OBC 1 – The opening to the future

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

With 54 registrants for OBC 1.1 and 48 registrants for OBC 1.2, a total of 102 registrants, it must be said that the success of OBC is determined by a 7 inch seam. Last year there were a total of 78 registered for OBC 1, which means that with an increase of 31! percent, the OBC track has gone in exactly the right direction – this despite the fact that Shindenkan has become smaller. It is also clear to feel how messages and the joy of learning are spreading around the local schools. There has been a curiosity and will that has not been seen for many years. But it is now back and it is with pride and joy that Shindenkan can continue the work of training and teaching Chinese and Japanese culture and martial arts/martial arts history with 1000 years of experience.

Kimu Sensei is a teacher on all OBC courses and his joy rubs off to that extent on both participants, as well as the Honbu instructors who are undergoing training. It also helps to make the distance between Kimu Sensei and all the participants significantly smaller. He is a unique martial art grandmaster who, with his always good mood and atmospheric teaching, creates a completely unique and very exciting learning forum where anyone who wants to can join. The training on the OBC courses is across all belt grades and you can clearly see camaraderie and togetherness blossoming in full bloom - Shindenkan is on its way to becoming a solid unit where there is help and support on quite a few fronts.

OBC 1 is about Ju-jutsu 1 and 2 as well as Task Fighting 1 and 2. You might think that then you have to readjust to 4 different subjects but no, it is absolutely not like that because it is all connected and it became very clear on this OBC course. The link between Ju-jutsu and Task Fighting was reviewed and it was super exciting and beautiful to see the aha experience that came over the faces of most of the participants.

Although the temperature outside the Dojo was close to 0 degrees, there was a rise in temperature inside the Dojo. Concentration, focus, a good atmosphere and fantastic learning can make the temperature rise to plus degrees. It was also absolutely fantastic to see how participants with fever and various injuries absolutely did not hold back, they just wanted to join in and they did. At the same time, it also lifts the mood when students who may be a little nervous are shown confidence by Kimu Sensei because they do their best and at the same time solve the challenges they encounter in training technically - this is something we can be proud of in Shindenkan across all belt grades.

With the correct foundation and breathing, you can open even the most stubborn kamae and from there the whole world is open 🙂 It can be considered a bit like a kind of can opener. Once a hole has been made, it doesn't take much before you can get hold of the rest. This is also the case with a correct tsuki, because once it has broken through the defense, everything can be followed up. At the same time, the participants also found out that it was also connected with JJ1 and 2.

In Ju-jutsu 2, we must investigate and develop an understanding of Comfort Zones, Contact Points and a lot of other things that can ultimately break the opponent's balance - The same applies to Task Fighting, because it is the same investigation and development that you have to put in time and it just shows how it all becomes part of the whole in Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do. That is it becomes part of the totality of the schooled approach to Kumite, something that you cannot find on social media, but which can only be found in martial arts schools if you, like Kimu Sensei, have learning from a culturally historically unique martial arts and martial arts system with 1000 years of experience then like Yakami Shinsei-ryu.

There should be no doubt that what we learn in Shindenkan is historical and completely genuine. Real means that it is based on experience from the battlefield where life and death went side by side and where knowing yourself was decisive for whether you survived. That approach to life and to learning is only available in martial arts schools where it is about the development of the person and not about how many stripes are on the belt. That way of training is reality and not play.

At this OBC, TF1 and 2 were taught at the same time as there is no difference, but TF 1 is the most important as it is the foundation for all kumite - if you can do it, then you become a "Mean motherf..." And who wouldn't want to be that – men as well as women. There must be absolutely no doubt that this OBC success train has left the platform at full speed, towards brighter and fantastic times. There should also be absolutely no doubt that this will spread like wildfire through Shindenkan as an organization and it will certainly create an organization that is bound together by the desire and will to learn real martial arts and martial arts.

OBC lifts all participants to the next level step by step, where the desire for and understanding of martial arts becomes stronger and stronger. Of course, this also comes with a responsibility. A responsibility to stick to oneself and a responsibility to stick to what is learned, without jumping over where the fence is lowest so that it can be passed on in the pure version to future members of Shindenkan.

OBC 1 in 2019 showed that with the right and correct technique both physically, mentally and spiritually, you can open all defenses. OBC 1, together with the other OBC courses, has shown that with the enormous success, joy and curiosity that has come in Shindenkan, it has also created an opening to the future which will be an absolutely fantastic journey to take part in - and remember now that there There is enough space for everyone who wants to join.

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