Shindenkan OBC article

By Christian H. Olsen, Member until 2022

Season 2018-2019


Since the start of the OBC course, I have looked forward to every central and local training like a small child. However, I have also had butterflies in my stomach because I have shown that it is up to me to take responsibility for my own learning and development.

Not least to apply the knowledge I have received directly from Kimu Sensei, and which I have experienced through training with good colleagues, and in teaching students.


OBC means ISLANDmandatory Ccertification


In Shindenkan, the concept of EMPOWERMENT is a mantra – Leadership and responsibility for your own life. The opposite is that everyone makes it easiest for themselves.

It takes 9-12 years to become a 1st dan, black belt in Yakami Shinsei-ryu. This also means that it can be up to 9-12 years since you took the original skills course!

It is stated in the curriculum handbook, has been said and written, that competence courses must be continuously maintained in local schools. This has been the case since 1989. NKT showed that this had not been the case.

NKT – National Competence Training, was divided into 2 main groups; Armed and unarmed competence course maintenance and repetition.

NKT revealed that there was a great need for OBC courses across the member schools, so the OBC final exam could be passed during a national graduation course at any time, with a common standard.

OBC Structure

The OBC courses are structured in the following way and posted on the Honbu activity calendar according to the seasonal needs. The OBC 1-3 courses are structured so that they consist of 2 modules, which can be taken separately or together depending on your degree, where each module constitutes an annual certification.


  • OBC1: Module 1 from 7.kyu – Jujutsu 1 & 2 Module 2 from 6.kyu – Task Fight 1 & 2
  • OBC2: Module 1 from 6.kyu – Kenjutsu 1 & Kotachi 1 Module 2 from 5.kyu – Kenjutsu 2 & Kotachi 2
  • OBC3: Module 1 from 3.kyu – Instructor 1-3, Ki&Med 1, Shiatsu Module 2 from 2.kyu – Jujutsu 3, Task Fight 3
  • OBC4-SB/BB: From 5.kyu; KataFIT S/SE & Stop tests, annual certification
  • OBC5: Module 1 from 5th Kyu – Kenjutsu 3 and Iai-jutsu 1. Module 2 from 5th Kyu – Jo-Jutsu 1
  • OBC6: Module 1 from 5th Kyu – Chinese Martial Arts 1, Ju-jutsu 3, Task Fighting 3. Module 2 from 5th Kyu – ShindenFight Basics


In order to participate in the OBC, it is a prerequisite to have completed and passed the multi-track competence courses according to the Shindenkan Honbu curriculum manual as well as the registered Honbu graduation lists and to have the degree at least 7. Kyu. Dispensation can be applied for from the 8th Kyu. OBC 1-4 year certifications.

Prerequisites per OBC module

  • OBC1 Module 1 – Jujutsu 1 & 2 Both courses have been passed
  • OBC1 Module 2 – Task Fight 1 & 2 Both courses have been passed
  • OBC2 Module 1 – Kenjutsu 1 & Kotachi 1 Both courses have been passed
  • OBC2 Module 2 – Kenjutsu 2 & Kotachi 2 Both courses have been passed
  • OBC3 Module 1 – Instructor 1-3, Ki&Med 1, Shiatsu 1 All 5 courses have been passed
  • OBC3 Module 2 – Jujutsu 3, Task Fight 3 Both courses have been passed
  • OBC4-SB/BB KataFIT S/SE & Stop tests, annual certification From 5th Kyu, green belt
  • OBC5 Module 1 – Kenjutsu 3, Iai-jutsu 1 Both courses passed
  • OBC5 Module 2 – Jo-Jutsu 1 Passed course
  • OBC6 Module 1 – Jujutsu 3, Task Fight 3, Chinese martial arts 1 All courses passed
  • OBC6 Module 2 – ShindenFight Basics. All courses passed


  • OBC designed for Head Instructors, Instructors, and local school members to be lifted up to the national level, directly from the source, Yamana-Itotani Sensei.
  • OBC supports the teaching and training structure for national standardized maintenance.
  • OBC provides the opportunity to "get back on track". The more competence courses you pass, armed and unarmed, the more OBC courses you can participate in.
  • OBC gives access to train in the local Taijutsu OBC school, with 80% participation as a prerequisite for progression and 70% participation for maintenance for 2 years; less gives one year on the bench so as not to drag fellow colleagues down, and minimum requirements for participation ensure joint progression.
  • OBC gives access to the grandmaster! – Kimu Sensei teaches, which now makes the distance between master and student short! And isn't that life-affirming, and the core of developing those who can and want to, as well as ensuring constant development of the system and practitioners.
  • OBC1-4 takes place during the spring meeting in March and OBC5-6 during the summer meeting. The badge you will wear shows what you have gained competence for. OBC ALSO shows the single-track competencies. OBC is evolving year by year and the requirements to achieve the marks are increasing year by year.
  • Concretely, this means that after 2-3 years, the level of competence will be one belt higher! 🙂

OBC stop tests for spring and summer camp

It is very difficult to pass an OBC final exam if you have not attended OBC courses for the degree. After all, you can't pass something you haven't participated in.

OBC – learning and development in Yakami Shinsei-ryu – a multi-track martial arts system

As you can probably read from this overview article, I did not invent either the wheel or the deep plate. But I know who has - and that it is a good idea to listen and learn from those who know and convey the essence of more than 1000 years of martial arts.

So just one good piece of advice from here – join the OBC as soon as you have the opportunity! It's worth all the money and more 🙂

Best Shindenkan greetings, Christian

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