By Rasmus Mortensen, Member until 2015
POMW (Project Old Modern Warrior), is a project that started on Friday, January 27, 2012, with the theoretical part, and ran until Saturday, June 2, 2012. This project, at least for me, has put a lot of thought ongoing around firearms in today's Denmark.

If we start all the way back to Friday, January 27, 2012, it was the theoretical review of firearms. This review proceeded from the invention of gunpowder. But there was also just a compilation of the previous weapons, such as sword and shield, bow and arrow, spear, etc., and the review went all the way to the invention of the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb.

At the same time as this review, a correlation was established between the more advanced the weapon technologies become, the less expertise is needed to use the weapon. There was also talk and discussion about whether one should be clear when using an atomic bomb and whether one should be clear when using a katana.

We came to the conclusion that killing another human being with a katana required a lot more self-awareness than if you just pressed a button to wipe out a city. In addition, Kimu Sensei set up a scenario where we were standing in front of a person who wanted to kill us, but there was a gun at our feet.

Good thing it was only a scenario, because otherwise 2/3 of us would be dead by now. Because what 2/3 of us thought was that if you picked up the gun, it was to kill the person, we didn't think that you picked up the gun to have more options.

Saturday 12 May, We then started with the practical after a bit of theory. It proceeded in the way that shooting targets were set up along a wall, where we were then split up 2 and 2. Something Kimu Sensei was very concerned about was safety, and that we used these CO2 pistols which were the real ones, which was something that didn't help the nervousness very much, and of course the very first shot I fired at the target didn't hit.
But as you got to use the weapon a bit more, I became less and less nervous.
After the shooting on Saturday 12 May, we were given a lesson to practice correct hand grip for three weeks.

Three weeks later we performed much better on average, and the only thing we have done as such is to train the correct hand grip on the gun, and to practice counting in our head the time you have to fire the shot.
When we had become really good at a single goal, it was then that we moved up a level and had to shoot at two goals within a given time. Here, in addition to training to shoot more targets, we also trained our eyes.

The next day, which was the last course day for POMW I, the level was raised further.
We now had to shoot at still stationary targets, but where we were in motion instead, both going forwards and backwards, but also to the sides. At the very end, almost the entire hall we shot in was converted into a large shooting range, reminiscent of an IPSC range, and it was a lot of fun to try.

All in all, this course has made me very clear about myself and I feel that if necessary I can use a firearm in defense.

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