Summer convention 2012 – foundation, party and colours

According to tradition, each season in Shindenkan ends with a bang of a summer training meeting. And 2012 was no exception. With 200 participants on the floor and the same number of spectators during the day, the plan was for a party like no other. And what a party it was.

In Shindenkan, we develop all the time and the same of course also applies when the number of participants for an event is up to the current level. So for this convention, new measures were introduced regarding enrollment and graduation registration.

It is always exciting if new initiatives work as they should. And it must be said that they did. Enrollment went smoothly and so did the registration of graduates. So with a good start, the party and colors were planned.

Each event in the Shindenkan is not just a training event for the participants. It is also training for all the instructors, who have fixed tasks during each event. Before each event, the instructors have planned the content, based on frameworks and guidelines laid out and developed by Yamana-Itotan Sensei. This time there was a review of Ukemi - Kihon and kumite, all connected by a common thread and messages that make even the most fanatical Lego enthusiast nod in recognition at the observation that regardless of whether houses are to be built from Lego or of the right materials, a solid foundation is needed - otherwise it will collapse.

This can of course also be transferred to other things in life and to a large extent also to martial arts.

All participants were divided into meeting TG groups and distributed among the instructor teams that were distributed on the day. And then it was just training.

The first lesson featured Ukemi – fall technique – take care of yourself.

According to tradition, there is always fall technique at the spring and summer meets, as the temperature here is not always at freezing point, which can help minimize injuries. Fall technique is beyond the limits for everyone the first time they try it. Therefore, a Ju-Jutsu 1 course, with a focus on fall technique, is also held before these camps, so that the participant has gone through the techniques and therefore gets a good experience during the competitions.

Forward, backward, side fall, forward fall and backward fall all different fall techniques that have one thing in common, namely that: You have to crawl before you can walk, and when you can walk, you can learn to run in all directions. That is build a solid and stable foundation before you start putting up walls and putting a roof on the house. If you don't, yes, it can have disastrous consequences.

Lesson continued in that direction with kihon in various forms and levels followed by kumite in lesson 3. There should be no doubt that the participants went through the entire palette of tools from the Shindenkan toolbox and how they can be used to build with.

After the convention itself, there is an event that almost everyone is looking forward to – at least the group of Jokokidz – namely the big graduation.

In total, there were 162 participants throughout the graduation session and almost all passed with flying colors. It should also be mentioned that at this event there was a group for competency graduation in kotachi-jutsu, as well as two brown belts who were also due for graduation and who had been training since Friday at 1 p.m.

For a brown/black belt graduation, you go through various tests and the last test is at the competitions.

It is a stamina test where the graduates show how much will they have - or don't have. Both graduates passed the stamina test and passed their graduation. A huge congratulations must go to Mathis Isaksen from Jokokan Frederiksberg and Jan Vendelbo from Jokokan Ballerup.

When all graduates had been awarded their new degrees, it was time to pay tribute to those who make a difference. In Shindenkan there is room for everyone who wants and can. This means that there is also room for those who for one reason or another may have a physical disability.

If, according to the Labor and Employment Agency's mental table, you have a minus of more than 5 % and still train for life, then in the Shindenkan's eyes you are a role model, and worthy of becoming a Kohaku-jin and are awarded a special mark that must be put on the gi. This year, it was Bjørn Thon from Jokokan Korsør who was nominated and awarded Kohaku-jin in bronze.

Bjørn has suffered for a long time with osteoarthritis in his feet and knees, but still continues his training as much as he can - which is a role model for others.

Finally, a huge congratulations to all who graduated and all Shindenkaners and their families are wished a continued very good summer and we are all looking forward to seeing you again in the new exciting season which starts now in August.

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

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