Shindenkan Honbu-dojo status and orientation

TLUS – Theme-based Leadership Development Seminars for black belts – the development train continues with individual leadership development stops along the way – look forward to it!

In retrospect – each has happened and been fully developed in the past?
Shindenkan's competence pyramid according to the strategic plan "Fill the ranks in the competence pyramid" has been successful for the Theme Groups; TG1, TG2 and TG3 – from 10.kyu to 1.kyu, in the multi-track system Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do, corresponding to the minimum in single-track martial arts from 10.kyu to 1.dan, Black Belt.

All curriculum and competence courses from 10.kyu to 1.kyu are fully developed, produced and run according to the fine red thread that runs through the entire 1000-year-old system, but which is now adapted to the modern way of life and age according to the motto "Room for everyone – the elite as the exerciser", which applies to all ages and both sexes. Yakami Shinsei-ryu is timeless.

Shindenkan's new strategic plan has entered into force and extends to 2015/2020; "Fill the ranks in the competence pyramid - wider, higher and faster". The targeted and visible strategic plans since 2000 have created remarkable and very significant results, which have brought recognition internally, but also nationally and internationally.

The standardized competences of the individual student, a highly visible development and experience course for both those who come before, after and at the same level, and the dynamic symbiosis between the local anchoring and the level-divided centralized main competences in Shindenkan Honbu-dojo, have created it "broadest, highest and fastest" competence level ever in the Danish and European history of Vores alle since 1967.

All students now go through exactly the same standardized competency process when they progress through each individual TG group, and all must meet a standardized graduation requirement.

But it is still up to each individual student to determine his pace of development, ambition, motivation and most importantly attitude to learn about himself and others through the toolbox; Yakami Shinsei-ryu.

This means that there is "Place for everyone - The elite as the exerciser". If you want to progress, you can pass with a minimum of one 4 number, but depending on your constant effort and attitude, you can also pass with one 7 – 10 or 12 number. It is entirely up to the individual student, and there truly IS room for everyone.

Seen from the driver's seat – what needs to happen and start-up development in the future?
We have always known that we had a "hole in the competence pyramid" in the TG4 group, but also in the TG5 group, i.e. from 1.kyu-1.dan Sr and 2.dan-3.dan Sr. This is addressed by the new strategic plan, as the focus on development on these groups will seriously undergo the same successful standardization formula following a clear continuous red thread from 10.kyu to 3.dan Sr., Yakami Shinsei-ryu, equivalent to a minimum of 10.kyu to 5th dan in single track martial arts.

TG6 and the future TG7 group, corresponding to Densho JODEN to MENKYO Omote, and MENKYO to KAIDEN HIDEN, correspond figuratively respectively. "The bridge from martial arts to martial arts" and the "martial arts road to DO - Michi", will still be heavily invested in, as these TG groups are the prerequisite for Shindenkan and Yakami Shinsei-ryu's future strategic plans and development.

But also most importantly; reduce the significant vulnerability and risk Shindenkan and Yakami Shinsei-ryu have had since 1996 as we only have one fully trained Menkyo Kaiden; "Initiated Master of all the martial arts" - Bujutsu and Budo martial art grandmaster following the same competence requirements throughout more than 1,000 years of history.

Although the Shindenkan has quite uniquely and successfully transformed, standardized and adapted Yakami Shinsei-ryu's more than 1,000-year-old "multi-track system toolbox" to the modern way of life and age, at no time has the competency requirements, which have been the same level requirements throughout history.

As in all Koryo Budo and Bujutsu, only a fully trained koryo martial art grandmaster can ensure this, as only at this level of competence are you fully trained, and such has been the requirement for more than 1,000 years.

All martial arts and martial arts in Shindenkan are based on the multi-track system, which is the entire basis and prerequisite for Shindenkan's existence.

With only one qualified competence resource to secure the common thread, maintaining the Yakami Shinsei-ryu competence level and optimal resource distribution on honbu's activities, without regard to politics, ego, alpha males and females, lesser value and greater value, vested interests and possibly kingdoms, this is a strong limited resource in this voluntary and unpaid work for the benefit of society and all Shindenkan members.

It has taken seven years (2004-2011) to develop, produce, teach and pass on all curriculum and competency courses for TG1, TG2 and TG3 – from 10.kyu to 1.kyu, in the multi-track system, Yakami Shinsei-ryu, to honbu-dojo's KYU instructors.

It will take another 8-12 years to develop, produce and teach all the long-term Tema leadership development seminars (TLUS) for TG4 and TG5 – from 1.dan to 3.dan Sr, in the multi-track system, Yakami Shinsei-ryu, , corresponding minimum from 2.dan to 5.dan in single track martial arts.

It goes without saying that the Yakami Shinsei-ryu black belt TLUS, which is divided into several building and replacement modules, called Theme Seminar Modules (TSM), are far more difficult and complicated to develop, produce and teach.

In addition, it is not possible within a foreseeable number of years to transfer these TLUS to other qualified honbu instructors, as has been possible with the KYU courses. This fact is also very logical, since the honbu instructor must have graduation authorization in what he teaches, otherwise it will not be optimal teaching, but just training.

This is how it has always been in martial arts and this is how the level of competence in Yakami Shinsei-ryu has been maintained for more than 1,000 years.

As you can see from the curriculum handbook, there are a number of different black belt competencies that must be reviewed and fulfilled within the various competency levels in Yakami Shinsei-ryu.

There will typically be one to two TLUS courses in each season or year. Each TLUS will be divided into 2-5 TSM.

Basic TLUS will typically be settled over the same season, but this will not necessarily be the case for TLUS for the next season. This means that a TLUS competence course can be divided into TSM over several years or seasons.

This is because a TLUS provides a real long-term insight into competence, where an officially approved and signed certificate of competence is issued. All TLUS and TSM are grant-eligible leadership development seminars. However, different rules apply, and it is up to each individual local school to familiarize themselves with the rules and administer them.

The KYU cost-price courses were relatively expensive to develop and produce, and it took between 600-900 hours to complete, as the documentation had to be in order now and in the future.

The distribution of work competence resource distribution was typically 80-100 % for Yamana-Itotani Sensei and 0-20 % for the next responsible Honbu instructor.

However, Shindenkan's members have only experienced the teaching in these courses and the face of the responsible honbu instructor, and can therefore usually only relate to this and the individual benefit.

But as always 80-90 % is a success, - a very very thorough research, preparation, and training, training and training again.

The DAN TLUS courses are at an ever-increasing higher level and are also long-term competence courses. It goes without saying that the cost price will also be considerable and many times increasing, and the number of hours of research, development and production will also be many times that.

This means that the distribution of all DAN degree courses in the work competence resource distribution will be 100 % for Yamana-Itotani Sensei and 0 % for the next responsible Honbu instructor.

This puts extra work pressure on an already overloaded competence resource, of which we only have one in Shindenkan. This means that a bottleneck may arise if other voluntary and unpaid resources do not get their work completed or more do not want to contribute voluntarily and unpaid for the benefit of Shindenkan members, others and society.

It is a classic situation for voluntary and unpaid association work at all levels, not only in Denmark, but all over the world.

What could this mean in the progression course for you?
Since TLUS is a course, and there are, as a starting point, finance, competence resources, free time and ØkoHjul up to two TLUS per season, and the curriculum handbook's requirements must be met for progression, it will only be practically possible to complete each TLUS approx. every fourth year. This means that each TLUS runs in cycles every four years.

This also means that Shindenkan Masters have four years to improve their skills for progression in Yakam Shinsei-ryu koryo bujutsu competencies, thus initially TG4 DANgrad's TLUS can be passed on for a far more optimal distribution of resources in the Honbu-dojo instructor corps, just as it is already happened for all the KYU curriculum and competence courses. This is also a Honbu Strategy goal again.

But it also means that Shindenkan students in TG4 must plan and get ready after these TLUS courses with due care if they wish to continue to progress in TG4 and to TG5.

This of course also applies to the TG3 group, as we are of course well aware that with cycles of four years between each TLUS, this also means a backcalculation on the current belt grade for progression over the next four years.

We want our members to seek out themselves and to make this conscious choice for themselves - for the next four years for each TLUS.

But will of course provide them with the service for each TLUS, to inform them of any consequences for their deliberate opt-in or opt-out.

We have a stated goal that all our members – regardless of age and gender, will have a good opportunity to obtain the degree; 2nd dan, SHODEN, Yakami Shinsei-ryu, 3rd dan Sr., Bujutsu Kodosokukai karate-do.

We also have the declared goal that some of our members - regardless of age and gender, will have a good opportunity to achieve the degree: 4.dan, JODEN Hiden Yakami Shinsei-ryu, 5.dan. Bujutsu Kodosokukai karate-do.

  • This is respectively the first level of competence in TG5 and the last level of competence in TG5. In TG5, you must not miss any courses or TLUS, as the age-old densho degrees apply here.

In TG4 the following applies to Yakami Shinsei-ryu graduations;

  • But for TG4, 1kyu, you can choose to make your progression uncertain by missing a KYU course.
  • For TG4, 1.dan and 1.dan Sr., you can choose to make your progression uncertain by missing a DAN TLUS.

IMPORTANT, - which is also written in the syllabus handbook

  1. Shindenkan recommends all members take the KYU courses and DAN TLUS when they are offered
  2. Not all KYU courses are offered every year - some are only offered every other year.
  3. All DAN TLUS are only offered every four years. It is therefore extra important for your progression and leadership development that you register when a TLUS is offered.

Who is invited to DAN TLUS?
As a starting point, all TG4 TLUS are for 1st dan, Yakami Shinsei-ryu, corresponding to the minimum in single track martial arts 2nd dan, Black belt.

Since all TLUS are offered every four years, calculations are made according to the curriculum handbook and the empirical experience in the time between each graduation progression. This basically means that everyone from 3rd kyu, brown belt, Yakami Shinsei-ryu, will be exclusively invited. 4.kyu as a candidate for graduation in the half year in which TLUS takes place will, on the recommendation of their chief instructor, also be invited.

As a starting point, all TG5 TLUS are for 2nd dan, Yakami Shinsei-ryu, corresponding to the minimum in single track martial arts from 3rd-4th dan, Black Belt.

Since all TLUS are offered every four years, calculations are made according to the curriculum handbook and the empirical experience in the time between each graduation progression. This basically means that everyone from 1st kyu, brown belt, Yakami Shinsei-ryu, will be exclusively invited. 2.kyu as a candidate for graduation in the half year in which TLUS takes place will, on the recommendation of their chief instructor, also be invited.

This information article is targeted at TG4 and TG5, but also TG3, and will be followed up by the formal invitation to the 2012 very exciting and leadership-developing TLUS course which begins on Friday 27 January from 17:00-20:00 - so look forward!.

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