"The stuff heroes are made of"

It was Thursday 7 October and I was going to a 6 day training camp with Kimu Sensei – a journey in history and a study in faith, perfectionism and the will to excel.

As usual, we met a little earlier and had lunch together. Kimu Sensei was happy as always and when we had sat for a while he became serious and said: "You are getting old and there are a lot of people in Shindenkan who, like me, expect you to become Menkyo this season !”. "You also have expectations of yourself - don't you?".

"Yes, so it's not to put pressure on you, but how do you intend to fulfill all these expectations that are placed on you?".

I didn't answer right away. Instead, I thought to myself, Menkyo, I will only become one when I am good enough, so what is my raison d'être in the super-elite division of the Shindenkan if I cannot live up to the expectations that myself and others have of me.

So, why this introduction... When I had thought about it a bit, it dawned on me that it was really all about my own expectations of myself! Questions like: “What is my vision? What is my mission? What is my goal for myself?”.

I asked Kimu Sensei: "How have you gotten better and better?". Kimu Sensei replied:

"Almost 25 years ago, SST gave me the advice to study other people's techniques and thereby find out the secret that made the techniques work for them. I took them in without changing them and made them my own.

SST called it 'stealing other people's' techniques, this applied to technical as well as mental techniques - I have done that ever since and then surpassed them! – it is the most dignified way to pay tribute and respect my teachers"

I have to take my hat off to that - what fantastic determination...

"Yes, but how do I get better and better myself", I continued. Kimu Sensei replied: "By 'stealing my techniques - all my techniques as well as technical and mental techniques and then you must strive to surpass me!".

Well, do you think I should strive to surpass you? SST? And all the grandmasters before you? Yes, replied Kimu Sensei without blinking and with a loving smile.

I just had to sit down. I have read hundreds of books and have been told for almost 40 years that a true martial artist gives EVERYTHING and at the same time meets people where they are, and gives students the best, the highest knowledge they can understand because they are worth it - You and I should be both humbled and grateful for this.

After just recovering a bit, I further asked Kimu Sensei: "How do I become Menkyo"?

Kimu Sensei replied: "Menkyo is an expression of THE first absolute freedom to make conscious choices - it is important that you understand and value it. Only when you really understand this can you create something – because how can you make 100 % conscious choices if you don't know yourself 100 %?”.

"Why" I asked?

“Why, because we don't know when we're going to leave here - so hver day is a gift. A gift where you are lucky enough to create something good – for yourself and others, a gift where you can learn something, take leadership – be a hero – be as good as you dream of or better!”.

"So, quite honestly - are you now saying that I can be a hero!".

"Yes if you will – Because you are what you decide to be… so why not a hero”.

I just had to think about that. I don't see myself as anything special or as different from other people, actually I just want to be better...  

I could hear it. Better than what? What does it really mean and how can I redeem something I don't know what it is?

The breath of history.

Kimu Sensei told me about the American War of Independence 1776, when the new Native Americans sought to free themselves from the English colonial rule, how they believed in justice and fought against a military superiority - against all odds and consequences.

Kimu Sensei drew a simplistic parallel to President John F. Kennedy, a man who was able to inspire an entire nation, a man who never forgot his roots – where he came from and which in his short life had played him very well. A man who had a vision, believed in his vision and who took leadership for himself and others.

John F. Kennedy managed to be president for approximately 1000 days before he was assassinated. In the 1,000 days as president, he managed to create a myth about a new kind of youthful president who, for the rest of the world, stood as an exponent of the global and progressive American who, among other things, created the Peace Corps.

After this historical review, I could suddenly see how relevant the question that Kimu Sensei had asked me really was, because how can I really fulfill the expectations of me, because I know that becoming a Menkyo requires me to constantly get better and better – not only in techniques, but in my constant striving to be conscious.

Or how can I do anything but disappoint, hm... The truth lies in the choice I make for myself - in reminding and raising awareness of this choice and the constant striving to live up to this choice.

Denmark does not have a patent on the "Janteloven" - the law that you must not think you are better than others, and whether you are anything at all. But Denmark has taken a patent on this, because the law is particularly pronounced here and should express the Danish people's spirit, - although fortunately the last decades have rebelled against this. The Janteloven is also very convenient, as it legitimizes that you do not need to act optimally based on your knowledge and experience - which creates mediocrity, often double work and slow progress. But it doesn't have to be that way! – because all change begins with yourself. A role model creates more role models. More role models create tens of thousands of role models. Tens of thousands of role models can change a nation, which can change a world. World history has shown that - a world history that is being created faster and faster.

Time is short - you don't know when your time is up!

This whole historical perspective created a fantastic framework – A fantastic insight and knowledge from a fantastic grandmaster.

If I have to make a conscious choice, I'd rather be a hero.

Yes, a genuine hero - just like JFK. Wise and Visionary like JFK and others before and after him, the training camp was just like in progress not…

JFK was given 1000 days to change a nation and the world almost 50 years ago – I repeat 1000 days! . Today we are talking about 100 day plans. For me, it has so far been a 3,500+ day plan - it could well be that I should reassess my plan, and see how to reach the goal and fulfill my own and other people's expectations..

Ok – I am grateful and humbled for this day.

Training of Naiphanchi

Kimu Sensei asked me: "Would you like to train Naihanchi?". Yes – I thought.

Since Naiphanchi has always been one of my favorite kata, I of course said yes straight away. As I have told in a previous article, Kimu Sensei has explained to me that the Naihanchi kata is ultimately about killing as quickly and as efficiently as possible - "one stroke - one kill".

We trained Naihanchi in the original form which probably originates from Fukien handed down by Soken Matsomura. Kimu Sensei told me that a well-known karate master had stated that Karate-do begins and ends with Naihanchi, and therefore we had to train it at my level and all its secrets.

Kimu Sensei was absolutely fantastic in his demonstrations and when he performed Haite uchi it sounded like a sword cleaving the air, the subsequent Mawashi empi almost echoed.

Kimu Sensei's gedan barai followed by Kagi-tsuki sounded like a giant metal cylinder being compressed by the gedan barai, then exploding under the pressure of the Kagi-tsiki!!

Orv I thought - I want to be able to do that too and Naihanchi is my Kata, so I want to train a lot on it. However, Kimu Sensei advised me not to rush into imitating the explosive, instead he advised me to remember the sounds and the impressions they had made and then focus on training the cross tension in the kata.

Ok again – I am grateful and humbled for this day, – and very much bruised all over.

What are heroes made of?

What is a hero? A hero is a person who disregards the consideration of his own life and body in order to perform a selfless act for the benefit of others.

It is clearly an action in the present, but not necessarily a conscious action.

Heroes are always surrounded by legends of great exploits, exploits supported by proverbs. Heroes live by a value-based motto, such as: "The truth".

We know that a hero is someone who disregards self-respect and achieves fantastic results regardless of the consequences for himself, but can it also be someone who dares to be himself and stand by himself and his choices regardless of the consequences?

Can one choose to be a real hero and do this as a completely conscious act?

Can a hero also be someone who:

  • Dare to surpass yourself and thus dare to surpass others?
  • Do you meet other people where they are?
  • Are you humble and grateful?
  • Stand firm and not have to justify yourself?

If this is a hero, then I want to be a hero!

Transformation or Change.

"You're on your way" an old trainer (1988-1990) I had always used this expression if I came up with a question or a consideration that was a challenge.

A well-known living artist has said about his own art and creation that it is essential for him to "be on the way to becoming something", because if he already "is something", then it is over!

This consideration suddenly feels more right and leads back to what Kimu Sensei said to me at the beginning: "Menkyo is the first absolute freedom". The freedom where you can be in the present and in development = "You are on your way".

Change is something that must happen within me - if I want to transform into Menkyo - a hero.

For me it means hard work and it is necessary to have daily rituals which help to remind me of the transformation I am in the process of and maintain me in my reprogramming of myself in my transformation into Menkyo – a hero:

  • My efforts must be increased
  • I need to be 100 % targeted.
  • I must use all my stronger will.
  • I must use all my self-discipline.

I have accepted that it is a daily reprogramming that must not be stopped under any circumstances - so "I am on my way".

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
