Special convention for JokoKidz

By Martin E. Hansen, Member until 2018

Dojo-kun… it runs like a breeze 🙂

Shindenkan is always ahead of the curve when it comes to innovation within the event and development of the students themselves. Over the years, Honbu-dojo has learned that JokoKidz and JokoTeens are often much faster learners than adults, but also that they need constant motivation to maintain the spirit of training. At the same time, it is often seen that JokoKidz and JokoTeens know more of the curriculum than the adults with higher degrees, therefore the new meeting is also an opportunity for JokoKidz and JokoTeens to get one more mark on their belt, and not have to spend half a season from August to x -mas the event without the possibility of graduation. The first special meeting was intended as a pilot project to test the concept (read more about the background in the article "Welcome to season 47; 2014-2015!").

The pilot project was initiated and the framework set by Honbu's Head of Competence and Development and Chief Instructor, Kimu Sensei, and in close collaboration with project manager Søren Renshi and the project group consisting of Martin Renshi and Kjeld Renshi-dai, the new concept took shape during the two months development lasted until the finished product.

On Saturday 4 October, the first special meeting was held for both JokoKidz and JokoTeens at Tjørnelyskolen in Greve. The JokoKidz rally was planned to run from the morning, as the little pods often find it easier to get up early than the JokoTeens, who need their sleep in the Teenage years 🙂

The first JokoKidz arrived at 8.30 to be crossed by and at the start of the event at 09.00 a total of 70 JokoKidz were ready for today's challenges. Event manager Søren Renshi welcomed and at the same time introduced the teachers of the day. A total of 3 instructor teams had to teach the many JokoKidz, where throughout the day the focus was on dojo-kun and of course the curriculum. Right from the start, when JokoKidz lined up to bow, the instructors set "traps" by playing different roles and demonstrating bad dojo-kun, and JokoKidz were good at mocking the sloppy instructors 🙂

The day was to run through three lessons, which subsequently culminated in a graduation session, where JokoKidz could achieve 1 line, if they had otherwise observed dojo-kun throughout the day and did their very best during the graduation 🙂 The first lesson was a purely theoretical lesson, where also the parents was invited along. Here, Søren Renshi took the participants on a journey towards the infinite universe through a power point presentation that explained the purpose of the special convention, why it had become what JokoKidz and their parents could expect and much more. It took about half an hour, during which both JokoKidz and parents listened intently and asked good questions or made appreciative remarks.

Karsten Shisho was responsible for a fun warm-up which got rid of the worst nervousness especially from the new JokoKidz who had not participated in a Shindenkan event before. For them it was a good experience to take part in an event that was only reserved for JokoKidz and not all age groups, which we are otherwise used to from the big events 3 times a year. After this, the JokoKidz were divided into 3 groups, each of which was assigned an instructor team, and immediately the groups started with lesson 2 which was kihon. The purpose of this lesson was also to train dojo-kun, which is not always observed. The instructors had prepared some fun cases where JokoKidz were shown and trained themselves how to behave in a dojo and during training e.g. have to pee, ask questions, get tired and anything else that can disturb the training and the other students. Some JokoKidz already had a good grasp of it, but for others it was a new world of necessary discipline that opened up, but in a positive way.

JokoKidz got a short break before the third and last lesson before the big graduation. This lesson focused on kumite and at the same time dojo-kun, which precisely during kumite has an important safety aspect. So here JokoKidz was trained in how to act in relation to his training partner, the other students and the instructor during the committee. It is important that everyone can move safely in a dojo, and especially during kumite, accidents can happen if dojo-only is not observed, e.g. if you have forgotten to cut your nails, are wearing jewellery, fool around or walk between two others who are having kumite etc. A lot of dojo-kun was trained at the same time as, of course, the focus was still on the technique.

The time was approaching for the highlight for most JokoKidz – graduation! After a break with something to drink and maybe a snack, all JokoKidz went on the floor, where graduation leader Kjeld Renshi-dai together with graduation assistants Shisho's Karsten, Christian and Mathis guided JokoKidz through the graduation in front of the graduation judging panel led by the trio; Jens Hanshi-dai and Renshi's Søren and Martin. It was a good graduation, where it was clear that dojo-kun had been trained - there was calm in the ranks, no one fooling around and a really good atmosphere.

It had clearly been a very good day for JokoKidz, as it ended with a group photo around dinner, and all candidates had passed the graduation and been awarded a maximum of one mark. It will be exciting to see if the many JokoKidz continue the good pace and tone at home in the local schools and at the next big event.

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