New YSK Brown and BKK Black Belt graduations, summer 2015

It is hereby confirmed that the below mentioned members of the Shindenkan, on Saturday June 20, 2015, have been appointed and graduated by Yamana-Itotani Sensei after passing all 8 to 10 stop tests in the graduation process lasting approx. 3-4 weeks for TG3 and TG4. The preparation time for stop test 1 is from 6+ months, as everyone is already in good shape through the Yakami Shinsei-ryu training.

  1. Stop test 1 – physical dynamic strength test – KataFIT 10-12S – fitness, whole-body strength, and self-discipline over 6+ months.
  2. Stop test 2 – Physical dynamic fitness test – Fitness test + short physical dynamic strength test KataFIT 5S
  3. Stop test 3 – Bunbi Itchi – Thesis – Independent personal written assignment and future work points
  4. Stop test 4 – Ryugi test – Syllabus theory
  5. Stop test 5 – Ryuha test – Syllabus practical & technical
  6. Stop test 6 – Shiai – free fight without weight, age, gender classes, full contact, floor fight and minimum rules. Biggest weight difference during stop test this year; 118 % higher or 54 % lower than own weight. Reflects and prepares – if reality is unfortunate.
  7. Stop test 7 – SBTLUS – Black belt competition completed satisfactorily over 12 months Humility to the task and holistic results orientation
  8. Stop test 8 – Summer meeting – basic teaching test completed satisfactorily. Role model & instructor when you are totally exhausted.
  9. Stop test 9 – Stamina test – After graduation course of 2-4 weeks, 2 days of intense and demanding black belt competition, team instructor competition – test of your willpower and stamina.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do Densho; SHODEN and 2nd dan and Bujutsu Kodosokukai black belt graduations; Stop test passed; 1-9

Elisabet Anastasia Hisako Bjarkmann, 20 years old

  • Densho; THE SHODEN
  • 2nd dan, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • 3rd dan, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Jikitai Karate-do (Original gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • 4th dan, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai sport karate-do (Gensei-ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)
  • Title; Name + Shishu

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do Densho and Bujutsu Kodosokukai graduations; failed 3 stop tests

Karsten Nielsen, 28 years old

  • Densho;
  • Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Jikitai Karate-do (Original gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai sport karate-do (Gensei-ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)
  • Title; Name

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do 1.dan Sr and Bujutsu Kodosokukai black belt graduations; Stop test passed; 1-9

Matthis Isaksen, 24 years old

  • 1.dan Sr, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • 2nd dan, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Jikitai Karate-do (Original gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • 3rd dan, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai sport karate-do (Gensei-ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)
  • Title; Name + Shisho

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do and Bujutsu Kodosokukai graduations; Stop test passed; 1-9

Bertrand Bourgeat, 44 years old

  • Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Jikitai Karate-do (Original gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai sport karate-do (Gensei-ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)
  • Title; Name

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do 1.kyu degrees and Bujutsu Kodosokukai black belt degrees; Stop test passed; 1-2+4-9

Viktoria H. Bjarkmann, 14 years

  • 1.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • 1st dan, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Jikitai Karate-do (Original gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • 1st dan, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai sport karate-do (Gensei-ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)
  • Title; Name + Shidoin
  • GOLDEN IRIS; Stop test 1 + Stop test 2 = Met highest maximum requirements for both stop tests, as the only one so far in the Shindenkan organization with 1,365 members per February, 2015.
  • All stop tests completed with a broken little toe on May 25, 2015. Parents and doctors said no, but Viktoria said Yes - and completed all tests flawlessly, with double-digit passing grades and no whining.
  • A black belt is worn outside of one's own school if the student works as an instructor in a Shindenkan school, but not in one's own school or at national conventions, courses or activities. Here, YSK degrees apply first.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do 2.kyu degrees and Bujutsu Kodosokukai black belt degrees; Stop test passed; 1+2+4+5+6+7

Adam Dolleris, 21 years

  • 2.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • 1.kyu, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Jikitai Karate-do (Original gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • 1.kyu, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai sport karate-do (Gensei-ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do 3.kyu degrees and Bujutsu Kodosokukai black belt degrees; Stop test passed; 1+2+4+5

Per Vedel, 41 years old

  • 3.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do (the multi-track martial arts system)
  • 2.kyu, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Jikitai Karate-do (Original gl. Original Okinawa Karate-do)
  • 2.kyu, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai sport karate-do (Gensei-ryu legacy from 1965-67 and comparable degree to Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujutsu, Kendo, etc.)

Herewith are the official results for the Shindenkan status test and the graduation stop test - all with very high health scores according to the Scandinavian population per age group;

Graduate in spe



Condiment test + KataFIT 5S

Number of condyles max.

Elisabet Bjarkmann, 20 years1230.05.201560+, very high compared to the Scandinavian population11.06.2014Passed
Karsten Nielsen, 28 years old1205.06.201545, average compared to the Scandinavian population11.06.2014Passed
Matthis Isaksen, 24 years old1217.06.201551, high compared to the Scandinavian population11.06.2014Passed
Bertrand Bourgeat, 44 years old1205.06.201547, high compared to the Scandinavian population17.06.2014Passed
Viktoria Bjarkmann, 14 years1230.05.201560+, very high compared to the Scandinavian population07.06.2014Passed
Adam Dolleris, 21 years1005.06.201555, high compared to the Scandinavian population12.06.2014Passed
Per Vedel, 41 years old1005.06.2015  Passed

The official dump percentage since the process started in September 2014 is: Up to black; 65 % and up to brown; 55 %.

Shindenkan Honbu dojo wishes everyone hearty congratulations on graduations/appointments, which you have rightly earned through great continuous effort.

Competence graduations

  • Kotachi Pack 2; all participants on the floor; all passed. Congratulations.

Explanation to readers:

KataFIT is a holistic health and health training on several levels, which uses the latest research, so the training is as effective, injury-preventing and training, stress-reducing and quality-of-life-promoting, in the shortest possible time. KataFIT is trained without aids and can therefore be performed anywhere and at any time. KataFIT forms a bridge between eastern and western research, but according to the KISS principle, just like with the POMW project; Keep IT Simple & Safe. KataFIT has already produced spectacular results that have been noted internationally.

Practical – what is kataFIT? What can you directly compare with?. Most people are happy with the whole-body oriented "Plank exercise" and 1-2 minutes in it. All of the above grads easily take over 6+ minutes. Which is very good. But when you then add that the Plank is dynamic and requires coordination and movement, at the same time as you have constant whole-body cross muscle tension, then the KataFIT version is usually described as the more difficult dynamic plank form.

Okay, most people say it's very impressive, but there are many others who can also do it with training. Yes, that is absolutely correct. But before this "element", the KataFIT practitioner has already performed two other full-body "elements", such as the "element" before this "Element", where you stand in a normal technically correct plank and take slow arm stretches, each item approx. 11-12 seconds, all with correct and optimal breathing, as the body's energy processes cannot otherwise produce enough energy for you to complete the elements.

KataFIT – which is a kata – i.e. figure exercises that are performed non-stop, as a karate Kata must be performed - there is basically no difference. A KataFIT 5S, which is standard in all Shindenkan schools, lasts approx. 22.5 minutes. A KataFIT 12S last approx. 38.5 minutes.

Since KataFIT is both full-body strength training and cardio training, all KataFIT practitioners will achieve a significant improvement in both parts. The above graduates have a conservative fitness index measured according to traditional recognized tests of over 60+-65+, - although some of the above have had their fitness index measured in the 70s. All without exception reached their maximum heart rate during the kataFIT 10S and 12S. The maximum heart rate is the absolute highest pulse value that your heart can achieve. If your maximum heart rate is 200, this means that your heart has the capacity to beat 200 times a minute when it is under maximum pressure.

All participants did not reach their maximum heart rate during the more traditional stop test 2; Fitness stat measurement, which in this case was Cooper's running test.

Now many may think that "I will never be able to do this!" and it's only for "the big strong muscle boys". But here the answer is that you can do much more than you and others tell you!

The above are completely ordinary Danes who also felt the same as you might be thinking, until they found out that they could do much more than they thought!. In addition, it is far from certain that just because you LOOK strong, that you actually are, since true strength comes from within, and it has been shown that most people in traditional really good shape have not been able to complete a KataFIT 5S , without proper technical and long-term training and instruction.

Traditional really good strength trainers, after a while in frustration have given up on KataFIT about the 8S and gone back to the gym perhaps more traditional training methodologies. The main reason is that KataFIT uses both aerobic and anaerobic training methods, and the higher the KataFIT number, the more you need oxygen and correctly synchronized breathing between movement and breathing, otherwise the body's energy production just doesn't work optimally and therefore even the world's strongest man or woman at a standstill if this is not in place. It is very logical and simple.

KataFIT can be trained by everyone without exception, shape, injuries, without injuries and goals. The KataFIT train takes you on a journey, and even KataFIT 1S, which everyone in Shindenkan starts with, will with 95% certainty contribute positively to your quality of life and your life. You are just welcome.

KataFIT, which belongs to the 5-year Shindenkan SHIELD KISS project, which replaced the POMW project ( ), will publish a website very soon, so that everyone who has the time and inclination can follow along until the project ends in 2019.

New deputy chief instructor appointments per June 20, 2015;

Elisabet Anastasia Hisako Bjarkmann, 20 years, 2nd dan, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate, 3rd dan, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Jikitai Karate-do, 4th dan, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai sport karate-do

Region North Zealand;

  • Vice Chief Instructor (Ryuha); Jokokan Furesø Karate School
  • Vice Chief Instructor (Ryuha); Jokokan Gentofte Karate School

Karsten Nielsen, 28 years old, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Jikitai Karate-do, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai sport karate-do

Region West Zealand;

  • Vice Chief Instructor (Ryuha); Jokokan Korsør Karate School
  • Vice Chief Instructor (Ryuha); Jokokan Slagelse Karate School

Also congratulations to the 111 other Shindenkaners who passed their graduation.

Best regards,

Yamana-Itotani Sensei
Jokokan International and Bujutsu Kodosokukai Sodenke
Kaicho Shindenkan and Kaidenkan

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