Spring convention 2012 - with over 200 participants...

It was spring 2012 and despite a lovely sunny day, over 200 participants had found their way to Shindenkan Denmark's spring convention 2012 in Måløv - where the setting was this time also the large new Måløv hall.

Forbundet Shindenkan Denmark anno 2012 consists of 9 schools, divided into 8 member schools and honbu-dojo and we are growing steadily and this also left its mark on this year's spring meeting - because the exact number of participants was over 204 participants, which is a new record in Shindenkan.

The convention was opened with a "Sensei ni Rei", when Kimu Sensei entered the hall and wearing a headset, Kimu Sensei opened the convention with a welcome speech and set the convention in motion according to his carefully planned plan, which as always contains challenges and tests for both participants as instructors.

In Shindenkan's curriculum, we have divided all grades and belt colors into cohesive groups that we call Team Groups, which we abbreviate to TG in everyday speech. In each TG, everyone is in the "same boat" and therefore greatly benefits from training and being taught together.

So after a thorough warm-up, the participants were divided into their respective TG groups and then the first lesson started as usual, Ukemi.

First Ukemi – fall technique – watch yourself!

When we train fall techniques in Shindenkan the message is always simple – take care of yourself – and the method is always the same, do it slowly so you gain full control. This is something that requires routine and repetition following the structure from Jujutsu course 1.
Training fall techniques with such a large number of participants and where mats have to be laid out and taken away again without disturbing the rhythm of the event is a big challenge. So mat laying was this time planned in a new way by Søren Renshi and he succeeded with great success in making the 6 areas and performing 35 minutes of training in fall technique and removing the mats again effectively without disturbing the event.

Second lesson – “Simple is Beautiful”.

The second lesson was training and understanding the connection between kihon, kumite and kata and how we can use this as a tool to develop in and build a solid house with our Shindenkan martial art - Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do.
The message from Kimu Sensei was clear – how do we build a solid Shindenkan house:

  • Kihon is the foundation, the tool, the basic elements and the building blocks of a strong and unlimited house.
  • Kumite is the concrete experience that allows us to build exactly the unlimited house that suits the circumstances at all times.
  • Kata's are optimal working drawings for building different perfect houses that perfectly fit the needs that the circumstances create at any time

These 3 simple messages contain everything needed to create the whole! Train all tools to perfection, build experience in using all tools optimally, follow the best working drawings that have been made. Plain and simple for everyone who can and everyone who wants to.

This was received incredibly well by both participants and instructors.


The graduation session is usually one of the highlights for the participants, because this is where the crowning glory for their training towards the next degree must be put.
This time there were 133 candidates for graduation from 10.1 kyu (white belt with one green line) to brown belt and all but one passed their degree.

When you are up to brown belt in Shindenkan, you go through 5 stop tests and the last stop test, the stamina test, is traditionally performed as the last one in the graduation session at our competitions and here you always need support from both participants and spectators.

I would like to take this opportunity to, once again, congratulate the many who passed their graduation and thank all the 204 participants for a good spring meeting.

Also a big thank you to all the over 200 spectators, friends and families who turn up and help make the atmosphere at Shindenkan's convention a really positive experience for all of us - thank you for that.
Such a large event requires many hands for the work that needs to be done, and I would therefore also like to extend a special thank you also to those who help each time with registering participants, setting up podiums and, not least, running mats that we borrow from DGI combat sports.

I hope to see you at the upcoming summer meeting.

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
