New YSK Brown and BKK Black Belt graduations, Spring Convention 2012

It is hereby confirmed that the below mentioned members of the Shindenkan, on Saturday March 24, 2012, have been appointed and graduated by Yamana-Itotani Sensei after having passed all 5 stop tests in the graduation process lasting approx. 1 week;

  1. Stop test 1 – physical test – fitness, physics and self-discipline over 3-6 months.
  2. Stop test 2 – Ryugi test – theory
  3. Stop test 3 – Ryuha test – practical & technical
  4. Stop test 4 – Shiai – freestyle without weight, age, gender classes and minimum rules.
  5. Stop test 5 – Stamina and will test

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do 3.kyu graduations

Mike Cords, 22 years, 68 kg, Jokokan Slagelse Karate School. Chief instructor Claus Hansen;

  • 3.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do
  • 2.kyu, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Gensei-ryu Karate-do

Results for graduation process stop tests:

  • Shindenkan circle: 6 min. 38 seconds and subsequent Cuba test; 2,610 m (13.0 km/h)
  • Syllabus test 1 hour: Passed
  • Freestyle test ½ hour; Passed
  • Definition & theory test; Passed
  • Rally test: Passed
  • Final graduation; Passed

Marcus Aagaard, 13 years, 52 kg, Jokokan Ballerup Karate School. Chief instructor Jens Iversen;

  • 3.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do
  • 2.kyu, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Gensei-ryu Karate-do

Results for graduation process stop tests:

Shindenkan circle: 9 min. 48 seconds and subsequent Cuba test; 2,510 m (12.5 km/h)

  • Syllabus test 1 hour: Passed
  • Freestyle test ½ hour; Passed
  • Definition and theory tests; Passed
  • Rally test: Passed
  • Final graduation; Passed

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do JODEN – RENSHI – Master graduations

Martin Hansen, 38 years old, Jokokan Korsør and Sorø Karate School. Chief instructor Kimu Bjarkmann;

JODEN, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do

  • 4th dan, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do
  • 5th dan, Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai Karate-do
  • 5th dan, Kodosokukai Gensei-ryu Karate-do
  • SHOGO; Renshi

Results for graduation process 10 stop tests, 3 months:

  • · All passed

Results for graduation process final general physical tests;

  • Bronze circle: 4 min. 25 seconds, subsequent running test; 5 km /23.5 min, and subsequent Bronze circle; 5 minutes 43 seconds.


The official dumping percentage is 50 % since the process started in December 2011

Shindenkan Honbu dojo wishes everyone hearty congratulations on graduations/appointments, which you have rightly earned through great effort.

Also congratulations to the 169 other Shindenkaners who passed their graduation

Sincerely, Shindenkan,
Yamana-Itotani Sensei, Kaicho
Sodenke Sensei

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