GOLD. It's all or nothing. Either you pass or you don't. Attempt. For AYAME Kuroi you have two attempts.
    • 9 out of 10 who proclaim the choice of AYAME GOLD this season are boys and men. But the facts are that out of approx. 50,000 since 1965-67, only three have passed AYAME GOLD during a YSK graduation course. All three are slender girls in the group; JokoTeens, Adult, Old Girl or Wonder Girl. They made a plan, followed it, helped each other and fellow graduates in planning and carried out without any major problems and in high spirits. Many boys and men have tried. But never completed or skipped shortly before the graduation process started. We still encourage boys and men to also pass an AYAME GOLD. Shindenkan celebrates diversity and balance – both ways, all ways. The girls are today Lawyer M&A, PhD student, Partner and still REALLY cool 🙂

The next stop tests are more traditional according to the curriculum handbook last updated in 2009/2019. Here comes the full overview of all the stop tests.

Multi-track brown belt degrees (3rd Kyu – 1st Kyu) and multi-track black belts;

  • AYAME Stop test 1 – Physical dynamic fitness test – Fitness test high to very high for world elite + short physical dynamic strength test KataFIT 5S.
  • AYAME Stop test 2 – Physical dynamic strength test – KataFIT 8S, 10S, 12S or 15S – fitness, whole-body strength, and self-discipline over 6-12 months.
  • Stop test 3 – Ryugi test in writing – theoretical test 20 questions – the degree obliges to impart knowledge.
  • Stop test 4 – Ryugi test oral preparedness – theoretical test – the degree obliges knowledge dissemination, also under stress.
  • Stop test 5 – Ryuha test – Syllabus practical & technical from 10.kyu and up to the degree.
  • Stop test 6 – OBC KM annual certification – multi-track of the single-track competencies for the degree – discrete.
  • Stop test 7 – Shiai from 2.kyu onwards – free fight without weight, age, sex, classes, full contact, floor fight and minimum rules. Reflects and prepares – if reality is unfortunate.
  • Stop test 8 – Stamina & Fighting spirit test. Test of willpower, attitude and stamina after a 5-week graduation course.
  • Stop test 9 – Role models worthy of the degree during at least the last three joint events. Humility to the task and holistic results orientation.

Additionally for multi-track Yakami Shinsei-ryu black belts (1st Dan – 3rd Dan – DENSHO) and higher;

  • Stop test 10 – Bunbu Ichi – Thesis – Independent personal written process assignment, which is deeply confidential to the chagrin of many 🙂
  • Stop test 11 – Summer meeting – basic teaching test completed satisfactorily. Role model & instructor when you are totally exhausted after 5 weeks of graduation. Besides own nose tip.
  • Stop test 12 – RRCamp – training process – We meet you where you are and take you on a journey.
  • Stop test 13 – The rising extraordinary to highly unusual as a role model; Katsu-Jin (50/55/60+ years), Kohaku-jin (Documented Physiological Minority Percentage of min. 8/12/15/18/30 %), AYAME GOLD and others.
  • Stop test 14 – JODEN, JODEN HIDEN, OKUDEN, OKUDEN HIDEN, MENKYO – 4-6.dan YSK & 5-7.dan BKK GRK – the multi-tracked whole person – Unleash your full potential, step by step – Be yourself. Ryugi.
  • Stop test 15 – JODEN, JODEN HIDEN, OKUDEN, OKUDEN HIDEN, MENKYO – 4-6.dan YSK & 5-7.dan BKK GRK – the multi-tracked whole person – Unleash your full potential, step by step – Be yourself. Ryuha.

Multi-track degrees versus single-track – OBC Competency Marks

Most people want the brown or black belt. But if that's your primary underlying motivation, Shindenkan might not be the best fit for you. Shindenkan is multi-track and focuses on the whole person – not just individual subjects. But having said that, we also recognize the world we live in and therefore we also understand the meaning and balance of degrees. We reflect this both in the normal national graduations, where from the 4th kyu it happens in three systems, but obviously mostly through the annual beautiful OBC multi-track competence marks. From brown to black with resp. 1, 2 and 3 stripes under a black belt. The OBC KM1-4 badges also discreetly reflect the student's true maintained single track competencies; brown belt, Black belt; 1st degree, 2nd degree and 3rd degree. Knowing that people first of all look at the belt color - from a distance, and at role models and competence marks - up close. Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do is a 10.kyu to 10.dan multi-track system.

Honori's experience project 2013-2019 has been completed

We have no Honoris – honorary degrees in the Shindenkan after 1992. On an experimental scheme from 2013-2019 we again had this very Japanese form. But it does not work at all in Denmark and the West. In Japan it is a huge HONOR and the student will train night and day until the student can repay this HONOR. Unfortunately, the opposite happens most often in Denmark and the West. Shindenkan project statistics say 25 % kept their word and fulfilled the intention behind it, 40 % quit shortly before the honorary degree expired and 35 % would be caliph instead of the caliph without the hard work behind it, and attempted hostile undemocratic takeover, culminating in the ultra-rare Japanese HAMON – “deprivation of all honor, degrees and history”, shortly before they would lose the honorary degree. So Honoris - honorary degrees - we don't have very good experiences with that 🙂 . Therefore, this has been abolished on the basis of 7 years of project experience. Shindenkan again reflects ONLY the same multi-track competencies applicable to everyone according to the purpose clause, statutes and common standardized curriculum manual.

Best regards,
Yamana-Itotani Sensei
Jokokan International and Bujutsu Kodosokukai Sodenke
Kaicho Shindenkan and Kaidenkan

Explanations to the reader;

We salute our heroes and heroines!
Katsu-Jin and Kohaku-Jin – with room for everyone;

Concepts were adopted during the 2017 general assembly, following pilot testing and development by Shindenkan's Competence and Development Center (SKUC). The concept is based on facts, statistics and practically applied medicine. Shindenkan's motto is "Space for everyone, the elite as the exerciser". It has included everyone so far, but Strat20 and Strat25 "Fill the ranks out, higher, wider and longer" has meant that several have gained the skills to graduate to TG3, TG4 and TG5. Nothing stands still in reality – development is needed.
It is a great success, but does not include everyone. It takes an average of 9-12 years to become a 1st dan in the multi-track system, Yakami Shinsei-ryu. A lot can happen in the course of 9-12 years with physical injuries, illness and operations. But physical injuries do not mean that you do not carry the will in your heart, mind and brain and with the right attitude for development and progression! This is especially true the older you get. It is a natural physical development that is most often founded BEFORE you became a member of Shindenkan.

With the concepts of Kohaku-Jin (recognized mén degree over 8 %) and Katsu-Jin (Age over 50/55/60+ years) it has been taken into account that we pay tribute to our heroes and heroines and you are NEVER too old to learn, develop, train and be good to yourself - and others.

We know from experience that it is not at all good for yourself or others if you have stalled in your development and progression as a person for too many years. This is especially true for Yakami Shinsei-Ryu brown and black belts with childhood and youth conviction driving anchors.

But until 2017, we had not had a sustainable concept, where graduates in spe, must pass physical stop tests with "One size fits all - same rules apply to all", - but who are simply semi-disabled and therefore either cannot or as a consequence will end up completely disabled. But they can from 2017 and now! The core of the concept is that anyone can take KataFIT - if they train regularly and do it technically correctly. It is not always optimal in terms of health to take fitness tests with running, cycling, swimming, rowing, IF you have a recognized AES minus percentage more than approx. 12+ % of e.g. knees, hips. We have successfully tested gentle elliptical cross-trainers as an alternative for multiple injury percentages - multiple body parts. But there are still a few who cannot do this properly. The same applies to Shiai – the freestyle test, where fast fluid movements and uncontrollable floor fights are the norm. Age also plays a role here, statistically speaking especially after the age of 45. There is, of course, individual specialist medical assessment on each individual graduate in spe. But the last and decisive word has Yamana-Itotani Sensei, as supreme responsible grading judge.

To meet the same conditions as everyone else, KataFIT can be significantly increased in number. KataFIT not only provides good health, strength and well-being on several levels, but also really good fitness.
We know that statistically for more than 90 % of all KataFIT exercisers, KataFIT 12S gives at least a high fitness index and KataFIT 15S very high fitness index according to the average for the Scandinavian population. In this way, the fitness figure can be compensated and stimulated. We have called this AYAME CHAIRO.

Grading of illness and injury;

Illness and injury graduation can take place if there are at least three graduands in spe who will be healthy enough, within three months of the season, to go up to an illness and injury graduation, if there are resources for this.
The prerequisite is that all graduates in spe have been formally appointed and are documented injured within the process leading up to formal summer graduation. That is they HAVE started the training course according to formal setting no. 2 and formal setting no. 3.
To avoid speculation, different heights have also been taken for this, which are assessed from person to person. Track record is the starting point. Sickness injuries are usually acute serious physical injuries, such as serious medically documented; 3+ months of fiber ruptures, sprains to broken limbs, over surgeries, brain tumors to long term serious illnesses.
Influenza, colds, etc. are not considered within the accepted disease area.

KATAFIT and SKK – Stretch Ki Kata

KataFIT is a holistic health and health training on several levels, which uses the latest new research, so the training is as effective, injury-preventing and training, stress-reducing and quality-of-life-promoting, in the shortest possible time. KataFIT is trained without aids and can therefore be performed anywhere and at any time. KataFIT forms a bridge between eastern and western research, but according to the KISS principle, just like with the POMW project; Keep IT Simple & Safe. KataFIT has already produced spectacular results that have been noted internationally.

SKK – Stretch Ki Kata is in optimal and clean execution "Moving meditation". Like KataFIT, SKK is scalable for everyone – from beginner white belt to the first real martial art denshograd; MENKYO – Master of all the Martial arts. The toolbox comes from 1,000 years of essential knowledge systematized through Yakami Shinsei-ryu. It is quite unique and tailor-made for Shindenkan's purpose.

Where KataFIT works both on the inner and outer lines on several levels, KataFIT can be seen especially on the outer lines – a healthy visible and marked functionally trained body and attitude. So in short – Shindenkaners – they just look good! 🙂 . SKK trains the inner lines more. Stretching of the body, muscles, ligaments, nerve pathways, etc. But also the body's electrical median pathways and energy nodes - we call it "knocking the rust off the water pipes". In addition, Ki – energy explosions are trained, when an extra amount has to be cleaned and the energy pressure is increased in the water pipes. Together, KataFIT and SKK – IN/YO – Ying/Yang provide extra focus on body, emotional, psychological, mental and spiritual awareness and attention training. It is also one of Shindenkan's purpose clauses – to make a difference in modern society, both for the individual and for everyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, education, social status and starting point. "We meet you where you are and take you on a journey".

Practical – what is KataFIT? What can you directly compare it to? Most people are happy with the whole-body oriented "Plank exercise" and 1-2 minutes in it. All of the above grads take anywhere from 2 to over 6+ minutes without issue. Which is very good. But when you then add that the Plank is dynamic and requires coordination and movement, at the same time as you have constant whole-body cross muscle tension, then the KataFIT version is usually described as the better dynamic plank form.

Okay, most people say it's very impressive, but there are many others who can also do it with training. Yes, that is absolutely correct. But before this "element", the KataFIT practitioner has already performed two other full-body "exercise elements", such as where you stand in a normal technically correct plank and take slow arm stretches, each lasting approx. 4-12 seconds depending on the three KataFIT version steps, all with correct and optimal breathing, as otherwise the body's energy processes cannot produce enough energy for you to complete this exercise element, especially up to and after KataFIT 8S.

KataFIT is a Kata – i.e. figure exercises that are performed beautifully and fluently non-stop, as a Budo Kata should be performed - there is basically no difference. A KataFIT 5S, which is the standard starting point in all Shindenkan schools, lasts approx. 22.5 minutes and usually burns between 200-300 KCAL. A KataFIT 12S lasts approx. 38.5 minutes, and a KataFIT 15 takes approx. 46.5 minutes.

Since KataFIT is both full-body strength training and cardio training, all KataFIT practitioners will achieve a significant improvement in both parts. The above graduates have a conservative fitness score measured by traditional recognized tests of 42 to 61. All without exception reached or close to their maximum heart rate during KataFIT 8S to 15S. The maximum heart rate is the absolute highest pulse value that your heart can achieve. If your maximum heart rate is 180, this means that your heart has the capacity to beat 180 times a minute when it is under maximum pressure.

Now many may think that "I will never be able to do this!" and it's only for "the big strong muscle boys". But here the answer is that you can do much more than you and others tell you!
And by the way, it's only three slender girls out of approx. 50,000 which has passed the highest stop test test mark; AYAME GOLD. All the "big strong muscle boys" gave up before or could not complete.

The above are completely ordinary Danes who also felt the same as you might be thinking, until they found out that they could do much more than they thought! In addition, it is far from certain that just because you LOOK strong, that you are, since true strength comes from within. Reality has shown that most people in traditional really good shape have not been able to complete a KataFIT 5S without proper technical and long-term training and instruction. Remember KataFIT and SKK are in their highest form "Moving Meditation".

Many really good strength trainers, after a while in frustration, have abandoned KataFIT around the 8S, and gone back to the gym's more traditional and simple training methods. The main reason is that KataFIT uses both aerobic and anaerobic training methodologies, and the higher the KataFIT number, the more you need oxygen and correctly synchronized breathing between movement and breathing. Otherwise, the body's energy production simply does not work optimally, and therefore even the strongest man or woman in the world comes to a standstill if this is not in place. It is very logical and simple. But some feel it like a straitjacket when you are constantly "training along the edge of the cliff", even though it is quite natural and physiologically conditioned and has been so ever since the origin of man.

KataFIT can be trained by everyone without exception, shape, injuries, without injuries and goals. The KataFIT train takes you on a journey, and even KataFIT 1S, which everyone in Shindenkan starts with, will with 99 % certainty contribute positively to your quality of life and your life. You are welcome!

KataFIT, which belongs to the 5-year Shindenkan SHIELD KISS project, which replaced the POMW project www.pomwproject.com ), you can read more about here;  ( www.shieldkiss.com ).

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