Jokokan 2002 – the year that passed.

By Jokokan Federation

Dear Jokokan members,
The year 2002 is coming to an end, and when we look back on 2002 as the Jokokan year, we must state that it has once again been an expansive and upheaval year for Jokokan Denmark, Member of Jokokan Europe.

* The general assembly and representative meeting at Borrevejlecenteret in May was a great success. It was, among other things, here agreed to divide the areas of responsibility into two independent associations: Jokokan Federation for all Jokokan schools as coach; Yakami-ryu Gensei Karate-do, and in the Association, Jokokan Honbu-dojo which handles the total martial art system; Yashin Mon. Yakami no Taijutsu. The general meeting also adopted the revised and updated Jokokan Statutes (12 pages) and Jokokan guidelines (37 pages). These thoroughly and legally elaborated documents form the basis of the democratic Jokokan community, and must inform all members, supporters and friends about what the democratic Jokokan "laws and framework" are, thereby minimizing the risk of emergency "firefighting tasks" now and in the future .

* In October, following a proposal from the Federal Board, that the Representative Council had its role redefined to be the Federal Board's closest advisory and support partners. The representative office was to function as Jokokan's ambassadors, and would continuously per email and during the annual meeting to be informed and consulted about the various developments and measures. All schools were then asked to hold a democratic election for the Federation Board before November 30, 2002. The elected members would then make up the Federation Board for the rest of the implementation of our jointly developed (2000-2001) strategic plan (period 2001-2006). The federal board would then constitute the day-to-day management of the association with the associated power of attorney. The proposal was adopted.

* 2002 has also been a time of upheaval especially for the leading exponents of Jokokan, and this adjustment process has really "pulled teeth" for all of us. It was started in the second half of 2001, and only now – 1½ years later, we can say that the hard adjustment and change process is succeeding. It has not been without "sword strikes and cannon shots", and some have complained about the number of the many informative emails that have been sent out about the process. But these emails have served the purpose of informing, involving and giving members who want to make a difference and contribute to the community, to step onto the stage and leave their mark on the development. Many wanted to express their opinion, but did not want to contribute resources to the implementation of the input. Few have both made their opinion known and at the same time also done what they said they would. After 1½ years of intensive change process (which actually began little by little in the summer of 1996), Jokokan has made a radical change of course from an elitist and exclusive small organization of about 50-60 members, to a community-oriented, progressive, but still exclusive organization of now about 150 members who aim to create whole and happy people, and where there is room for everyone. - And we are getting more and more!.

* During this democratically created change process, we gained the experience that most people wanted to have a lot of influence, but did not want to contribute resources to the work. Therefore, the federation board decided to make the informally adopted rule about A, B and C teams official. In short, the A-team stands for the few members who both make a significant contribution Locally, but also significantly to the total community and thus connected. The B team mainly makes a significant contribution locally, with possible ad hoc tasks in the association. The C team is for those who want to train the unique system Yakami-ryu, and perhaps ad hoc contribute locally. Of course, this division also means that the members who contribute the most also have the most influence on the development. This will be entirely up to the individual member to voluntarily choose their own contributions to the community and at what level this should apply.

* In continuation of the above division into A, B and C teams, this also brought about a more well-defined development of the leading teaching exponents of the Jokokan; The instructors. From early 2003, an appropriate "Jokokan leadership development for schools and instructors" will finally be adopted and defined, so that everyone has the opportunity to "come to the plate" according to effort, motivation and merit, and thereby actively leave their mark on the development of Jokokan .

* The process of change and development led to the establishment of two new Jokokan schools in the second half of 2002. On September 4, the Jokokan Korsør Karate School was opened with great success. After a months-long and targeted marketing campaign, this new school already has 20-25 members, and the goals for next year are not small. Jokokan Ballerup Karate School was established at the end of December, but only has suitable rooms for members around the summer holidays 2003. However, the weekly training time is now being used, and if interested parties want to train with them, they will be welcome. Per December 31, 2002 we are now six Jokokan schools; Greve, Frederiksberg, Ballerup, Slagelse, Skælskør and Korsør. We plan to establish another 1-2 schools in 2003, after which we will take a consolidation break in internal growth, with a strong focus on making each of the 7-8 Jokokan schools successful in 2003 with many members supporting Jokokan's values and visions. It wouldn't be so bad at all if we had 200-250 members at the turn of the year next year. It could be fun if we were 80-100 members for Federation activities, what a "Who's going!" we could shout!. But this is up to you - and your contribution. Only the imagination sets the limit.

* Jokokan's range of activities has been diverse - just look at the calendar overview on our website.. The hump of missing courses is over, so next year only four are scheduled. The website has a function where you can see when you can register for Jokokan's courses. The courses must be passed before graduation so that the curriculum requirements are met. At the same time, you can also read and see the Federal Board, and print out the overview of all of next year's tentative activities. The website also serves as a news site for updates, reports and information relevant to all Jokokan members, supporters and friends. So remember the address You will be sent a new password for the member page at the end of this year.

* Next year will also be a landmark year. We continue the change and strategy plan process. But at the same time, we must also welcome our Supreme Grandmaster, Soke Sensei Tonegawa at the end of June/early July, 2003. We already have 32 binding registrations from experienced and adults. We also expect to establish a JokoKidz team of 15-20 participants, and POSSIBLY expand the adult team from 20 to 25 participants, so that everyone can benefit from Soke Sensei's visit. On the last evening before Soke Sensei departs back to Japan, there will be a farewell dinner followed by a party. Soke Sensei will be 65 years old when he visits Denmark again. As you all know, Soke Sensei has a special connection to Denmark, as in the years 1967-74 he lived and established Gensei-ryu Karate-do in Denmark at the request of Shukumine Sensei - so be careful with casual remarks because he still understands a lot of Danish !:-).

The Federal Board would like to thank everyone for their efforts this year, and wish all members and their families a Merry Christmas and a very happy Jokokan New Year!.

The kindest and most loving Jokokan Greetings,

Jokokan Federal Board

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