Presentation of Shindenkan Denmark at DGI's Sports Conference

On Saturday 5 February 2011, DGI held the national sports committee, the annual sports conference in Vingstedcentret, which is DGI's main centre. As something new, this year DGI Kampidræt had invited selected partners to the conference to hear more about their organizations and their inspiration for DGI Kampidræt's future vision.

In this connection, DGI had contacted Shindenkan Denmark.

The presentation of Shindenkan.

At Shindenkan Denmark, we are proud of what we have and what we can do, and of course we always stand up to give an in-depth presentation of Shindenkan Denmark's organization, our level of competence and not least our multi-track martial arts system.

Shindenkan's vision.

Not least we are proud of the vision that we basically live by in Shindenkan, a vision that was created by Yamana-Itotani Sensei, which is very simple and yet at the same time with deep roots in traditional martial arts and which can be briefly expressed like this: "Imagine if no knowledge was ever lost - good or bad"

Shindenkan means "The genuine and essential Budo teaching with room for everyone" and together with our vision, this is an expression of how we at Shindenkan constantly seek to strengthen, consolidate and expand our level of competence.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu a Multi-track martial art.

The tool is the multi-track martial arts system Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do which means: "He who carries the true and united will in his heart to the original Budo way".

In Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do we think in wholes and we naturally draw on all the knowledge that lies in our 1000-year-old roots, because we know that the wheel and deep plate have already been invented!

Multi-track martial arts as originally trained means training in both unarmed combat, including both close combat and distance combat, as well as armed combat, including both close combat and distance combat. In addition, there is your personal development, which means that you end up being the leader of your own life.

In Shindenkan, martial arts are a tool for understanding life and ultimately understanding life equals understanding yourself; In other words, life is a full circle.

Shindenkan Honbu-dojo Courses.

As shown in the figure above, the courses in Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do consist of 3 main tracks, an unarmed track, an armed track and a personal development track. The first 2 main tracks are subdivided into distance combat and close combat, and below that, courses are divided into steps, such as the unarmed track to 1st dan in Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do:

All the courses in Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do's various tracks have been completed over the last 10 years, then optimized, completed again and then fine-tuned for Shindenkan Denmark and there have been hundreds of Shindenkan Denmark members through each course. Therefore, Shindenkan Honbu-dojo's course packages today are so well tested that they can be offered with great benefit and benefit to others outside of Shindenkan Denmark, such as DGI.

Shindenkan skill level.

We are very proud of our level of competence in Shindenkan Denmark, where we have instructors with very high Densho degrees. But what exactly is a Densho degree?

There is a difference between Densho degrees and Dan degrees.

A Densho degree is an expression of competence in a multi-track martial art system that was trained by the original samurai warriors. In short, this means that competences in several tracks must be passed before a Densho degree can be obtained. In Shindenkan, it takes an average of 12 years to become Densho Shoden, which is the first Densho degree in Koryo Budo and Bujutsu.

A Dan degree is an expression of competence in a specialized modern martial arts system. This means that competences in a track must be passed before a degree can be obtained. According to DKF, it usually takes approx. 12 years to become 3rd – 4th dan in a specialized system.

So what is the difference? The decisive difference is Graduation competence because a Densho degree is an expression of both broad and deep competences and entails graduation power of attorney.

Let me repeat it again - We are very proud of our Densho degrees in Shindenkan Denmark, where we have an Inka with Menkyo Kaiden in all our tracks - this is the decisive factor for our development and progression possibilities.

DGI and Shindenkan Denmark

The presentation of Shindenkan Denmark at the sports conference on 5 February 2011 was received with both recognition and reflection by DGI's national committee. The presentation of Shindenkan Denmark is of course an underlining that DGI now wants the collaboration to be made more concrete.

 The next step in the collaboration between DGI Kampidræt and Shindenkan Denmark will therefore be concrete negotiations on where the ends can meet. DGI has a desire to raise the level of DGI National Organization for Martial Arts and will bring it up to international level and it is for this purpose that DGI wants to use our skills through Shindenkan Honbu-dojo's course organization.

The future will show how DGI and Shindenkan Denmark can cooperate as best as possible and how Shindenkan Denmark's level of competence and course offerings can be offered to DGI.

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
