By Steffen Rasmussen, SDKSkyt, Slagelse


POMW 3-1

We started with a shooting with cal. 22 on 25m. approx. 60-90 shots, and we also end the day with that, so you can see whether you are fresh or tired.

Then we go outside and shoot, which must be shot with 9mm first at 6m on an IPSC disc. Then we shoot at 8m, then at 12m and finally at 15m. It becomes more and more difficult each time we increase the distance to the disc.

POMW shooting technique is still very important. Even if but is very tired.

We shoot approx. 300 rounds with 9mm this day.

POMW 3-2

Now we have come outside properly, in what is called the HOLE, where you can shoot from 6m up to 45+m.

Then it is very clear whether we are doing POMW shooting technique, or a self-invented shooting technique. A very small mistake of 6m turns into a VERY big mistake of 45+m.

Some really good corrections are given, and if you correct it, it gives a much better result.

Even I have to agree with them that POMW shooting technique is the best, even if it hurts.

Dry training is still an important part of shooting, no dry training, your shooting is not nearly as good.

We shot approx. 500 rounds with 9mm this day.

We end the day by shooting with cal. 22 on 25m 60 shots. I didn't shoot that well myself. The first 30 shots sat approx. 30 cm higher than the last one with the same aiming point and the same gun, and the next 30 rounds were fired with two different guns due to the first one breaking.

But it is a super good course that I can only recommend to everyone.

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