Black belt & graduation article

By Lennart Gabrielsen, Member until 2013

My expectations for this training/meeting were very high, mostly because now we would get many hours of hard training with Kimu Sensei.
I was prepared that there would be many challenges.

After all, I had heard Søren Renshi tell a little about some of the trainings/conventions in which he had participated.

I have to admit that it was very hard, understood in the sense that: you drive straight on and hard and with consequences for your actions.
I came 1 min. too late for start-up, it cost 100 pcs. arm stretches (it's not fun) but as Kimu Sensei said: We, as role models, have to show the correct attitude and dojokun and respect for all our fellow colleagues.
Of course, I will grant him that.
It's extremely educational, albeit the hard way, but maybe not so much fun!

But if you want to be a good leader, you have to do as you are told. We have also heard that a few times.

We were divided into 3 groups, where we had been given some tasks which had to be solved, on time!
It was a super good way to see things from a different angle than "just training", but also to sit down and think and talk things through, as a group. Great with team groups.

We then had to make a presentation based on this task we had been given.
It was a fun and very challenging task and very educational, there was a lot of discussion in the team group, but we quickly agreed on Our case.
And the design of this kata that we turned into kata with weapon techniques.
Really challenging and very different but super cool.

My expectations were fully met, and more.
I feel that there are a lot of "small" details with HUGE importance that you have to include in your training, which are incredibly important. That is you cannot/must not jump over where the fence is lowest.
And the importance of Our base and technician.

I have to admit that I hadn't thought so much about the importance of all the people in the team group, i.e. how they and you act when you have to present a project.
It dawned on me, again "small" details, with BIG meaning.

The best experiences for me were getting an insight into this type of training, seeing and feeling this consistency and presence from all participants and still room for humor, despite nice rashes on the chest.
Challenging and yet the simplicity of the training.

My advice to those who are invited:
LOOK FORWARD TO! , expect the unexpected, REJOICE! , be on time , REJOICE!, be open and on.

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