One more step up the ladder – 2nd kyu.

By Henrik Jørgensen, Member until 2015

It is Saturday evening March 20, 2010, I am sitting and trying to relax. However, it is not quite possible yet, the experiences of the last few days sit like little explosions inside my brain. In addition to quite a few bruises on my arms and legs, as well as a sore back, I also got a couple of big bleeding blisters on my feet that require a loving hand. (I will probably enjoy them in the next while)

Just a few hours ago, I had been pushed to the limit of my mental and physical ability, by having to punch and kick a pillow that was waved in front of me like a (red cloth) for an endless amount of time.

It was the climax of a long series of trials that I had been put through during the last week.

Reach! but I guess I better start at the beginning……

I train on team 1 in the Jokokan Ballerup karate club on Monday and Wednesday, in addition I am an assistant instructor on Team 3 together with Pia Bruun.

In January, Jens kyoshi informed me that he would nominate me for the 2nd Kyu, with graduation for the spring camp. So I had approx. 2 months to get in the right mental and physical shape, and since my basic form is reasonably good, I should mainly focus on the mental and technical training.

When I had been told that the theoretical requirements had been tightened (Ryugi). Jan and Christian, who were up to 3rd Kyu at the winter camp, had to read an extra round in their syllabus.

We were in team group 3 and 4, 10 each. from Jokokan Ballerup who had been nominated for graduation, we quickly agreed to meet every other Friday to get in the right shape, both in terms of ryugi and ryuha. So on the first Friday we were supposed to meet, we get together and present various things. Desires for the curriculum that we would like to train. It was agreed that we would take the entire syllabus from the start, in order to, in that way, find the places where we had misc. Missing/holidays in own syllabus. Then we sat down with our syllabus books and took turns asking each other various questions. Possible and impossible syllabus related questions, that way we also tried to feel the pressure. It ended up being 3 times we met before we had to attend the physical test. It was also agreed that everyone should prepare for the meetings, as we all had to deliver and not just receive.

In addition, I spent between 4 and 6 hours a week on technical curriculum and physical training. Approx. 4 weeks before the test I started running training, as it was very slippery and almost impossible to run due to the lot of snow.

The first stop test is the physical test, which should have taken place in Gladsaxe, at Søren Hansen's work, on Thursday 11-3-2010, but due to vandalism in the training basement it had become impossible for Søren to borrow the premises. So therefore the test had to take place at Nautilus in Ballerup on Sunday 14-3-2010. As there were 12 of us to be tested, we were divided into 4 teams with Bertrand, Søren and myself in team 1. I showed up at Nautilus 30 min. Before the test had to start, so that I could calm down and warm up my body, I also had one team in the lower back that I had to take care of. I completed the 3 circles in 7½ min. Then I got 8 min. To get my heart rate down so I was ready for the next 12 min. On the treadmill, I ran 2.7 km without miscellaneous. problems.

The next time we had to be tested was on Friday 19-3-2010 for the BIG syllabus test, which is actually a 3-stop test that must also be completed and passed. There were 11 of us left out of 17 who showed up in Ny Måløvhal, where we warmed up and prepared in our own way, spirits were high and the atmosphere good, approx. 10 minutes before we had to go in, Kimu Sensei came and told us that now was the time and that it was the most difficult part of the graduation that had to start. But he also said that we had only come to the test because our chief instructors had judged us good enough to complete and pass the test, so we just had to show that they judged correctly. The schedule stated that we should start at 18.00, but at 1815 had still not been called in, unrest began to spread in the group, was it part of the plan that was supposed to stress us or were the black belts just a little late with their test. We were never told that. Around. At 18.20 we were waved into the barefoot hall, where Kimu Sensei, Jens Kyoshi, Søren, Keld and Martin Renshi-dai stood and welcomed us. We were lined up, got a brief info. About what was expected of us for the next 3 hours, just in case we forgot. Then the syllabus test, kata, shiho and tai-sabaki, started in a flash. Focus on clean techniques, deep positions and flow, there was not much time to think, only to act. I hadn't really recovered from my cold and my back, so I was a bit out of breath and started to feel tired relatively early on. It was not good. Fortunately, there was time for a small drink break. Afterwards, the test continued to perform Unsoku 1 and 2 at a calm and very controlled pace with various techniques, then to perform them quickly and correctly. In the end, we were put in front of a partner and then had to be tested in kumite, which was taken to the waffles and not given at the door, so a few bruises quickly resulted. (we were turned on)

After that we had to wait outside for the 2nd part of the test, then be called into kyu groups to be tested in Ryugi for the syllabus. There were 4 of us for 2 kyu syllabus who were lined up and then asked short and precise questions, then it was just a matter of having read the right thing. It was straight on and hard, there was a chance to answer correctly, otherwise the question went to the person next to you.

After this relatively short session, we were all gathered in the dojo, here we then had to put on mouthguards and gloves, ready for part 3 of the Task fighting test. Søren and Keld Renshi-dai demonstrate how we should do it, we started with 50 % then to 80% and finally 100 % still according to the Task fightink principles, distance and straight with light contact. Then came something called level 3, which is full contact, here there were also 50 – 80 and then 100 %, it was a very special experience, because here you really tested your techniques and whether they were really of any use. In the heat of the fight I unfortunately tore up a few blisters on my feet, Kimu sensei looked at my foot and asked me to take a little break while the others fought on. After a short break, I was put into battle with Martin Renshi-dai so I could just get it all in. And at Martin Renshi-dai you got what you delivered.

Like that... 3½ hours had passed. Time flies when you're having fun. We were again sent out into the hallway to await the verdict from Kimu Sensei, my foot was a piece of shit, but there was a nice sensation in my body that I could feel 100 %

We were then called in individually. I was in good spirits, even though I wasn't quite at the top, I was reasonably satisfied with my effort. So was Kimu Sensei, so 4 out of 5 tests passed.

Before I was allowed to go home, I had to wash the worst blood off the floor, so that the hall was ready for the big day tomorrow. When I got home at 22.00 a few feet had to be fixed before it was time to sleep.

On Saturday 20 March, the spring camp started at 8.30 so it was just about trying to get well quickly, the body was a bit stubborn and I needed a really strong cup of coffee before I felt just a bit ready for 6 hours of karate. The first ½ hour was a worse round of whining and whining. Although I had cleaned and bandaged my foot with various Bandage and plaster. Then it was like having a stone in your shoe. But after warming up and some Bunkai, the worst pain went away. In the first part of the lesson, we went through individual Katas and the advantages and disadvantages of various. techniques in bunkai, related to the katas. Here, a number of details were refined so that the techniques had a more realistic effect. A technique does not have to be used only in one way, it can very well have several possible functions (out of the box)

Then there was time for a well-deserved break, while graduation from 10 to 4 kyu was carried out.

After that, all qualified blue and brown belts were called out on the floor, so it was NOW we had to show that we wanted to and meant it. All Kata from Ten-i upwards, to syllabus related Kata were performed in the best style. When everyone had performed their Kata it was time for the final test. I had to enter the pillow match (endurance test) together with the rest of the 2 kyu aspirants 4 pcs. in all, the body was probably a bit used, but the mind and focus were 100 % clear. First hand techniques, then feet and legs, then the whole arsenal. I don't know how long I punched and kicked, but I got to use it all + a little extra, you try to spare yourself a bit, but you also have to have a certain form and strength in the techniques, so the rest of the the reserves. The test was completed satisfactorily and my graduation to 2 Kyu was a reality.

Even though I have tried the whole graduation process a few times before, it is still a huge challenge which probably cannot be completed if you have not decided you want to sacrifice what it costs in terms of energy and resources. So I am quite satisfied with my result, it is possible to move boundaries if there is a will to do so.

And now I sit here with a body that is very sore, a pair of feet that need a proper break and a mind that is ready for the next challenge. It will just take some time before then.

PS I just want to remember to thank everyone who helped get me through, as well as thank you for the good camaraderie that arises during this special preparation for a graduation.

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