Happy Shindenkan Summer :-)

Dear Shindenkan members – One life-affirming end to the Season has been completed – and a new one is about to begin.

Shindenkan ended the 2020-2021 season with the traditional summer meeting. For Sunday, June 13, 2021, we held the best Shindenkan summer convention in 2 years 🙂 - Yes, some of the participants actually expressed that this year's summer convention was among their top 3 conventions in their entire membership of Shindenkan.

This year, the big theme was to meet again and train together - in one big shared dojo, to restore security after Corona, the physical training community and our motivation by training together on a national level. We were "Shinden-buddies" in the really cool way, where both new and old members were trained in Shindenkan's multi-track martial arts at 3 stations, with 3 different super inspiring topics, both with contact and close combat, which made all the participants' inner star to lyse 🙂 It was a super cool and well-planned event which gave a fantastic end to the season.

A meeting where we all welcomed each other by training together again with smiles on our faces when we hit the pads, we said thank you to each other with a twinkle in our eyes and speed on our Kumite and said a very positive goodbye to all our "Shinden buddies" ” in Kihon Kata Kumite – it was just super cool.

The summer convention was just a huge success for all of us and as always perfectly planned by Kimu Sensei. We have received extremely positive feedback from participants, both the young and the slightly less young. Parents have spontaneously reported back that their children were extremely happy after the event and that they are already looking forward to the next event.

For me personally, it was a fantastic positive and life-affirming experience to see so many join and to be confirmed - that we still stand strong together even after 18 long months of Corona restrictions, shutdown and uncertainty.

As chairman of the Shindenkan association, I have a few different things that I would like to share with you after the fantastic and life-affirming end of the season.

Shindenkan Denmark is one of the oldest martial arts organizations in Denmark and the summer of 2021 marks the end of our 54 season in Denmark!

At Shindenkan, we are value-based and we have really done everything in our power to live up to our set of values. Because in Shindenkan you never give up and it's about looking beyond yourself and being something for others 🙂 It is KISS common sense, because we are here for you and We have launched many different tracks and initiatives throughout the Corona crisis and in throughout 2021 we have been in contact with all members, big and small, every week - to create positivity, to support and care for each other and to convey the message that we have been here all along - We are there for you and together we stand stronger than ever!

Usually when we meet at the summer meeting we see the fruit of our own and all the members' efforts throughout a whole season, but this season has been very different and even though we have done everything, have constantly found new ways and ways to train together - then we have lost 2 years anyway!

But throughout the 18 months, we in Shindenkan Denmark have had our value-based management tested to a certain extent and I must say that it is the one, with Kimu Sensei as the central person, that has kept the whole organization up! We have been well supported along the way by the 100+ very resourceful members who have participated in ALT and supported both locally and nationally.

Thank you to all of you who have been loyally with us all the way because you have helped to prove our motto: Shindenkan - Together we stand strong!

It was a fantastic finish and it was so nice to see all the participants, especially the young people who give everything they have. I am always very happy about that, but just as much the not-so-young ones who show fantastic fighting spirit and give and take with a good heart. However, we are still missing some of the members, who are unfortunately hanging around for a while - But I very much hope that we will all see them in the new season.

Because Shindenkan has room for everyone - the elite as the exerciser and we want all existing members and all the new Shindenkaners we know to come to our Shindenkan schools in the coming season - truly see Shindenkan's multi-track qualities and Shindenkan's values as the way to become a better version of themselves and become a role model for themselves and for others.

This is what I also want from myself 🙂 and for all members.

Strat23 has become Strat25, after the general meetings until June 17, 2021.

The Corona Pandemic has put a big stick in the wheel at Strat23 and we are basically set back 2 years. The long shutdown has made it very difficult to train and complete the OBC. Therefore, Strat23 has become Strat25 and we need to rebuild the level of competence. OBC will be crucially important in Strat25 to ensure the essence of Yakami Shinsei-Ryu is intact.

As previously written, the Essence through OBC means that Yamana-Itotani Sensei must ONLY correct one place, after which the correction spreads like rings in the water in the rest of the Shindenkan 🙂

As federation chairman, it is my call to everyone to register for OBC in the coming season, because OBC will be decisive for the future of Shindenkan Denmark and for the result of now Strat 25. This does not only apply to the level of competence but equally to the current and future generation of Shindenkan members - because there is room for everyone, the elite such as the exerciser.

In the new season, Kimu Sensei will again work to ensure an increasing level of competence in Shindenkan and it will be very exciting because the goal is constantly that the annual OBC will create a slightly higher level.

In Shindenkan we have mandatory KataFIT and SKK - Stretch Ki Kata, which are set aside respectively. 22.5 minutes and 12.5 minutes more for TG2 (from 7.kyu and up) for each training lesson. SKK there will be a close review again in season 2021-2022, as this has been 2 years since the last time 🙂

REMEMBER: OBC exists for all of us and can ensure both the level of competence and if the accident happens and we become injured or ill for a long time, or if we are challenged in our life cycle personally or career-wise or if we simply need a break.

A new season begins – means new members on the way 🙂

When we start in August, we will hopefully have got through the Corona pandemic and are back to a normalcy that we know and then the new season will start in earnest. A new start to the season also means new positive and skilled Shindenkaners are on the way.

But as always, we need your positive help, so if you know someone who wants to try our fantastic training, pay attention to our start-up email and Facebook. Because we start at the same time as the schools and my request is that we all start spreading the word that everyone who wants to is welcome in Shindenkan - We are accepting new members as soon as possible around mid-August onwards.

We need ALL of us to help hold on to the old members - most just need a friendly gesture and feel that we are thinking of them and want to train with them.

The word of mouth recommendation from our existing members is the strongest and most genuine attraction we have and we believe it will also help actively before, during and after the Corona pandemic.

The last seasons have shown that positive friendly recommendations from all our existing happy and whole members about our community and multi-track martial arts - attracts many old members who have come back and strengthens the attraction of new members.

First a good Shindenkan summer and then we face a new exciting season - with a smile on our face and a positive mind because we know we have the very best starting point - because Shindenkan's multi-track martial arts system trains your body, mind and spirit through 1000 years of knowledge and values which are all universal. This is what Shindenkan's soul is built on!

Last but not least, WE wish all members and family a fantastic summer and we are very much looking forward to seeing you again with renewed energy - ambitions and good mood because we are ready to welcome everyone - new and old - with fantastically exciting and inspiring multitrack training.

So look forward to one of the very best seasons ever, so grab your training bag and come train with us - you won't regret it - if you have any questions - don't hesitate to contact your Head Instructor 🙂

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
