By Michael Nørgaard, Shidoin-dai, 3rd kyu Yakami Shinsei-ryu, 2nd kyu Bujutsu Kodosokukai Gensei-ryu Karate-do


Part of the black belt toolbox, TG4
3 modules, of which the last module took place over 2 days.

I was quite excited about what we were going to go through. Although a fairly good description was given in the course invitation. There is always (there usually is) room for a surprise or two!

First, Kimu Sensei gave a thorough description of what the content of POMW was and how the project had come about (see other articles on

We then went on with weapon development and the use of weapons in the warrior's life through the ages, including relationships between combat skills and distance to the opponent when using different types of weapons.

The conclusion was that the closer you are to your opponent, the more important your fighting skills are.
Think about:

 without weaponsHigh combat competence
 with a knife     –
 sword     –
 spear     –
 bow and arrow     –
 pistol     –
 gun     –
 guns Lower combat competence


Consider also the recent debate surrounding unmanned drones that can hit targets controlled with a mouse from the other side of the earth.

– How much combat experience / competence does the "mouse leader" require?

The conclusion must be that length/range and competences (Quality/technique) matter!

And the combination of this, DO – MICHI – The modern way and the original way, must mean that if we can combine the human development, the self-knowledge (Densho degrees) with the technological development, we have achieved some total almost unrivaled competences.

But the overriding factor will always be:

- Where are you in your development - how far are you in self-knowledge (Densho degrees)!

POMW's level (self-knowledge / clarification) can be described as the transition between the "Elite soldier" and the "Elite Samurai" - The level floating between TG3 and Okuden. Will an "Elite soldier" be able to "go back" and start working on himself, start "again" along the "master's path"? After all, he/she is a fantastic warrior - at least in his own eyes. It is not in many cases that this will happen. Whereas the "Elite Samurai" will always be able to work at the "Elite soldier's" level.

Kimu Sensei gave an example for thought:
“If you and your family are faced with a person who threatens you with a gun, but the person drops the gun - are you ready to pick it up ……….. and use it? !!!

Here again, your inner clarification is being tested! Are you ready to pick up the gun? knowing that if you do you may have to use it – perhaps fatally for your opponent! Are you settled?

70 % of us died - we were not settled!!

Started with a short summary of POMW A, after which we went through basic shooting technique based on


And the shooting technique handbook's basic rules: Safety, correct basics and optimal shooting technique.

This is achieved by following the 5 basic steps:

1. Correct double hand position
– right hand 30-40 % press (Power hand)
– left hand 60-70 % press (Control hand)
White knuckles, every time!

2. Correct use of screening agents (every time!)
– aim between 5 and 14 seconds before firing, depending on the distance to the target
– the aim must be clear – the target must be blurred
– both eyes open – aim with the dominant eye (index finger test!)

3. Correct exhaust
– Inhale on the scope and exhale on the exhaust
– Squeeze and press

4. Proper recoil control
– test the overall posture (Heiko-dachi, paper under the heel), correct breathing and setting
Every time!

5. Troubleshooting / evaluation
– lower the gun safely!, after each shot and evaluate your performance

– AND LEARN FROM IT – EVERY TIME! (this is where it gets really difficult 🙂 )

– Never pull the trigger before the target is in sight
– The finger from the trigger as soon as the shot is fired
– Unloading: magazine out, show empty chamber, lower cock
- Weapon direction must always be safe

After this, we set about operating the weapon we were given per group of two.

Working with the basic steps is easy to say, write and read, but just ask if it is difficult to work with ALL THE TIME - YES!

There's probably not much John Wayne about this, but each time I went through the whole exercise I got a little better understanding that it was actually having an effect.

Wait, how good was I! - Yes, until Kimu Sensei came by and immediately saw that my hand position was probably more John Wayne than POMW. A good correction where my hand was physically placed in the correct position and I felt I had a correct grip right up until Kimu Sensei released my hand. I guess this wasn't quite that easy, and I guess I wasn't quite as good as I thought at first.

After a few hours that flew by, with shooting from different distances, and with several DQ's (Disqualified) when safety regulations were violated, we were sent home.

I was tired, but already ready for the next one.

Until next time, we should all practice the 5 basic steps, but without shots (dry practice), for 30 minutes every day.

30 minutes !!!

We met again and everyone was excited and talking about how much practice they had since the last time.
It was slightly different exciting from 12-14 days to 21 days.
The course of the two days combined as one module is, in my eyes, a kind of awakening to shooting correctly.

The 30 minutes of practice every day (almost 🙁 ) had actually done wonders. The thing that had the most importance for me, and which I had and still have the most difficulty with, is the double grip. It is difficult, but not impossible. Every time I think I succeed, it can also be seen in my ability to collect my shots on the goalboard. Not always in the middle of the board, but in a nice overall "plamage"

For me, POMW C can best be described as "Training-training-training" with constant good advice and corrections from Kimu Sensei. Inadequacies from all of us were periodically commented on so that everyone could learn from everyone. A healthy attitude - "The deep plate has already been invented"

We trained in different ways to practice different scenarios.

We shot at one board, at two boards, switching from one to the next with proper body movement.

We shot as we moved down several slices and we practiced with laser guns to clear our trigger (clearly seen by the dot of light that instantly gave us away)

Finally, we all had to go through a course where we had to go through a set course as quickly as possible, but still with correct technique. The course had to be "run" through safely, with as many "spots" as possible and in the best time.

In my first run through it was completely "John Wayne", so I was clearly admonished to think about what I had learned.

The real run went much better, and I had "only" 4 misses. I'm actually quite proud of that 🙂

For me, this POMW course has been incredibly educational, not only in terms of shooting technique, but to an even greater extent in terms of realizing what it is possible to learn with the right techniques, the right attitude and not least how much it means to learn from those who have already learned!

"The deep dish only needs to be invented once"

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