Shindenkan Honbu POMW IIa

Shindenkan POMW is a fantastic toolbox and competence training that is completely unique to Shindenkan Denmark and in 2024 Shindenkan Honbu dojo will run the 5 POMW course. It is always a huge investment and effort where Shindenkan Honbu dojo uses an extremely large amount of effort in both time, money and consumption of resources.

But there is a higher purpose, because we learn a lot - especially about ourselves! The POMW course has already been completed with great success 4 times in the past and there have been many POMW shooters through the very exciting and unique course.

Shindenkan Honbu's POMW competence course is packed with knowledge and learning about the world and yes 😊 with a lot of knowledge and learning about yourself! Always in a positive, inspiring, enlightening and sometimes also confrontational way - but of course adapted in a way that meets the participants where they are and takes them on a journey - this also applies to the former participants who choose to take the POMW course again and re-acquire their POMW OBC certification and I am one of them 😊.

Kimu Sensei always seeks to use his great knowledge for both development and the improvements that are needed, to increase the skills of Shindenkan members at any time and according to the needs that are 😉 and I have through the many years that I have been involved in Shindenkan, learned that there is never anything that stands still in terms of development in Shindenkan Honbu dojo, because as Kimu Sensei always says: "What is knowledge worth if it is not used".

POMW course 2024 is no exception and therefore when Kimu Sensei launched a new and improved POMW concept in November 2023, I was just completely involved from the start and I was very excited to get started - an incredibly positive and intense period lay ahead of us .

POMW Ia-Ib-Ic was carried out with great precision and success and all participants were now 100% ready for POMW IIa which is the focus of this article 😊 for the implementation of the new concept for POMW had also required new thinking in relation to improvements to the equipment and a very precise detailed planning and of course the implementation itself.

Like all POMW training it is all overshadowing - safety, safety and more safety, and adherence to the POMW marksmanship manual and the new concept had 2 very clear, defined and optimized processes that were reviewed and trained over and over again to great learning for both new and old shooters.

POMW IIa was carried out over 2 days - with Kimu Sensei as Chief shooting instructor and in absolute top form and everyone was guided, got sparring and gained more success experience over the 2 days. Detailed planning was meticulous and the implementation was incredibly precise with plenty of room for learning and as always there was plenty of room to share learning and experiences outside the shooting range - while the discipline and safety were totally top notch inside the shooting range - best Shindenkan spirit and the Shindenkan way 😊

In the new POMW concept, Kimu Sensei incorporated a very concentrated training in both safety and use of the aiming devices, and everyone could feel this very positively - both new and old.

Right here and now - it is important to remember Minouchi Sensei's thesis, which was the starting point for the POMW project and the toolbox that the POMW project has given to Shindenkan.

There is always a person behind the weapon, whether it is the trigger or the sword, and the result depends on the path that this person has chosen and taken responsibility for. The master and the beginner train on the same thing, but the result is very different.

So where are we as the man behind the weapon who defines himself? Aren't there more of us who haven't recognized ourselves yet! Yes, just like so many times before we are - just more people who are guided by our great need for success, recognition and nurturing of our big ego 😊 It's not new or for that matter different from the previous POMW courses.

It was actually proven many times - because when we were all controlled 100% and in that way - restrained and "forced" to follow the process exactly - the success rate was very high! But when everyone was given 50% free, all the non-constructive aspects came out with us and the success rate was more than halved - it was fantastic learning for all the participants.

Because why learn from all those who have gone before you - when you can reinvent the wheel yourself again and again and again - not 😊 Instead of trusting and learning from the process - no! I do what I want because there is no one to tell me anything.

Yes, but as Kimu Sensei always says: "What is knowledge worth if it is not used". So why not try something new 😊 Listen and learn. Have faith and follow the process – you can only do your best and if it's not good enough. So never mind - but always do your best.

After excellent teaching and individual feedback from Kimu Sensei and the many, many thousands of both dry and wet shots that each participant completed, I must state that the new concept is a huge success for myself, for everyone - both the new POMW shooters and us old people were taught or re-taught the POMW shooting technique handbook, trusting the process, wet shooting and not least about ourselves.

With the new POMW concept, Shindenkan has had a fantastic start to POMW course 5 and season with the many new POMW participants and an absolutely fantastic atmosphere in the gathering 😊. It is as if by magic the Shindenkan has been cleansed and now stands out again as something very special for all our members – a place with space for everyone who wants the bright positive energy and of course wants to train our fantastic 1000-year-old martial arts system – Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do. We have felt the positive energy when, for the first time in 3 years, we have had the opportunity to carry out recruitment campaigns in all Shindenkan's member schools.

We are now in the POMW self-training phase towards the next step and it will be super exciting when we progress to POMW IIb and not least POMW III, because we will be fantastic - especially if we follow the instructions for the POMW self-training phase 😊

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