Black is the new black

The black belt is a goal for most people because everyone, even those who do not practice martial arts, know what it stands for. In other martial arts systems, blue, green, purple or red can be different degrees, but with a black belt everyone knows you're pretty cool 😉.

The graduation to 1st Dan YSTK, which stands for Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do, is the most visible transition between the higher degrees. On the brown and black belts, the lines show a discreet difference in the degree you have, but here a change is not particularly clearly seen, as with a change of belt colour. The 1st Dan YSTK graduation also has associated traditions that are not present at other graduations, but you must experience them yourself when it is your turn. Because if I can achieve the black belt, so can you, since I have had no special prerequisites - which you do not have. I am female, 55 years old, and have never been in good shape before I started training in Shindenkan. But, you can do what you want and I decided to want 😉.

In the summer of 2023 I graduated 1st Kyu YSTK and by then I had already made the decision to continue in the graduation process towards 1st Dan YSTK in 2024. For 1st Dan the requirement is KataFIT 15S which takes 45:15 min. to carry out. I knew it would be a big challenge just like KataFIT 12S had been for 1.Kyu, as KataFIT 10S was for 2.Kyu and KataFIT 8S was for 3.Kyu. But we have managed to pass each time, so of course it was not an impossible challenge. It would require consistency in the training, that I push myself, but at the same time listen to my body to avoid injuries. Because KataFIT 15S is hard on the body. Especially maybe when you are 50+ 😉.

I maintained an ok level of training over the summer, so I was already in good shape at the start of the season. Towards Christmas I built up the form to the level of the physical requirements, and then it was "just" to make the form stable, perfect the execution and time, and avoid injuries; i.e. always listen to the body and not push it beyond what I have assessed it could handle. At the beginning I trained alone, but along the way I got support from Jens Hanshi-dai, who has taken the KataFIT 15S with me several times and filmed me so that I could see what I could improve and what mistakes I had to correct, which has been a big help support. In the same way, there has been support for the training leading up to the fitness test with monthly status tests jointly in the fitness center for all graduates in spe and instructors, which has provided a super good training community and the opportunity for sparring and support across clubs 😉 In addition to the targeted stop test training, I myself trained for fitness with 2 km of rowing and 15 min. spinning in intervals 2-3 times a week throughout the year.

The training for the physical tests has been very busy, but since I have continuously become physically stronger, I have also noticed an improvement in my karate training. The elements included in KataFIT are not random, but precisely the same elements that we use in the technical training. So when, through KataFIT, I strengthen my core, introductors and, not least, harmonize breathing with movement, I achieve an improvement in my technique. And when I'm in good physical shape, I'm more persistent and get more out of training. So it's win-win 😉

For graduation, there is a teaching test that must be passed, and to strengthen my skills here, I have been involved as an assistant instructor throughout most of the season. Both in my own club on the beginner team and through short instructor assignments at the national KYU competitions, but also in the other clubs or locally in Ørestad, Frederiksberg/Copenhagen and Slagelse. And it has been a great pleasure to get to know you all better, to see where and how you train and to be part of some of the training sessions. It makes me better, and it makes me feel that a bond is being created across the clubs that brings us together. Then we get to know each other when we meet for the joint curriculum training and the annual joint meetings. I really appreciate that 😉 And when I know you, it is much easier for me to be in a teaching session, which also makes the teaching better.

And then it gave absolutely fantastic support for my stamina test, which was held at the end of the program at the summer meeting, since you all knew me and were super good at giving support by shouting along the way. It means a lot when you are under pressure to feel the support of all of you watching, it gives just the extra energy that is needed. So when it's your turn, I'll probably be ready with the encouraging shouts 😉 Because hopefully you'll all stick around long enough that you'll also become aware of how fantastic a system of multi-track martial arts you're actually a part of. It often takes some time before you see the common thread in the system and that there is much more than what it appears on the surface. But hold on, it will probably get better 😉

Expect the unexpected. Just like last year, the graduation process did not go as planned. On the day when we expected to complete the physical fitness test, it did not turn out that way. Instead, KataFIT, SKK and the curriculum test were completed, which in total was 1½-2 hours of intensive energy discharge, and I was not prepared for that. For the cycling fitness test, it is important to weigh as little as possible, and I had prepared for this by fasting beforehand, as I had tested that it worked fine in relation to completing the cycling test of approx. 13-14 min. But with a KataFIT 15S, SKK and a syllabus test, where we were pushed at pace with a walking base back and forth across the floor in Eji-dachi, it was not an optimal preparation. Mentally, it is also a pressure not knowing what will happen, how long it will last and what the consequences are. You constantly have to push yourself extra. And if you don't do it, Kimu Sensei just continues the test for a longer time, not only for you, but also for everyone else who is taking the test, and this means that it affects others if you don't do your best the time. The theory test was announced to be valid for 2 years. Here I expected the unexpected and prepared thoroughly beforehand, but it was not relevant as there was no theory test. You never know how the Shia test will go, so I was prepared for anything. However, it was also held in a completely different way than before. So in general, always be prepared for anything 😉

Already at the start of the season, you register on the gross list for a graduation the coming summer, and then performance can be evaluated over the whole season. At the mid-term evaluation around the turn of the year, I was told that I had to work on my attitude, i.e. the perception or attitude that is reflected in my behavior. Around myself, I can see that I can hit a self-critical downward spiral that I may have difficulty getting out of, and it doesn't get any easier because the season is against one with darkness and cold. But my mood doesn't only mean something to me, it also affects my surroundings, which is why it's important to try to be the best version of yourself all the time, even if it's not always easy.

One of Shindenkan's values is "We believe in you, but you must also believe in yourself", which I have tried to take to heart. I must also be happy with what I achieve and proud of myself. At least if I do my best. It may well be that it is not always good enough, but I have done what I could. Doing this now and in the future to an increasingly greater degree must remain a goal. Through my Bunbu Ichi thesis, which is a written assignment for the 1st dan YSTK degree, I can see that I am mostly in thought, less in words, and least in action. And here comes one of Shindenkan's teachings for guidance "The future is created by your actions, not by what you think or say you will do". So if I want to change something for the future, I have to change my actions, not only think the good thoughts, but also practice them.

All the loving congratulations, hugs and nice words that I received in connection with the graduation made me very, very happy. Because here it became clear that I was a role model for others, perhaps especially the younger girls and women, who in this way see that it can also be possible for them to achieve the multi-track black belt. I am super proud of that and I hope there are more who will soon follow suit. Too black, shouldn't that be the new black? 😉

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